In general, if the dst base internal format and the selected dst format are
different we can't be sure that directly packing or unpacking to the destination
format will produce correct results. In these cases we probably want to fall
back to other paths (like mesa_swizzle_and_convert) that can handle these
situations better.

An example of this includes a luminance internal format for which the driver
decided to use something like BGRA. In these case, unpacking to BGRA won't
match the requirements of the luminance internal format.

In the future we may want to allow these fast paths for specific cases
where we know the direct pack/unpack functions will do the right thing.
 src/mesa/main/format_utils.c | 137 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/main/format_utils.c b/src/mesa/main/format_utils.c
index 5964689..34c90d9 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/format_utils.c
+++ b/src/mesa/main/format_utils.c
@@ -331,65 +331,82 @@ _mesa_format_convert(void *void_dst, uint32_t dst_format, 
size_t dst_stride,
       dst_array_format.as_uint = _mesa_format_to_array_format(dst_format);
-   /* Handle the cases where we can directly unpack */
-   if (!(src_format & MESA_ARRAY_FORMAT_BIT)) {
-      if (dst_array_format.as_uint == RGBA8888_FLOAT.as_uint) {
-         for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
-            _mesa_unpack_rgba_row(src_format, width,
-                                  src, (float (*)[4])dst);
-            src += src_stride;
-            dst += dst_stride;
-         }
-         return;
-      } else if (dst_array_format.as_uint == RGBA8888_UBYTE.as_uint &&
-                 !_mesa_is_format_integer_color(src_format)) {
-         for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
-            _mesa_unpack_ubyte_rgba_row(src_format, width,
-                                        src, (uint8_t (*)[4])dst);
-            src += src_stride;
-            dst += dst_stride;
-         }
-         return;
-      } else if (dst_array_format.as_uint == RGBA8888_UINT.as_uint &&
-                 _mesa_is_format_integer_color(src_format)) {
-         for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
-            _mesa_unpack_uint_rgba_row(src_format, width,
-                                       src, (uint32_t (*)[4])dst);
-            src += src_stride;
-            dst += dst_stride;
+   /* First we see if we can implement the conversion with a direct pack
+    * or unpack.
+    *
+    * In this case we want to be careful when the dst base format and the
+    * dst format do not match. In these cases a simple pack/unpack to the
+    * dst format from the src format may not match the semantic requirements
+    * of the internal base format. For now we decide to be safe and avoid
+    * this path in these scenarios but in the future we may want to enable
+    * it for specific combinations that are known to work.
+    */
+   mesa_format dst_mesa_format;
+   if (dst_format & MESA_ARRAY_FORMAT_BIT)
+      dst_mesa_format = _mesa_format_from_array_format(dst_format);
+   else
+      dst_mesa_format = dst_format;
+   if (_mesa_get_format_base_format(dst_mesa_format) == dst_internal_format) {
+      /* Handle the cases where we can directly unpack */
+      if (!(src_format & MESA_ARRAY_FORMAT_BIT)) {
+         if (dst_array_format.as_uint == RGBA8888_FLOAT.as_uint) {
+            for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
+               _mesa_unpack_rgba_row(src_format, width,
+                                     src, (float (*)[4])dst);
+               src += src_stride;
+               dst += dst_stride;
+            }
+            return;
+         } else if (dst_array_format.as_uint == RGBA8888_UBYTE.as_uint &&
+                    !_mesa_is_format_integer_color(src_format)) {
+            for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
+               _mesa_unpack_ubyte_rgba_row(src_format, width,
+                                           src, (uint8_t (*)[4])dst);
+               src += src_stride;
+               dst += dst_stride;
+            }
+            return;
+         } else if (dst_array_format.as_uint == RGBA8888_UINT.as_uint &&
+                    _mesa_is_format_integer_color(src_format)) {
