> But the parties you are asking documents from may want to know if you > can accurately depict their message, once you try to take many > documents and compile it into one large document. The problem with > doing that, is a lot of the details can become lost, and some parties > messages may not ever reach those leaders. So if whoever has these > masterplans you want, wants you to prove to them that you can > accurately depict their message, they have every right to ask you to > prove yourself, or tell you to go fly a kite if you can't. So lets > quit babbling uselessly and please now prove how you can accurately > depict any messages and plans you receive by generalizing them into > one document. To use a famous OpenBSD quote, "Shut up and code" (in > this case, code means put your money where your mouth is and prove to > OpenBSD why you're best for this job, or quit asking and leave us > alone).
I know I can properly compile documents because I know how to write. And I also know how to design. I treat any information coming my way as delicate, and my unbiased mind will stick to straight facts. To depict their message, I do believe the best way would be to first try -- and then post the URL to my final result on a mailinglist such as this -- for you all cats to rip up. I do have years of experience with working at teknologiradet.no. The information I'm seeking would be open source anyway, so I don't understand why they'd be so reluctant to give it away. Nor do I understand the behavior to some members of this list. In real life, they wouldn't get very far with their words. Thank you, Jason. -- Fafa Hafiz Krantz Senior Designer @ http://www.home.no/barbershop Furious @ http://www.home.no/barbershop/smart/sharon.pdf -- ___________________________________________________________ Sign-up for Ads Free at Mail.com http://promo.mail.com/adsfreejump.htm