In Visual Studio when including crtdbg.h file with both _DEBUG and
_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC macros set, all standard memory allocation functions are
redefined and forwarded to their *_dbg siblings. This allows to track
memory allocation in program compiled and linked with debug version of CRT
DLL library.

Add same support also into mingw-w64. This allows to use memory leak
functionality provided by msvcrtd.dll when compiling with gcc's
-mcrtdll=msvcrtd and -D_DEBUG and -D_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC switches.

Note that those redefined functions needs macro guards in other header
files to prevent expadning redefined macros when declaring non-debug
functions. For example when declaring void *__cdecl malloc(size_t _Size);
in malloc.h header file, it needs to be ensured that malloc macro from
crtdbg.h #define malloc(s) _malloc_dbg(s,_NORMAL_BLOCK,__FILE__,__LINE__)
does not expad for standard malloc declaration. Same guard technique via
pragma push_macro, undef and pragma pop_macro is used by Visual Studio.
 mingw-w64-headers/crt/corecrt_wstdlib.h  | 10 +++-
 mingw-w64-headers/crt/crtdbg.h           | 44 ++++++++++++++++
 mingw-w64-headers/crt/direct.h           | 33 ++++++++++++
 mingw-w64-headers/crt/io.h               | 15 ++++++
 mingw-w64-headers/crt/malloc.h           | 67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 mingw-w64-headers/crt/mbstring.h         |  7 +++
 mingw-w64-headers/crt/sec_api/stdlib_s.h | 10 +++-
 mingw-w64-headers/crt/stdio.h            | 21 ++++++++
 mingw-w64-headers/crt/stdlib.h           | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 mingw-w64-headers/crt/string.h           | 28 ++++++++++
 mingw-w64-headers/crt/wchar.h            | 42 +++++++++++++++
 11 files changed, 338 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/corecrt_wstdlib.h 
index 6169c2d40ac5..d525397e0970 100644
--- a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/corecrt_wstdlib.h
+++ b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/corecrt_wstdlib.h
@@ -10,6 +10,15 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_wdupenv_s")
+#undef _wdupenv_s
+  _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wdupenv_s(wchar_t **_Buffer,size_t 
*_BufferSizeInWords,const wchar_t *_VarName);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_wdupenv_s")
   _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _itow_s (int _Val,wchar_t *_DstBuf,size_t 
_SizeInWords,int _Radix);
@@ -24,7 +33,6 @@ extern "C" {
   _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wgetenv_s(size_t *_ReturnSize,wchar_t 
*_DstBuf,size_t _DstSizeInWords,const wchar_t *_VarName);
-  _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wdupenv_s(wchar_t **_Buffer,size_t 
*_BufferSizeInWords,const wchar_t *_VarName);
   _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _i64tow_s(__int64 _Val,wchar_t *_DstBuf,size_t 
_SizeInWords,int _Radix);
   _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ui64tow_s(unsigned __int64 _Val,wchar_t 
*_DstBuf,size_t _SizeInWords,int _Radix);
diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/crtdbg.h b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/crtdbg.h
index 4c63d5580a3c..c498bcfa63f0 100644
--- a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/crtdbg.h
+++ b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/crtdbg.h
@@ -331,6 +331,50 @@ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtDbgReportW(int _ReportType, const 
wchar_t * _Filename, i
 #define _CrtDbgBreak() __debugbreak()
+#define   malloc(s)             _malloc_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, 
+#define   calloc(c, s)          _calloc_dbg(c, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, 
+#define   realloc(p, s)         _realloc_dbg(p, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, 
+#define   _recalloc(p, c, s)    _recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, 
__FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _expand(p, s)         _expand_dbg(p, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, 
+#define   free(p)               _free_dbg(p, _NORMAL_BLOCK)
+#define   _msize(p)             _msize_dbg(p, _NORMAL_BLOCK)
+#define   _aligned_msize(p, a, o)                   _aligned_msize_dbg(p, a, o)
+#define   _aligned_malloc(s, a)                     _aligned_malloc_dbg(s, a, 
__FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _aligned_realloc(p, s, a)                 _aligned_realloc_dbg(p, s, 
a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _aligned_recalloc(p, c, s, a)             _aligned_recalloc_dbg(p, 
c, s, a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _aligned_offset_malloc(s, a, o)           
