On 17/02/15 12:37, Alexandros Frantzis wrote:
> Let me know what you think.

There are probably four important constituencies that need to build Mir
and they may well be targeting different platforms.

1. Mir developers - they are clearly targeting vivid
2. Client-side "toolkit" developers - these could be targeting the LTS
(trusty) or the stable release (utopic) as well as vivid
3. Server-side "Shell" developers - the ones we are aware of are
targeting vivid
4. Graphics "platform" developers - there are none, but they would
likely target the LTS (trusty)

So, there are reasons to support development on trusty.

Having said that, as the OP mentions C++14 support is only one of the

We've currently got an MP that reworks a test so that it builds with the
version of gmock available on trusty. If we assume that only /1/ above
needs to build the tests then we wouldn't need that.

IIUC it is also possible to install g++-4.9 on the LTS

So I don't see using C++14 disenfranchising anyone that doesn't already
have issues.

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