On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 04:59:05PM +0800, john carlon villanueva wrote:

> % mkisofs -v -r -T -J -V "OpenBSD-3.7" -A "OpenBSD 3.7, caz Custom
> ISO, 23 May 2005." -b i386/cdrom37.fs -c boot.catalog -o
> OpenBSD-i386-3.7.iso ~caz/OpenBSD/3.7/
> why i cant find the text string in the cd of my OpenBSD 3.7 " OpenBSD
> 3.7, dxy Custom ISO, 23 May 2005." is there anything wrong with my
> mkisofs -A option, thanks

Is that the way you asking people in #openbsd on SubcultNET about your shit?

--> james ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #openbsd
<james> hi
<james> why i cant find the 'text string' in my OpenBSD 3.7 cd
<james> is there anything wrong with this command
<james> mkisofs -v -r -T -J -V "OpenBSD-3.7" -A "OpenBSD 3.7, dxy Custom 
ISO, 23 May 2005." -b i386/cdrom37.fs -c boot.catalog -o OpenBSD-i386-3.
7.iso ~MMP/OpenBSD/3.7/
<james> i cant find this text string  "dxy Custom ISO, 23 May 2005"
--> hacki- ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #openbsd
--- rmrf gives channel operator status to hacki-
<hacki-> moin
<james> is there anything wrong with my mkisofs -A option?
<DeadWork> y0 hacki-
--> marwin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #openbsd
<marwin> y0
<DeadWork> y0 marwin
<james> mkisofs -v -r -T -J -V "OpenBSD-3.7" -A "OpenBSD 3.7, dxy Custom 
ISO, 23 May 2005." -b i386/cdrom37.fs -c boot.catalog -o OpenBSD-i386-3.
7.iso ~MMP/OpenBSD/3.7/
<james> i cant find this text string  "dxy Custom ISO, 23 May 2005"
<james> is there anything wrong with my mkisofs -A option?
<DeadWork> you can post it 1000 times - if there's no answer, there's 
nobody who'd like to answer
<james> then dont bother to answer fucktard ahole
<-- james has quit (Killed (DeadWork (bye)))
--> james5 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #openbsd
<james5> fucking GAY
<-- james5 has quit (Leaving: Leaving)


Marcus Glocker, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.nazgul.ch ------------------------

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