I think this is a bad idea. Supporting trusty with the latest Mir is presently easy, as demonstrated: https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/mir/revive-trusty/+merge/249789
Using newer language specs I think is contrary to engineering maturity. Because it means we knowingly and needlessly reduce the number of distros Mir can support. And we also make the learning curve for people even steeper (fewer C++ developers know the new language features).
Overall this will lead to reduced adoption by users and reduced participation by developers. We need to be careful and draw the line somewhere... stop upgrading to the latest C++ every time one comes along.
- Daniel On 17/02/15 20:37, Alexandros Frantzis wrote:
Hi all, I think it's to time to consider moving from C++11 to C++14 (at least the C++14 features our compilers support). C++14 offers some useful improvements over C++11, like: * std::make_unique() * standard literal suffixes for std::chrono (e.g. auto delay = 10ms;) * std::shared_timed_mutex (aka RW mutex) * generic lambdas * lambda capture initializers (which, importantly, allow moving values into lambdas) Moving to C++14 means that we will not be able to build Mir on a pristine Ubuntu LTS 14.04 system. Note that, even now, Mir cannot be fully built on the LTS because of changes in the Android interfaces. As things currently stand, I believe that dropping support for 14.04 builds in order to allow C++14 is a worthy trade-off. In addition, not supporting 14.04 builds means that we will be able to use all the new features of other libraries we depend on, e.g. gmock/gtest. It's also worth noting that our packages depend on g++-4.9 (which supports the C++14 features we want). I have published an MP introducing C++14 into our codebase: https://code.launchpad.net/~afrantzis/mir/introduce-c++14/+merge/249988 Let me know what you think. Thanks, Alexandros
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