On 28/09/14 20:08, Emil Velikov wrote:
> On 28/09/14 19:04, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
>> On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 1:35 PM, Emil Velikov <emil.l.veli...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> This, however, has nothing to do with mesa. When I set --prefix,
>> that's saying "hey, install here". Not "hey, install here for most
>> things, but actually overwrite my system install for other things".
> The point is if we are to revert this, we have to nuke the equivalent
> omx and va ones. Afaics there is no middle ground - either we keep the
> commit or add some default and hope that distros and anyone building
> mesa will bother correcting their config. Are you volunteering to hold
> everyone's hand during the transition ?
Had this idea, but I'm not too trilled about it:
Default = blank, and error out if the user did not set it. The error
message will state how to get it of course :)
This approach is not ideal but in a way it covers the "all must adhere
prefix" and prevents the case of xx reports on the topic "vdpau/omx is

Thoughts ?


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