Absolutely, if you want stability then stick to 14.04.

However Mir being under development can't afford to have maintenance branches actually being maintained in every Ubuntu release (yet). So Mir is primarily developed on the bleeding edge.

Note this does mean even if we did fix all of the problems you're experiencing, any fixes for Mir will probably never be backported to 14.04.

On 09/10/14 04:12, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On 08/10/14 03:36, Daniel van Vugt wrote:
Also, I just noticed you say "14.04". Mir on 14.04 is effectively
unsupported and now very out of date. As it's under heavy development we
can only fix Mir issues on the development release (14.10).

Yes, I know, which was why I was a bit surprised when you asked me to
test things out.  I think it's Sam Segers who you want to get in touch
with re the CPU issue.

I'm still mulling over whether to upgrade to 14.10 (I quite like my very
solid 14.04 system...), but if I do it'll probably be in advance of
release and so in time to verify if
https://bugs.launchpad.net/xmir/+bug/1295851 is still present there.

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