On 07.08.2015 00:17, Christian König wrote:
>> can we disable HDP flushes and other flushes for USWC

What other flushes are you thinking of? If you mean the mb() in the
kernel which flushes the write-combining buffers, that's also needed for
the register writes regardless of write-combining.

>> when we don't use write combining and CPU writes to VRAM?
> Nope, write combining happens in the CPU before the write request is
> send over the PCIe bus.
> The HDP is a (rather small) read/write cache in GPUs memory controller
> as far as I know.

Yes, that's my understanding as well.

In theory it might be possible to track if there have been any CPU
writes to VRAM since the last HDP flush, but it might be a lot of effort
for uncertain gain.

Earthling Michel Dänzer               |               http://www.amd.com
Libre software enthusiast             |             Mesa and X developer
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