david battaglia:
> Hey guys
> Just got a new laptop and trying to decide what distro to use it either
> want to install fedora or arch I have experience  with both distros more so
> with fedora but seems as though fedora users are dwindling in numbers
> Any insight is great thanks

AFAIK both distros are good.

Between Fedora and Arch, if you haven't run Arch much before then you might
be better off loading Fedora natively and then Arch in a VM to try it out
and get used to it (because it's very different).  Fedora is listed as #5 in
popularity on Distrowatch.com, so from that I'd think that it's global
popularity was still good even if it's local popularity might be dropping.

Arch is a "rolling" distribution that is always on the "bleeding edge"
unless tricks are used to hold certain packages back, which is occasionally
necessary due to bugs.  There is a service doing daily snapshots of updated
packages on Arch, which allows rolling back the installed package set to a
particular date, setting a list of packages to hold back, and then upgrading
everything else.  [I have a friend that had to do this.]

   -- Chris

Chris Knadle
Mid-Hudson Valley Linux Users Group                  http://mhvlug.org

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