_aligned_offset_malloc_dbg(s, a, o, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _aligned_offset_realloc(p, s, a, o)       
_aligned_offset_realloc_dbg(p, s, a, o, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _aligned_offset_recalloc(p, c, s, a, o)   
_aligned_offset_recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, a, o, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _aligned_free(p)  _aligned_free_dbg(p)
+#define   _malloca(s)        _malloca_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _freea(p)          _freea_dbg(p, _NORMAL_BLOCK)
+#define   _strdup(s)         _strdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _wcsdup(s)         _wcsdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _mbsdup(s)         _strdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _tempnam(s1, s2)   _tempnam_dbg(s1, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, 
+#define   _wtempnam(s1, s2)  _wtempnam_dbg(s1, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, 
+#define   _fullpath(s1, s2, le)     _fullpath_dbg(s1, s2, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, 
__FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _wfullpath(s1, s2, le)    _wfullpath_dbg(s1, s2, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, 
__FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   _getcwd(s, le)      _getcwd_dbg(s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, 
+#define   _wgetcwd(s, le)     _wgetcwd_dbg(s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, 
+#define   _getdcwd(d, s, le)  _getdcwd_dbg(d, s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, 
+#define   _wgetdcwd(d, s, le) _wgetdcwd_dbg(d, s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, 
+#define   _getdcwd_nolock(d, s, le)     _getdcwd_lk_dbg(d, s, le, 
+#define   _wgetdcwd_nolock(d, s, le)    _wgetdcwd_lk_dbg(d, s, le, 
+#define   _dupenv_s(ps1, size, s2)      _dupenv_s_dbg(ps1, size, s2, 
+#define   _wdupenv_s(ps1, size, s2)     _wdupenv_s_dbg(ps1, size, s2, 
+#define   strdup(s)          _strdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   wcsdup(s)          _wcsdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define   tempnam(s1, s2)    _tempnam_dbg(s1, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, 
+#define   getcwd(s, le)      _getcwd_dbg(s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, 
+#endif  /* _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC */
 _CRTIMP long * __cdecl __p__crtBreakAlloc(void);
 #define _crtBreakAlloc (*__p__crtBreakAlloc())
diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/direct.h b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/direct.h
index e6d95f271025..df53e95f2d72 100644
--- a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/direct.h
+++ b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/direct.h
@@ -25,10 +25,23 @@ extern "C" {
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_getcwd")
+#undef _getcwd
+#pragma push_macro("_getdcwd")
+#undef _getdcwd
+#pragma push_macro("_getdcwd_nolock")
+#undef _getdcwd_nolock
   _CRTIMP char *__cdecl _getcwd(char *_DstBuf,int _SizeInBytes);
   _CRTIMP char *__cdecl _getdcwd(int _Drive,char *_DstBuf,int _SizeInBytes);
 #if __MSVCRT_VERSION__ >= 0x800
   char *__cdecl _getdcwd_nolock(int _Drive,char *_DstBuf,int _SizeInBytes);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_getcwd")
+#pragma pop_macro("_getdcwd")
+#pragma pop_macro("_getdcwd_nolock")
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _chdir(const char *_Path);
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _mkdir(const char *_Path);
@@ -46,10 +59,23 @@ extern "C" {
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_wgetcwd")
+#undef _wgetcwd
+#pragma push_macro("_wgetdcwd")
+#undef _wgetdcwd
+#pragma push_macro("_wgetdcwd_nolock")
+#undef _wgetdcwd_nolock
   _CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _wgetcwd(wchar_t *_DstBuf,int _SizeInWords);
   _CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _wgetdcwd(int _Drive,wchar_t *_DstBuf,int 
 #if __MSVCRT_VERSION__ >= 0x800
   wchar_t *__cdecl _wgetdcwd_nolock(int _Drive,wchar_t *_DstBuf,int 
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_wgetcwd")
+#pragma pop_macro("_wgetdcwd")
+#pragma pop_macro("_wgetdcwd_nolock")
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wchdir(const wchar_t *_Path);
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wmkdir(const wchar_t *_Path);
@@ -60,7 +86,14 @@ extern "C" {
 #define diskfree_t _diskfree_t
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("getcwd")
+#undef getcwd
   char *__cdecl getcwd(char *_DstBuf,int _SizeInBytes) 
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("getcwd")
   int __cdecl chdir(const char *_Path) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
