On 22/05/05, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --On 22 May 2005 19:08 +0000, Adam Gleave wrote:
> >> > The MAC addresses are the same (should have though of checking
> >> > that). pppoesvc is not set.
> >>
> >>  Does your provider suggest setting one?
> >
> > Heh, my provider proboably wouldn't know what PPPoE stands for. They
> > give me username and password, but that's it.
> If it's an IPStream-based ISP (like most UK ones), you are really in
> PPPoA land. PPPoE might work depending on your 'phone exchange and
> maybe which concentrator you're connected to (this changes from time to
> time), but it's unsupported and could go away anytime.

Yep, it's IPStream

> >>  Does tcpdump on the fxp1 show anything useful? What about pppoe0?
> >>  (e.g. stuff that is detected as being in the proper session etc)
> >
> > Well, I can't access it easily while it's booting up so no idea.
> You could try setting the debug flag to ifconfig (via hostname.if) to
> debug the connection.
> Or change hostname.pppoe to startup tcpdump in the background, logging
> to a file, with snaplen set to a decent amount, before bringing the
> interface up.

Already did the debug flag, didn't think of using tcpdump like that
though *slaps self*

> or f2s, zen, eclipse, blackcatnetworks (incl. native IPv6), aaisp,
> [...] plenty of options depending on what you're looking for. If you
> want an easy life, a standalone router might be the way forward - if
> you don't want to NAT on the router, you can get a /30 or bigger from
> some of the ISPs I mentioned without paying extra.

I hate easy life. But I'll certainly check those.

Random number generation is far too important to be left to chance!

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