msvc compiler for msvcrt and ucrt debug builds declare debug CRT function when _DEBUG macro is defined. All those functions and macros are defined in crtdbg.h include file. Do same in mingw-w64 headers.
This allows applications to be compiled with gcc's -mcrtdll=msvcrtd and -D_DEBUG switches and to use debug functions. --- mingw-w64-headers/crt/crtdbg.h | 180 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 180 insertions(+) diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/crtdbg.h b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/crtdbg.h index 2fa419e9e89d..4c63d5580a3c 100644 --- a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/crtdbg.h +++ b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/crtdbg.h @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. */ #include <crtdefs.h> +#include <sal.h> #ifndef _INC_CRTDBG #define _INC_CRTDBG @@ -107,6 +108,8 @@ extern "C" { #endif #endif +#ifndef _DEBUG + #ifndef _ASSERT #define _ASSERT(expr) ((void)0) #endif @@ -214,6 +217,183 @@ extern "C" { #define _CrtSetCheckCount(f) ((int)0) #define _CrtGetCheckCount() ((int)0) +#else /* _DEBUG */ + +_CRTIMP long * __cdecl __p__crtAssertBusy(void); +#define _crtAssertBusy (*__p__crtAssertBusy()) + +_CRTIMP _CRT_REPORT_HOOK __cdecl _CrtGetReportHook(void); +_CRTIMP _CRT_REPORT_HOOK __cdecl _CrtSetReportHook(_CRT_REPORT_HOOK _PFnNewHook); +_CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtSetReportHook2(int _Mode, _CRT_REPORT_HOOK _PFnNewHook); +_CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtSetReportHookW2(int _Mode, _CRT_REPORT_HOOKW _PFnNewHook); +_CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtSetReportMode(int _ReportType, int _ReportMode); +_CRTIMP _HFILE __cdecl _CrtSetReportFile(int _ReportType, _HFILE _ReportFile); +_CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtDbgReport(int _ReportType, const char * _Filename, int _Linenumber, const char * _ModuleName, const char * _Format, ...); +_CRTIMP size_t __cdecl _CrtSetDebugFillThreshold(size_t _NewDebugFillThreshold); +_CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtDbgReportW(int _ReportType, const wchar_t * _Filename, int _LineNumber, const wchar_t * _ModuleName, const wchar_t * _Format, ...); + +#define _ASSERT_EXPR(expr, msg) \ + (void) ((!!(expr)) || \ + (1 != _CrtDbgReportW(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, msg)) || \ + (_CrtDbgBreak(), 0)) + +#ifndef _ASSERT +#define _ASSERT(expr) _ASSERT_EXPR((expr), NULL) +#endif + +#ifndef _ASSERTE +#define _ASSERTE(expr) _ASSERT_EXPR((expr), _CRT_WIDE(#expr)) +#endif + +#ifndef _ASSERT_BASE +#define _ASSERT_BASE _ASSERT_EXPR +#endif + +#define _RPT_BASE(args) \ + (void) ((1 != _CrtDbgReport args) || \ + (_CrtDbgBreak(), 0)) + +#define _RPT_BASE_W(args) \ + (void) ((1 != _CrtDbgReportW args) || \ + (_CrtDbgBreak(), 0)) + +#define _RPT0(rptno, msg) \ + _RPT_BASE((rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, "%s", msg)) + +#define _RPTW0(rptno, msg) \ + _RPT_BASE_W((rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, L"%s", msg)) + +#define _RPT1(rptno, msg, arg1) \ + _RPT_BASE((rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, arg1)) + +#define _RPTW1(rptno, msg, arg1) \ + _RPT_BASE_W((rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, arg1)) + +#define _RPT2(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2) \ + _RPT_BASE((rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2)) + +#define _RPTW2(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2) \ + _RPT_BASE_W((rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2)) + +#define _RPT3(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3) \ + _RPT_BASE((rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3)) + +#define _RPTW3(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3) \ + _RPT_BASE_W((rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3)) + +#define _RPT4(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) \ + _RPT_BASE((rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)) + +#define _RPTW4(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) \ + _RPT_BASE_W((rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)) + +#define _RPT5(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) \ + _RPT_BASE((rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)) + +#define _RPTW5(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) \ + _RPT_BASE_W((rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)) + +#define _RPTF0(rptno, msg) \ + _RPT_BASE((rptno, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, "%s", msg)) + +#define _RPTFW0(rptno, msg) \ + _RPT_BASE_W((rptno, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, L"%s", msg)) + +#define _RPTF1(rptno, msg, arg1) \ + _RPT_BASE((rptno, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, msg, arg1)) + +#define _RPTFW1(rptno, msg, arg1) \ + _RPT_BASE_W((rptno, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, msg, arg1)) + +#define _RPTF2(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2) \ + _RPT_BASE((rptno, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2)) + +#define _RPTFW2(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2) \ + _RPT_BASE_W((rptno, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2)) + +#define _RPTF3(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3) \ + _RPT_BASE((rptno, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3)) + +#define _RPTFW3(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3) \ + _RPT_BASE_W((rptno, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3)) + +#define _RPTF4(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) \ + _RPT_BASE((rptno, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)) + +#define _RPTFW4(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) \ + _RPT_BASE_W((rptno, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)) + +#define _RPTF5(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) \ + _RPT_BASE((rptno, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)) + +#define _RPTFW5(rptno, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) \ + _RPT_BASE_W((rptno, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, msg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)) + +#define _CrtDbgBreak() __debugbreak() + +_CRTIMP long * __cdecl __p__crtBreakAlloc(void); +#define _crtBreakAlloc (*__p__crtBreakAlloc()) + +_CRTIMP long __cdecl _CrtSetBreakAlloc(long _BreakAlloc); + +_CRTIMP __checkReturn void * __cdecl _malloc_dbg(size_t _Size, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn void * __cdecl _calloc_dbg(size_t _NumOfElements, size_t _SizeOfElements, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn void * __cdecl _realloc_dbg(void * _Memory, size_t _NewSize, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn void * __cdecl _recalloc_dbg(void * _Memory, size_t _NumOfElements, size_t _SizeOfElements, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn void * __cdecl _expand_dbg(void * _Memory, size_t _NewSize, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP void __cdecl _free_dbg(void * _Memory, int _BlockType); +_CRTIMP size_t __cdecl _msize_dbg(void * _Memory, int _BlockType); +_CRTIMP size_t __cdecl _aligned_msize_dbg(void * _Memory, size_t _Alignment, size_t _Offset); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn void * __cdecl _aligned_malloc_dbg(size_t _Size, size_t _Alignment, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn void * __cdecl _aligned_realloc_dbg(void * _Memory, size_t _Size, size_t _Alignment, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn void * __cdecl _aligned_recalloc_dbg(void * _Memory, size_t _NumOfElements, size_t _SizeOfElements, size_t _Alignment, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn void * __cdecl _aligned_offset_malloc_dbg(size_t _Size, size_t _Alignment, size_t _Offset, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn void * __cdecl _aligned_offset_realloc_dbg(void * _Memory, size_t _Size, size_t _Alignment, size_t _Offset, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn void * __cdecl _aligned_offset_recalloc_dbg(void * _Memory, size_t _NumOfElements, size_t _SizeOfElements, size_t _Alignment, size_t _Offset, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP void __cdecl _aligned_free_dbg(void * _Memory); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn char * __cdecl _strdup_dbg(const char * _Str, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn wchar_t * __cdecl _wcsdup_dbg(const wchar_t * _Str, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn char * __cdecl _tempnam_dbg(const char * _DirName, const char * _FilePrefix, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn wchar_t * __cdecl _wtempnam_dbg(const wchar_t * _DirName, const wchar_t * _FilePrefix, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn char * __cdecl _fullpath_dbg(char * _FullPath, const char * _Path, size_t _SizeInBytes, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn wchar_t * __cdecl _wfullpath_dbg(wchar_t * _FullPath, const wchar_t * _Path, size_t _SizeInWords, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn char * __cdecl _getcwd_dbg(char * _DstBuf, int _SizeInBytes, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn wchar_t * __cdecl _wgetcwd_dbg(wchar_t * _DstBuf, int _SizeInWords, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn char * __cdecl _getdcwd_dbg(int _Drive, char * _DstBuf, int _SizeInBytes, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn wchar_t * __cdecl _wgetdcwd_dbg(int _Drive, wchar_t * _DstBuf, int _SizeInWords, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +__checkReturn char * __cdecl _getdcwd_lk_dbg(int _Drive, char * _DstBuf, int _SizeInBytes, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +__checkReturn wchar_t * __cdecl _wgetdcwd_lk_dbg(int _Drive, wchar_t * _DstBuf, int _SizeInWords, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn errno_t __cdecl _dupenv_s_dbg(char ** _PBuffer, size_t * _PBufferSizeInBytes, const char * _VarName, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn errno_t __cdecl _wdupenv_s_dbg(wchar_t ** _PBuffer, size_t * _PBufferSizeInWords, const wchar_t * _VarName, int _BlockType, const char * _Filename, int _LineNumber); + +#define _malloca_dbg(s, t, f, l) _malloc_dbg(s, t, f, l) +#define _freea_dbg(p, t) _free_dbg(p, t) + +_CRTIMP _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK __cdecl _CrtGetAllocHook(void); +_CRTIMP _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK __cdecl _CrtSetAllocHook(_CRT_ALLOC_HOOK _PfnNewHook); + +_CRTIMP int * __cdecl __p__crtDbgFlag(void); +#define _crtDbgFlag (*__p__crtDbgFlag()) + +_CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtCheckMemory(void); +_CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtSetDbgFlag(int _NewFlag); +_CRTIMP void __cdecl _CrtDoForAllClientObjects(void (__cdecl *_PFn)(void *, void *), void * _Context); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn int __cdecl _CrtIsValidPointer(const void * _Ptr, unsigned int _Bytes, int _ReadWrite); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn int __cdecl _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(const void * _HeapPtr); +_CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtIsMemoryBlock(const void * _Memory, unsigned int _Bytes, long * _RequestNumber, char ** _Filename, int * _LineNumber); +_CRTIMP __checkReturn int __cdecl _CrtReportBlockType(const void * _Memory); +_CRTIMP _CRT_DUMP_CLIENT __cdecl _CrtGetDumpClient(void); +_CRTIMP _CRT_DUMP_CLIENT __cdecl _CrtSetDumpClient(_CRT_DUMP_CLIENT _PFnNewDump); +_CRTIMP _CRT_MANAGED_HEAP_DEPRECATE void __cdecl _CrtMemCheckpoint(_CrtMemState * _State); +_CRTIMP _CRT_MANAGED_HEAP_DEPRECATE int __cdecl _CrtMemDifference(_CrtMemState * _State, const _CrtMemState * _OldState, const _CrtMemState * _NewState); +_CRTIMP void __cdecl _CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince(const _CrtMemState * _State); +_CRTIMP void __cdecl _CrtMemDumpStatistics(const _CrtMemState * _State); +_CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(void); +_CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtSetCheckCount(int _CheckCount); +_CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtGetCheckCount(void); + +#endif /* _DEBUG */ + #ifdef __cplusplus } /* -- 2.20.1 _______________________________________________ Mingw-w64-public mailing list