   int __cdecl mkdir(const char *_Path) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
   int __cdecl rmdir(const char *_Path) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/io.h b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/io.h
index 4994191a967d..a6dc2f8a1bb2 100644
--- a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/io.h
+++ b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/io.h
@@ -24,7 +24,15 @@
 extern "C" {
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_getcwd")
+#undef _getcwd
 _CRTIMP char* __cdecl _getcwd (char*, int);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_getcwd")
   typedef unsigned long _fsize_t;
@@ -278,7 +286,14 @@ _CRTIMP char* __cdecl _getcwd (char*, int);
 #ifndef NO_OLDNAMES
 #ifndef _UWIN
   int __cdecl chdir (const char *) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("getcwd")
+#undef getcwd
   char *__cdecl getcwd (char *, int) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("getcwd")
   int __cdecl mkdir (const char *) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
   char *__cdecl mktemp(char *) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
   int __cdecl rmdir (const char*) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/malloc.h b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/malloc.h
index d02f3ee7bf5c..9c498c2918bd 100644
--- a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/malloc.h
+++ b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/malloc.h
@@ -61,6 +61,36 @@ extern "C" {
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("calloc")
+#undef calloc
+#pragma push_macro("free")
+#undef free
+#pragma push_macro("malloc")
+#undef malloc
+#pragma push_macro("realloc")
+#undef realloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_free")
+#undef _aligned_free
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_malloc")
+#undef _aligned_malloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_offset_malloc")
+#undef _aligned_offset_malloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_realloc")
+#undef _aligned_realloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_offset_realloc")
+#undef _aligned_offset_realloc
+#pragma push_macro("_recalloc")
+#undef _recalloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_recalloc")
+#undef _aligned_recalloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_offset_recalloc")
+#undef _aligned_offset_recalloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_msize")
+#undef _aligned_msize
   void *__cdecl calloc(size_t _NumOfElements,size_t _SizeOfElements);
   void __cdecl free(void *_Memory);
   void *__cdecl malloc(size_t _Size);
@@ -78,6 +108,23 @@ extern "C" {
   _CRTIMP void *__cdecl _aligned_offset_recalloc(void *_Memory,size_t 
_Count,size_t _Size,size_t _Alignment,size_t _Offset);
   _CRTIMP size_t __cdecl _aligned_msize(void *_Memory,size_t _Alignment,size_t 
 # endif
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("calloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("free")
+#pragma pop_macro("malloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("realloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_free")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_malloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_offset_malloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_realloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_offset_realloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_recalloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_recalloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_offset_recalloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_msize")
 /* Users should really use MS provided versions */
@@ -98,8 +145,19 @@ void * __mingw_aligned_realloc (void *_Memory, size_t 
_Size, size_t _Offset);
   _CRTIMP unsigned long __cdecl _set_malloc_crt_max_wait(unsigned long 
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_expand")
+#undef _expand
+#pragma push_macro("_msize")
+#undef _msize
   _CRTIMP void *__cdecl _expand(void *_Memory,size_t _NewSize);
   _CRTIMP size_t __cdecl _msize(void *_Memory);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_expand")
+#pragma pop_macro("_msize")
 #ifdef __GNUC__
 #undef _alloca
 #define _alloca(x) __builtin_alloca((x))
@@ -138,11 +196,20 @@ void * __mingw_aligned_realloc (void *_Memory, size_t 
_Size, size_t _Offset);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#undef _malloca
+#define _malloca(size) \
+    _MarkAllocaS(malloc((size) + _ALLOCA_S_MARKER_SIZE), _ALLOCA_S_HEAP_MARKER)
 #undef _malloca
 #define _malloca(size) \
     _MarkAllocaS(_alloca((size) + 
     _MarkAllocaS(malloc((size) + _ALLOCA_S_MARKER_SIZE),_ALLOCA_S_HEAP_MARKER))
 #define _FREEA_INLINE
diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/mbstring.h b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/mbstring.h
index b6e48a883992..e9e43a13a1e1 100644
--- a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/mbstring.h
+++ b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/mbstring.h
@@ -31,7 +31,14 @@ extern "C" {
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_mbsdup")
+#undef _mbsdup
   _CRTIMP unsigned char *__cdecl _mbsdup(const unsigned char *_Str);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_mbsdup")
   _CRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl _mbbtombc(unsigned int _Ch);
   _CRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl _mbbtombc_l(unsigned int _Ch,_locale_t _Locale);
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _mbbtype(unsigned char _Ch,int _CType);
diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/sec_api/stdlib_s.h 
index f7d76fecb165..32f4767e4d49 100644
--- a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/sec_api/stdlib_s.h
+++ b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/sec_api/stdlib_s.h
@@ -12,8 +12,16 @@
 extern "C" {
-  _CRTIMP void * __cdecl bsearch_s(const void *_Key,const void *_Base,rsize_t 
_NumOfElements,rsize_t _SizeOfElements,int (__cdecl * _PtFuncCompare)(void *, 
const void *, const void *), void *_Context);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_dupenv_s")
+#undef _dupenv_s
   _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _dupenv_s(char **_PBuffer,size_t 
*_PBufferSizeInBytes,const char *_VarName);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_dupenv_s")
+  _CRTIMP void * __cdecl bsearch_s(const void *_Key,const void *_Base,rsize_t 
_NumOfElements,rsize_t _SizeOfElements,int (__cdecl * _PtFuncCompare)(void *, 
const void *, const void *), void *_Context);
   _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl getenv_s(size_t *_ReturnSize,char *_DstBuf,rsize_t 
_DstSize,const char *_VarName);
   __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_1(errno_t, getenv_s, size_t *, 
_ReturnSize, char, _Dest, const char *, _VarName)
   _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _itoa_s(int _Value,char *_DstBuf,size_t _Size,int 
diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/stdio.h b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/stdio.h
index d6227f689868..7e0d3d9175f0 100644
--- a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/stdio.h
+++ b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/stdio.h
@@ -540,8 +540,15 @@ int vsnprintf (char *__stream, size_t __n, const char 
*__format, __builtin_va_li
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _fileno(FILE *_File);
 #ifdef _POSIX_
   int __cdecl fileno(FILE *_File) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_tempnam")
+#undef _tempnam
   _CRTIMP char *__cdecl _tempnam(const char *_DirName,const char *_FilePrefix);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_tempnam")
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _flushall(void);
   FILE *__cdecl fopen(const char * __restrict__ _Filename,const char * 
   FILE *fopen64(const char * __restrict__ filename,const char * __restrict__  
@@ -1309,7 +1316,14 @@ int vsnwprintf (wchar_t *__stream, size_t __n, const 
wchar_t *__format, __builti
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_wtempnam")
+#undef _wtempnam
   _CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _wtempnam(const wchar_t *_Directory,const wchar_t 
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_wtempnam")
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _snwscanf(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Src,size_t 
_MaxCount,const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,...);
   _CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _wfdopen(int _FileHandle ,const wchar_t *_Mode);
   _CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _wfopen(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Filename,const 
wchar_t *__restrict__  _Mode) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_SEC_WARN;
@@ -1387,7 +1401,14 @@ int vsnwprintf (wchar_t *__stream, size_t __n, const 
wchar_t *__format, __builti
 #define P_tmpdir _P_tmpdir
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("tempnam")
+#undef tempnam
   char *__cdecl tempnam(const char *_Directory,const char *_FilePrefix) 
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("tempnam")
   int __cdecl fcloseall(void) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
   FILE *__cdecl fdopen(int _FileHandle,const char *_Format) 
   int __cdecl fgetchar(void) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/stdlib.h b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/stdlib.h
index dabeb3cdb61a..d43fa33b7f2c 100644
--- a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/stdlib.h
