On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 12:24:00PM +0300, Abdiel Janulgue wrote:
> Here's a more comprehensive shader-db run:
> total instructions in shared programs: 6394485 -> 6374865 (-0.31%)
> instructions in affected programs:     261322 -> 241702 (-7.51%)
> helped:                                3210
> HURT:                                  0
> GAINED:                                5
> LOST:                                  2
> - Abdiel

Thanks. The interesting thing to me isn't so much that you reduced instruction
count but hopefully that you reduced a whole bunch of pull loads. I suspect
there should be benchmarks out there which have a greater benefit than this
(which was why I asked), but I don't know what off the top of my head.

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