On 07/01/2015 01:46 AM, Jason Ekstrand wrote:
> Ok, I think I've looked through more-or-less the whole thing.  The
> only thing I haven't looked at is the texturing stuff but I think I'd
> like (and Ken agrees) to just refactor the old code to split the guts
> into something re-usable and make a much shorter NIR function.
> Most of it really looks pretty good but I've left a trail of comments.
> I'm not sure that I really want a full re-send once the changes are
> made.  If it makes sense, it may be better to do the fixes as a few
> patches on top of the series.  If that doesn't make sense, just do a
> re-send; it'll be fine.
> --Jason

About this, considering that we have to refactor the texture function
and also rethink/rework intrinsics' offset mappings; is very likely that
some patches will be discarded and new ones added.

So I personally think it would be cleaner to send a new v2 series. But
we can try submitting new patches inline too, if you really prefer it.
Whatever works best for you.

Thanks again for the reviews and patience!


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