+            for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
+               _mesa_unpack_uint_rgba_row(src_format, width,
+                                          src, (uint32_t (*)[4])dst);
+               src += src_stride;
+               dst += dst_stride;
+            }
+            return;
-         return;
-   }
-   /* Handle the cases where we can directly pack */
-   if (!(dst_format & MESA_ARRAY_FORMAT_BIT)) {
-      if (src_array_format.as_uint == RGBA8888_FLOAT.as_uint) {
-         for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
-            _mesa_pack_float_rgba_row(dst_format, width,
-                                      (const float (*)[4])src, dst);
-            src += src_stride;
-            dst += dst_stride;
-         }
-         return;
-      } else if (src_array_format.as_uint == RGBA8888_UBYTE.as_uint &&
-                 !_mesa_is_format_integer_color(dst_format)) {
-         for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
-            _mesa_pack_ubyte_rgba_row(dst_format, width,
-                                      (const uint8_t (*)[4])src, dst);
-            src += src_stride;
-            dst += dst_stride;
-         }
-         return;
-      } else if (src_array_format.as_uint == RGBA8888_UINT.as_uint &&
-                 _mesa_is_format_integer_color(dst_format)) {
-         for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
-            _mesa_pack_uint_rgba_row(dst_format, width,
-                                     (const uint32_t (*)[4])src, dst);
-            src += src_stride;
-            dst += dst_stride;
+      /* Handle the cases where we can directly pack. */
+      if (!(dst_format & MESA_ARRAY_FORMAT_BIT)) {
+         if (src_array_format.as_uint == RGBA8888_FLOAT.as_uint) {
+            for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
+               _mesa_pack_float_rgba_row(dst_format, width,
+                                         (const float (*)[4])src, dst);
+               src += src_stride;
+               dst += dst_stride;
+            }
+            return;
+         } else if (src_array_format.as_uint == RGBA8888_UBYTE.as_uint &&
+                    !_mesa_is_format_integer_color(dst_format)) {
+            for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
+               _mesa_pack_ubyte_rgba_row(dst_format, width,
+                                         (const uint8_t (*)[4])src, dst);
+               src += src_stride;
+               dst += dst_stride;
+            }
+            return;
+         } else if (src_array_format.as_uint == RGBA8888_UINT.as_uint &&
+                    _mesa_is_format_integer_color(dst_format)) {
+            for (row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
+               _mesa_pack_uint_rgba_row(dst_format, width,
+                                        (const uint32_t (*)[4])src, dst);
+               src += src_stride;
+               dst += dst_stride;
+            }
+            return;
-         return;
@@ -431,11 +448,6 @@ _mesa_format_convert(void *void_dst, uint32_t dst_format, 
size_t dst_stride,
        * by computing the swizzle transform src->rgba->base->rgba->dst instead
        * of src->rgba->dst.
-      mesa_format dst_mesa_format;
-      if (dst_format & MESA_ARRAY_FORMAT_BIT)
-         dst_mesa_format = _mesa_format_from_array_format(dst_format);
-      else
-         dst_mesa_format = dst_format;
       if (dst_internal_format != 
_mesa_get_format_base_format(dst_mesa_format)) {
          /* Compute src2rgba as src->rgba->base->rgba */
          uint8_t rgba2base[4], base2rgba[4], swizzle[4];
@@ -580,11 +592,6 @@ _mesa_format_convert(void *void_dst, uint32_t dst_format, 
size_t dst_stride,
          GLubyte rgba2base[4], base2rgba[4], map[4];
          bool need_convert = false;
-         mesa_format dst_mesa_format;
-         if (dst_format & MESA_ARRAY_FORMAT_BIT)
-            dst_mesa_format = _mesa_format_from_array_format(dst_format);
-         else
-            dst_mesa_format = dst_format;
          if (dst_internal_format !=
              _mesa_get_format_base_format(dst_mesa_format)) {
             _mesa_compute_component_mapping(GL_RGBA, dst_internal_format,

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