Triple buffering is relevant to the conversation because it appears to be the only way to make full concurrent use of buffers without a round trip on every swap. So if we want better performance that is directly relevant to the protocol change.

Presently a client swap_buffers is a delay (round trip) as well as a minimum of 2 context switches (probably more due to our generous use of threads) as it sends the old buffer and waits for a new one. We can get that down to a best case of no round-trip and thus zero context switches during swap_buffers. So long as the client already has the next "free" buffer at its disposal without having to wait at all. It's a goal worth aiming for.

I know triple buffering is traditionally laggy but in the context of Mir's design I'm now not sure it applies here. Because the server is always compositing new frames as soon as it has new frames from clients. Even the slightest pause then, and you can be certain that the "ready" sub-queue is emptied and thus it's only one frame lag from client to server, no matter how long the overall ring of buffers is. This would explain why I've struggled to see any visual difference in triple vs double buffering, but I will retest...

On 09/07/14 23:39, Kevin Gunn wrote:
Not sure we're still on topic necessarily wrt changing from id's to fd's
do we need to conflate that with the double/triple buffering topic ?
let's answer this first...

while we're at it :) triple buffering isn't always a win. In the case of
small, frequent renders (as an example "8x8 pixel square follow my
finger") you'll have potentially 2 extra buffers that need their 16ms of
fame on the screen in the queue, 1 at session server, 1 at system
server. Which can look a little laggy. I'm willing to say in the same
breath though, that this may be lunatic fringe. The win for the triple
buffering case is likely more common, which is spikey render times
(14+ms) amongst more normal render times (9-12ms)
+1 on giving empty buffers back to the clients to allow them to have a
"queue" of empty buffers at their disposal (i'm not sure if RAOF is
correct or duflu in that its "synchronously waiting for a round trip
every swap"...can we already have an empty buffer queue on the client
side ?)

On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 4:35 AM, Daniel van Vugt
< <>>

    Forgive me for rambling on but I just had an important realisation...

    Our current desire to get back to double buffering is only because
    the Mir protocol is synchronously waiting for a round trip every
    swap, and somehow I thought that the buffer queue length affected
    time spent in the ready_to_composite state. Now I'm not so sure
    that's true.

    If we changed the protocol to implement parallelism, then in theory,
    keeping triple buffering with a fancy zero-latency swap buffers
    should perform better than the current protocol that has to wait for
    a round trip.

    I cannot remember why I thought the length of the buffer queue
    affected the time from client-rendering to server-compositing.
    Perhaps we really do need to keep triple-buffering always-on so that
    the performance gain of a zero-latency client swap-buffers can be

    In summary, I'm back to thinking any protocol change from
    next_buffer() needs to support parallelism and not be so synchronous.

    - Daniel

    On 09/07/14 16:08, Daniel van Vugt wrote:

        Oops. I keep forgetting that the new BufferQueue disallows the
        compositor to own less than one buffer, so there would no longer
        be any
        benefit to double buffered clients from a more concurrent
        protocol :(

        Maybe Kevin's suggestion is just fine then. So long as the server is
        able to figure out the surface(Id) from the Buffer struct.

        On 09/07/14 15:41, Daniel van Vugt wrote:

            Note that we're working on making double-buffering the
            default again and
            triple the exception. In that case fixing LP: #1253868 may seem
            pointless, but it is surprisingly still relevant. Because a
            parallelized design would significantly speed up double
            buffering too...
            client swap buffers would no longer have to wait for a
            round-trip before
            returning and would instead be almost instant.

            On 09/07/14 10:00, Daniel van Vugt wrote:

                Sounds better to just pass buffers around although I'm
                not keen on any
                change that doesn't make progress on the performance
                bottleneck LP:
                #1253868. The bottleneck is the swapping/exchanging
                approach which
                limits the client to holding only one buffer, so I don't
                think it's a
                good idea for new designs to still have that problem.

                In order to improve parallelism per LP: #1253868 you'd
                really have to
                receive new buffers as soon as they're free, which means
                getting them as
                MirEvents. Then you only need an RPC function to release
                them back to
                the server:

                     rpc release_buffer(Buffer) returns (Void);

                Keep in mind the inter-process communication is the
                bottleneck here. If
                you allow a context switch between the server and client
                then that's
                half to one millisecond (see mirping) per RPC round
                trip. More than
                double that for nested servers and you see the protocol
                delay could be a
                significant factor. So I think any protocol enhancement
                should have
                parallelism designed in.

                I also think we need to be careful about not landing any
                changes to RTM candidate series' 0.4-0.5, so the
                foundation for RTM is
                maximally mature (albeit not yet optimal).

                - Daniel

                On 08/07/14 21:10, Kevin DuBois wrote:

                    Hello mir team,

                    In order to get the next buffer for the client, we
                    currently have:

                    rpc next_buffer(SurfaceId) returns (Buffer);

                    which is problematic for me in working on [1]
                    because this implicitly
                    releases the buffer from the client side, whereas in
                    working on that
                    performance improvement, I have to send a fd back to
                    the server. So I
                    was thinking of adding an rpc method more like:

                    rpc exchange_buffer(Buffer) returns (Buffer);

                    This would be sufficient to pass the fd fence back,
                    and the buffer
                    id in
                    the Buffer protocol message would be sufficient for
                    the server to
                    out which surface has sent back its buffer. (given
                    the global buffer
                    id's we're using)

                    This does not address the problem noted in:
                    but I think that might be better addressed by having
                    an exchange type
                    rpc call (explicit or implicit) and
                    negotiating/increasing how many
                    buffers the client owns somehow else.

                    This seems like something that could have diverse
                    opinions, so I'm
                    hoping to get some input on the protocol change here



                    "[kdub] fencing improvements for clients add the ipc

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