+++ b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/stdlib.h
@@ -419,6 +419,36 @@ float __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW strtof(const char * 
__restrict__ _Str,char ** __re
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("calloc")
+#undef calloc
+#pragma push_macro("free")
+#undef free
+#pragma push_macro("malloc")
+#undef malloc
+#pragma push_macro("realloc")
+#undef realloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_free")
+#undef _aligned_free
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_malloc")
+#undef _aligned_malloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_offset_malloc")
+#undef _aligned_offset_malloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_realloc")
+#undef _aligned_realloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_offset_realloc")
+#undef _aligned_offset_realloc
+#pragma push_macro("_recalloc")
+#undef _recalloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_recalloc")
+#undef _aligned_recalloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_offset_recalloc")
+#undef _aligned_offset_recalloc
+#pragma push_macro("_aligned_msize")
+#undef _aligned_msize
   void *__cdecl calloc(size_t _NumOfElements,size_t _SizeOfElements);
   void __cdecl free(void *_Memory);
   void *__cdecl malloc(size_t _Size);
@@ -434,6 +464,23 @@ float __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW strtof(const char * 
__restrict__ _Str,char ** __re
   _CRTIMP void *__cdecl _aligned_offset_recalloc(void *_Memory,size_t 
_Count,size_t _Size,size_t _Alignment,size_t _Offset);
   _CRTIMP size_t __cdecl _aligned_msize(void *_Memory,size_t _Alignment,size_t 
 # endif
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("calloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("free")
+#pragma pop_macro("malloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("realloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_free")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_malloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_offset_malloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_realloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_offset_realloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_recalloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_recalloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_offset_recalloc")
+#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_msize")
@@ -497,7 +544,16 @@ float __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW strtof(const char * 
__restrict__ _Str,char ** __re
 #ifndef _POSIX_
 #define _CVTBUFSIZE (309+40)
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_fullpath")
+#undef _fullpath
   _CRTIMP char *__cdecl _fullpath(char *_FullPath,const char *_Path,size_t 
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_fullpath")
   _CRTIMP char *__cdecl _ecvt(double _Val,int _NumOfDigits,int *_PtDec,int 
   _CRTIMP char *__cdecl _fcvt(double _Val,int _NumOfDec,int *_PtDec,int 
   _CRTIMP char *__cdecl _gcvt(double _Val,int _NumOfDigits,char *_DstBuf) 
@@ -559,7 +615,14 @@ unsigned long __cdecl _lrotr(unsigned long,int);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_wfullpath")
+#undef _wfullpath
   _CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _wfullpath(wchar_t *_FullPath,const wchar_t 
*_Path,size_t _SizeInWords);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_wfullpath")
   _CRTIMP void __cdecl _wmakepath(wchar_t *_ResultPath,const wchar_t 
*_Drive,const wchar_t *_Dir,const wchar_t *_Filename,const wchar_t *_Ext);
diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/string.h b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/string.h
index 813cd5bec593..1832e38ed85a 100644
--- a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/string.h
+++ b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/string.h
@@ -64,7 +64,14 @@ extern "C" {
   size_t __cdecl strlen(const char *_Str);
   size_t __cdecl strnlen(const char *_Str,size_t _MaxCount);
   void *__cdecl memmove(void *_Dst,const void *_Src,size_t _Size) 
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_strdup")
+#undef _strdup
   _CRTIMP char *__cdecl _strdup(const char *_Src);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_strdup")
   _CONST_RETURN char *__cdecl strchr(const char *_Str,int _Val);
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _stricmp(const char *_Str1,const char *_Str2);
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _strcmpi(const char *_Str1,const char *_Str2);
@@ -105,7 +112,14 @@ extern "C" {
   _CRTIMP size_t __cdecl _strxfrm_l(char * __restrict__ _Dst,const char * 
__restrict__ _Src,size_t _MaxCount,_locale_t _Locale);
 #ifndef        NO_OLDNAMES
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("strdup")
