On 2005 May 3, at 12:23 PM, Fafa Hafiz Krantz wrote:

> I came here asking for advice, not having to prove myself by stating
> my knowledge and beliefs.

Sorry, wrong.

At best, you came here asking us to do your homework for you. But...if 
you really had the ears of world leaders, you'd have more than enough 
resources to do your own research. You'd also be professional enough to 
at least take the time to discover that inquiries and behavior like 
you've foisted upon us here at misc@ are unwelcome. *Maybe* your 
question would have been appropriate for advocacy@, but certainly not 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Cross-posting to such a diverse mix of groups as you 
did--including OpenBSD and Debian, for example--is just plain rude.

Since your primary claim is so blatantly false, the next most obvious 
conclusion is that you're a troll.

I'm sorry, but, at this point, if you want to demonstrate otherwise, 
you'll have to do all the research on your own. Then, you can come 
back, present us with all these wonderful final solutions, and ask us 
to critique them.

> Fafa Hafiz Krantz
>   Senior Designer @ http://www.home.no/barbershop

This is a flash-only Web site that lives on a generic hosting provider. 
It advertises for a graphic design agency. Nothing there gives me any 
indication that you're any kind of well-known, respected expert on Free 
software. You may well use it and like it, but that's irrelevant.

Further, Google knows nothing about you:


>   Furious @ http://www.home.no/barbershop/smart/sharon.pdf

This is a highly inflammatory rant against the elected leader of a 
nation written by his harshest political opponent. Whether the charges 
are merited or not, it shows an incredible lack of diplomacy on your 
part. Many world leaders will reject you out of hand for such 

> Sign-up for Ads Free at Mail.com
> http://promo.mail.com/adsfreejump.htm

You send mail from @mail.com but receive it @london.com. It comes by 
way of outblaze.com. None of that gives me the slightest confidence in 
your claims of legitimacy.

Now, will you kindly go away? There's no need to even reply to this 
note--just leave.



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