Previously there was a problem in i965 where if 16x MSAA is used then
some of the sample positions are exactly on the 0 x or y axis. When
the MSAA copy blit shader interpolates the texture coordinates at
these sample positions it was possible that it would jump to a
neighboring texel due to rounding errors. It is likely that these
positions would be used on 16x MSAA because that is where they are
defined to be in D3D.

To fix that this patch makes it use interpolateAtOffset in the blit
shader whenever 16x MSAA is used and the GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 extension
is available. This forces it to interpolate the texture coordinates at
the pixel center to avoid these problematic positions.

This fixes ext_framebuffer_multisample-unaligned-blit and
ext_framebuffer_multisample-clip-and-scissor-blit with 16x MSAA on

v2: Use interpolateAtOffset instead of interpolateAtSample
v3: Always try to enable GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 in the shader
    [Ian Romanick]
 src/mesa/drivers/common/meta_blit.c | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/common/meta_blit.c 
index 496ce45..4a2444a 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/common/meta_blit.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/common/meta_blit.c
@@ -357,10 +357,16 @@ setup_glsl_msaa_blit_shader(struct gl_context *ctx,
       char *sample_index;
+      const char *tex_coords = "texCoords";
       if (dst_is_msaa) {
          sample_index = "gl_SampleID";
          name = "depth MSAA copy";
+         if (ctx->Extensions.ARB_gpu_shader5 && samples >= 16) {
+            /* See comment below for the color copy */
+            tex_coords = "interpolateAtOffset(texCoords, vec2(0.0))";
+         }
       } else {
          /* From the GL 4.3 spec:
@@ -392,17 +398,19 @@ setup_glsl_msaa_blit_shader(struct gl_context *ctx,
                                   "#version 130\n"
                                   "#extension GL_ARB_texture_multisample : 
                                   "#extension GL_ARB_sample_shading : enable\n"
+                                  "#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable\n"
                                   "uniform sampler2DMS%s texSampler;\n"
                                   "in %s texCoords;\n"
                                   "out vec4 out_color;\n"
                                   "void main()\n"
-                                  "   gl_FragDepth = texelFetch(texSampler, 
i%s(texCoords), %s).r;\n"
+                                  "   gl_FragDepth = texelFetch(texSampler, 
i%s(%s), %s).r;\n"
+                                  tex_coords,
    } else {
       /* You can create 2D_MULTISAMPLE textures with 0 sample count (meaning 1
@@ -415,7 +423,33 @@ setup_glsl_msaa_blit_shader(struct gl_context *ctx,
                              dst_is_msaa ? "copy" : "resolve");
       if (dst_is_msaa) {
-         sample_resolve = ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "   out_color = 
texelFetch(texSampler, i%s(texCoords), gl_SampleID);", texcoord_type);
+         const char *tex_coords;
+         if (ctx->Extensions.ARB_gpu_shader5 && samples >= 16) {
+            /* If interpolateAtOffset is available then it will be used to
+             * force the interpolation to the center. This is required at
+             * least on Intel hardware because it is possible to have a sample
+             * position on the 0 x or y axis which means it will lie exactly
+             * on the pixel boundary. If we let the hardware interpolate the
+             * coordinates at one of these positions then it is possible for
+             * it to jump to a neighboring texel when converting to ints due
+             * to rounding errors. This is only done for >= 16x MSAA because
+             * it probably has some overhead. It is more likely that some
+             * hardware will use one of these problematic positions at 16x
+             * MSAA because in that case in D3D they are defined to be at
+             * these positions.
+             */
+            tex_coords = "interpolateAtOffset(texCoords, vec2(0.0))";
+         } else {
+            tex_coords = "texCoords";
+         }
+         sample_resolve =
+            ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx,
+                            "   out_color = texelFetch(texSampler, "
+                            "i%s(%s), gl_SampleID);",
+                            texcoord_type, tex_coords);
          merge_function = "";
       } else {
          int i;
@@ -486,6 +520,7 @@ setup_glsl_msaa_blit_shader(struct gl_context *ctx,
                                   "#version 130\n"
                                   "#extension GL_ARB_texture_multisample : 
                                   "#extension GL_ARB_sample_shading : enable\n"
+                                  "#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable\n"
                                   "#define gvec4 %svec4\n"
                                   "uniform %ssampler2DMS%s texSampler;\n"
                                   "in %s texCoords;\n"

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