+#undef strdup
   char *__cdecl strdup(const char *_Src) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("strdup")
   int __cdecl strcmpi(const char *_Str1,const char *_Str2) 
   int __cdecl stricmp(const char *_Str1,const char *_Str2) 
   char *__cdecl strlwr(char *_Str) __MINGW_ATTRIB_DEPRECATED_MSVC2005;
@@ -128,7 +142,14 @@ extern "C" {
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_wcsdup")
+#undef _wcsdup
   _CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _wcsdup(const wchar_t *_Str);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_wcsdup")
   wchar_t *__cdecl wcscat(wchar_t * __restrict__ _Dest,const wchar_t * 
   _CONST_RETURN wchar_t *__cdecl wcschr(const wchar_t *_Str,wchar_t _Ch);
   int __cdecl wcscmp(const wchar_t *_Str1,const wchar_t *_Str2);
@@ -177,7 +198,14 @@ extern "C" {
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wcsnicoll_l(const wchar_t *_Str1,const wchar_t 
*_Str2,size_t _MaxCount,_locale_t _Locale);
 #ifndef        NO_OLDNAMES
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("wcsdup")
+#undef wcsdup
   wchar_t *__cdecl wcsdup(const wchar_t *_Str) 
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("wcsdup")
 #define wcswcs wcsstr
   int __cdecl wcsicmp(const wchar_t *_Str1,const wchar_t *_Str2) 
   int __cdecl wcsnicmp(const wchar_t *_Str1,const wchar_t *_Str2,size_t 
diff --git a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/wchar.h b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/wchar.h
index 29323a6d95c6..34df93ec2470 100644
--- a/mingw-w64-headers/crt/wchar.h
+++ b/mingw-w64-headers/crt/wchar.h
@@ -253,10 +253,23 @@ _CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl __acrt_iob_func(unsigned index);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_wgetcwd")
+#undef _wgetcwd
+#pragma push_macro("_wgetdcwd")
+#undef _wgetdcwd
+#pragma push_macro("_wgetdcwd_nolock")
+#undef _wgetdcwd_nolock
   _CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _wgetcwd(wchar_t *_DstBuf,int _SizeInWords);
   _CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _wgetdcwd(int _Drive,wchar_t *_DstBuf,int 
 #if __MSVCRT_VERSION__ >= 0x800
   wchar_t *__cdecl _wgetdcwd_nolock(int _Drive,wchar_t *_DstBuf,int 
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_wgetcwd")
+#pragma pop_macro("_wgetdcwd")
+#pragma pop_macro("_wgetdcwd_nolock")
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wchdir(const wchar_t *_Path);
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wmkdir(const wchar_t *_Path);
@@ -1117,7 +1130,15 @@ __MINGW_ASM_CALL(__mingw_vsnwprintf);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_wtempnam")
+#undef _wtempnam
   _CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _wtempnam(const wchar_t *_Directory,const wchar_t 
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_wtempnam")
 #ifndef _UCRT
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vscwprintf(const wchar_t * __restrict__ _Format,va_list 
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vscwprintf_l(const wchar_t * __restrict__ 
_Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList);
@@ -1223,7 +1244,14 @@ __MINGW_ASM_CALL(__mingw_vsnwprintf);
 #ifndef _POSIX_
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_wfullpath")
+#undef _wfullpath
   _CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _wfullpath(wchar_t *_FullPath,const wchar_t 
*_Path,size_t _SizeInWords);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_wfullpath")
   _CRTIMP void __cdecl _wmakepath(wchar_t *_ResultPath,const wchar_t 
*_Drive,const wchar_t *_Dir,const wchar_t *_Filename,const wchar_t *_Ext);
@@ -1237,7 +1265,14 @@ __MINGW_ASM_CALL(__mingw_vsnwprintf);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("_wcsdup")
+#undef _wcsdup
   _CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _wcsdup(const wchar_t *_Str);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("_wcsdup")
   wchar_t *__cdecl wcscat(wchar_t * __restrict__ _Dest,const wchar_t * 
   _CONST_RETURN wchar_t *__cdecl wcschr(const wchar_t *_Str,wchar_t _Ch);
   int __cdecl wcscmp(const wchar_t *_Str1,const wchar_t *_Str2);
@@ -1286,7 +1321,14 @@ __MINGW_ASM_CALL(__mingw_vsnwprintf);
   _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wcsnicoll_l(const wchar_t *_Str1,const wchar_t 
*_Str2,size_t _MaxCount,_locale_t _Locale);
 #ifndef        NO_OLDNAMES
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma push_macro("wcsdup")
+#undef wcsdup
   wchar_t *__cdecl wcsdup(const wchar_t *_Str) 
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
+#pragma pop_macro("wcsdup")
 #define wcswcs wcsstr
   int __cdecl wcsicmp(const wchar_t *_Str1,const wchar_t *_Str2) 
   int __cdecl wcsnicmp(const wchar_t *_Str1,const wchar_t *_Str2,size_t 

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