On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 03:35:54PM +0200, Iago Toral Quiroga wrote:
> ---
>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_nir.cpp | 148 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 148 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_nir.cpp 
> b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_nir.cpp
> index f47b029..450441d 100644
> --- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_nir.cpp
> +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_nir.cpp
> @@ -23,8 +23,13 @@
>  #include "brw_nir.h"
>  #include "brw_vec4.h"
> +#include "brw_vec4_builder.h"
> +#include "brw_vec4_surface_builder.h"
>  #include "glsl/ir_uniform.h"
> +using namespace brw;
> +using namespace brw::surface_access;
> +
>  namespace brw {
>  void
> @@ -556,6 +561,149 @@ vec4_visitor::nir_emit_intrinsic(nir_intrinsic_instr 
> *instr)
>        break;
>     }
> +   case nir_intrinsic_store_ssbo_indirect:
> +      has_indirect = true;
> +      /* fallthrough */
> +   case nir_intrinsic_store_ssbo: {
> +      assert(devinfo->gen >= 7);
> +
> +      /* Block index */
> +      src_reg surf_index;
> +      nir_const_value *const_uniform_block =
> +         nir_src_as_const_value(instr->src[1]);
> +      if (const_uniform_block) {
> +         unsigned index = prog_data->base.binding_table.ubo_start +
> +                          const_uniform_block->u[0];
> +         surf_index = src_reg(index);
> +         brw_mark_surface_used(&prog_data->base, index);
> +      } else {
> +         surf_index = src_reg(this, glsl_type::uint_type);
> +         emit(ADD(dst_reg(surf_index), get_nir_src(instr->src[1], 1),
> +                  src_reg(prog_data->base.binding_table.ubo_start)));
> +         surf_index = emit_uniformize(surf_index);
> +
> +         brw_mark_surface_used(&prog_data->base,
> +                               prog_data->base.binding_table.ubo_start +
> +                               shader_prog->NumUniformBlocks - 1);
> +      }
> +
> +      /* Offset */
> +      src_reg offset_reg = src_reg(this, glsl_type::uint_type);
> +      unsigned const_offset_bytes = 0;
> +      if (has_indirect) {
> +         emit(MOV(dst_reg(offset_reg), get_nir_src(instr->src[2], 1)));
> +      } else {
> +         const_offset_bytes = instr->const_index[0];
> +         emit(MOV(dst_reg(offset_reg), src_reg(const_offset_bytes)));
> +      }
> +
> +      /* Value */
> +      src_reg val_reg = get_nir_src(instr->src[0], 4);
> +
> +      /* Writemask */
> +      unsigned write_mask = instr->const_index[1];
> +
> +      /* IvyBridge does not have a native SIMD4x2 untyped write message so 
> untyped
> +       * writes will use SIMD8 mode. In order to hide this and keep symmetry 
> across
> +       * typed and untyped messages and across hardware platforms, the
> +       * current implementation of the untyped messages will transparently 
> convert
> +       * the SIMD4x2 payload into an equivalent SIMD8 payload by transposing 
> it
> +       * and enabling only channel X on the SEND instruction.
> +       *
> +       * The above, works well for full vector writes, but not for partial 
> writes
> +       * where we want to write some channels and not others, like when we 
> have
> +       * code such as v.xyw = vec3(1,2,4). Because the untyped write 
> messages are
> +       * quite restrictive with regards to the channel enables we can 
> configure in
> +       * the message descriptor (not all combinations are allowed) we cannot 
> simply
> +       * implement these scenarios with a single message while keeping the
> +       * aforementioned symmetry in the implementation. For now we de 
> decided that
> +       * it is better to keep the symmetry to reduce complexity, so in 
> situations
> +       * such as the one described we end up emitting two untyped write 
> messages
> +       * (one for xy and another for w).
> +       *
> +       * The code below packs consecutive channels into a single write 
> message,
> +       * detects gaps in the vector write and if needed, sends a second 
> message
> +       * with the remaining channels. If in the future we decide that we 
> want to
> +       * emit a single message at the expense of losing the symmetry in the
> +       * implementation we can:
> +       *
> +       * 1) For IvyBridge: Only use the red channel of the untyped write 
> +       *    message payload. In this mode we can write up to 8 offsets and 
> dwords
> +       *    to the red channel only (for the two vec4s in the SIMD4x2 
> execution)
> +       *    and select which of the 8 channels carry data to write by 
> setting the
> +       *    appropriate writemask in the dst register of the SEND 
> instruction.
> +       *    It would require to write a new generator opcode specifically for
> +       *    IvyBridge since we would need to prepare a SIMD8 payload that 
> could
> +       *    use any channel, not just X.
> +       *
> +       * 2) For Haswell+: Simply send a single write message but set the 
> writemask
> +       *    on the dst of the SEND instruction to select the channels we 
> want to
> +       *    write. It would require to modify the current messages to receive
> +       *    and honor the writemask provided.
> +       */
> +      const vec4_builder bld = vec4_builder(this).at_end()
> +                               .annotate(current_annotation, base_ir);
> +
> +      int swizzle[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0};
> +      int num_channels = 0;
> +      unsigned skipped_channels = 0;
> +      int num_components = instr->num_components;
> +      for (int i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
> +         /* Check if this channel needs to be written. If so, record the
> +          * channel we need to take the data from in the swizzle array
> +          */
> +         int component_mask = 1 << i;
> +         int write_test = write_mask & component_mask;
> +         if (write_test)
> +            swizzle[num_channels++] = i;
> +
> +         /* If we don't have to write this channel it means we have a gap in 
> the
> +          * vector, so write the channels we accumulated until now, if any. 
> Do
> +          * the same if this was the last component in the vector.
> +          */
> +         if (!write_test || i == num_components - 1) {
> +            if (num_channels > 0) {
> +               /* We have channels to write, so update the offset we need to
> +                * write at to skip the channels we skipped, if any.
> +                */
> +               if (skipped_channels > 0) {
> +                  if (!has_indirect) {
> +                     const_offset_bytes += 4 * skipped_channels;
> +                     offset_reg = src_reg(const_offset_bytes);
> +                  } else {
> +                     emit(ADD(dst_reg(offset_reg), offset_reg,
> +                              brw_imm_ud(4 * skipped_channels)));
> +                  }
> +               }
> +
> +               /* Swizzle the data register so we take the data from the 
> channels
> +                * we need to write and send the write message. This will 
> write
> +                * num_channels consecutive dwords starting at offset.
> +                */
> +               val_reg.swizzle =
> +                  BRW_SWIZZLE4(swizzle[0], swizzle[1], swizzle[2], 
> swizzle[3]);
> +               emit_untyped_write(bld, surf_index, offset_reg, val_reg,
> +                                  1 /* dims */, num_channels /* size */,
> +                                  BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);
> +
> +               /* If we have to do a second write we will have to update the
> +                * offset so that we jump over the channels we have just 
> written
> +                * now.
> +                */
> +               skipped_channels = num_channels;

Shouldn't this be

    skipped_channels += num_channels;

to handle write mask reg.yw?

> +               /* Restart the count for the next write message */
> +               num_channels = 0;
> +            }
> +
> +            /* We did not write the current channel, so increase skipped 
> count */
> +            skipped_channels++;
> +         }
> +      }
> +
> +      break;
> +   }
> +
>     case nir_intrinsic_load_vertex_id:
>        unreachable("should be lowered by lower_vertex_id()");
> -- 
> 1.9.1
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