I would like to softfloat for GSOC. Is anyone working on it?
Thank you!! :)

On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 12:16 AM, Kenneth Graunke <kenn...@whitecape.org>

> On Monday, March 23, 2015 05:02:51 PM Aaron Watry wrote:
> > On a related note,
> >
> > Has anyone ported shader-db over to working on R600/RadeonSI/<anything
> > non-intel>?  I've been meaning to take a look at the NIR->TGSI pass and
> see
> > if there's an easy way to hook it up to the radeon drivers, but I wanted
> to
> > be able to get shader-db up and running on that hardware first so that we
> > could get some before/after numbers (I'm assuming that R600 w/o SB will
> be
> > the main radeon driver that benefits, but I'd love to be proven wrong).
> >
> > --Aaron
> It shouldn't be hard to get working.
> The shader-db runner doesn't actually draw anything, so you need to
> precompile assembly code at glLinkProgram time, making some assumptions
> about the GL state that will be used.  We manage to guess correctly
> most of the time on modern Intel hardware.
> Beyond that, you just need to have the driver emit a few messages via
> KHR_debug:
>    static GLuint msg_id = 0;
>    _mesa_gl_debug(ctx, &msg_id,
>                   MESA_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER,
>                   "%s shader: %d",
>                   type_of_shader, /* "FS", "VS" and the like */
>                   num_instructions);
> That should be all you need for the original shader-db which most of
> the Intel folks use (git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/shader-db).
> Eric has a new reboot of the project that uses apitraces of files rather
> than Piglit shader_test files.  The Broadcom vc4 apparently has so much
> non-orthagonal state that it's impractical to guess the state during a
> precompile, so he wanted to use the actual state from the trace.
> Everyone else has kept using the original version because it's *much*
> faster - on my Haswell, it only takes about 2-3 minutes to process
> ~24,000 shaders from ~290 applications.
> I assume Radeon and Nouveau can probably guess most state correctly,
> so using the original shader-db would make more sense.  Freedreno
> might have to use Eric's apitrace based solution.
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