On 12/15/2014 11:58 PM, Eduardo Lima Mitev wrote:
> On 12/15/2014 08:30 PM, Ian Romanick wrote:
>> On 12/15/2014 08:04 AM, Eduardo Lima Mitev wrote:
>>> Since the maximum supported precision for stencil buffers is 8 bits, mask
>>> values should be initialized to 2^8 - 1 = 0xFF.
>>> Currently, these masks are initialized to max unsigned integer (~0u), which
>>> causes their values to overflow to -1 when converted to signed int by 
>>> glGet* APIs.
>> I did some research on this... before desktop OpenGL 3.1, the spec said
>> something quite different.  Please add the following to the commit message:
>> "In OpenGL 3.0 and before, the an initial value of ~0u was specified:
>>     In the initial state, stenciling is disabled, the front and back
>>     stencil reference value are both zero, the front and back stencil
>>     comparison functions are both ALWAYS, and the front and back
>>     stencil mask are both all ones."
> Oh, interesting. I should have looked back into older specs to
> understand where the ~0u was coming from. Note taken.
>> With that, this patch is
>> Reviewed-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.roman...@intel.com>
> Great. If you feel like nitpicking, you can check the final commit log
> here:
> https://github.com/Igalia/mesa/commit/3784f7b2d5aa739c4abf9aa28874b85bbd1550e5

Looks good to me.

> Thanks a lot!
> Eduardo

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