Good Morning,

On Monday, September 15, 2014 20:33:17 Roland Scheidegger wrote:
> I don't really know what to do though. It looks like the implementation
> doesn't really do what the nv spec claims anyway, so it's difficult to
> even figure out what should be done...

That all gets much more interesting than I thought initially.

Yes, it would be good if somebody knowing the history can shed more light on 

In the mean time I have just made a diff of the two specs and tried
to look at the difference. The diff file is attached and is taken from NV_ to 

IMO the most important differences are:
1. The clamping for the *NV API entrypoints.
2. The different enum values for internal formats.
3. Clamping of fragment depths with is done in ARB and current GL standard
   and avoided in NV.
4. Clamping of shader fragment depth outputs with is done in ARB and
   current GL standard and avoided in NV.
5. Interactions with ARB_depth_buffer_float:
<taken from NV_depth_buffer_float>
    The ARB and NV internal formats for floating-point depth buffers
    behave identically.  This extension optionally relaxes the clamping
    behavior of ARB_depth_buffer_float when using the NV entry points.
    If an ARB internal format is used to define a depth buffer, the
    values passed to DepthRangedNV, ClearDepthdNV, and DepthBoundsdNV
    are not clamped to [0,1].

    Additionally, querying DEPTH_BUFFER_FLOAT_MODE_NV is allowed on a
    floating-point depth buffer created with an ARB internal format.

Lets put this together from the spec side:

Point 1 and 2 are clear IMO.
Point 5 contradicts somehow with 3 and 4 since the specified behavior
in 3 and 4 makes a difference in clamping based on the used internal
format enum. But I read in point 5 that there is no difference in these
except that the NV api entry points don't clamp their arguments.

The behavior of existing implementations:

Then there is an implementation in the wild which adheres to point 5.
Means closed NVidia does not distinguish between the two differently
speced behaviors of the internal formats and just treats them the same
like their ARB counterparts, but additionally provides the entry points
that don't clamp the input values.

So, now my interpretation:

Initially there was the NV stuff, now there are floats in the depth buffer,
so why clamp. Then, there were objections, clamping was reestablished
and we got an extension that was widely accepted and that made it into the 
So, people should use the new standard/ARB stuff which does what you need.
Now, there is one thing missing in ARB/plain GL. You can get way better depth
buffer resolutions for perspective projection if you would be able to get rid
of the non zero bias in the view point transform. See
And you can achieve this using the NV_depth_buffer_float api entry points
that do not clip their inputs. So, from the above I would think that the
NV_depth_buffer_float variant is more or less superseded by the
ARB_depth_buffer_float variant if the depth precision issue would be solvable
without the NV api entry points. So, therefore and to cope with the conflicts,
point 5 from above was probably added to NV_depth_buffer_float:
Just use the now standard behavior like described in ARB_depth_buffer_float but
additionally provide the *NV api entry points to get rid of the non zero bias.

BTW: That's one of the reasons of the ARB_clip_control's GL_ZERO_TO_ONE
behavior - the above blog article is cited also in ARB_clip_control.

I may be biased because I am after the depth issue which is then solvable
without larger problems and on a large base of GL implementations.
We have a statement in NV_depth_buffer_float that was added close to the end
of its history that tells that is behavior should not differ that much
from ARB_depth_buffer_float.
Additionally we find an existing implementation that behaves about this way.

I would vote for implementing that, which should be mostly what the current
series implements.
But if we want to model more of the subtle differences in the specs,
I would need some directions which heading and how far to go.
Alternatively, saying that we don't want to cope with this mess in mesa
would be sad but an option.


Thanks so far and Greetings

--- NV_depth_buffer_float.txt	2014-04-12 14:19:50.000000000 +0200
+++ ARB_depth_buffer_float.txt	2014-04-12 14:19:51.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,580 +1,548 @@
-    NV_depth_buffer_float
+    ARB_depth_buffer_float
 Name Strings
-    GL_NV_depth_buffer_float
+    GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float
-    Pat Brown
-    Mike Strauss
+    Pierre Boudier
-    Mike Strauss, NVIDIA Corporation (mstrauss 'at'    
+    Pierre Boudier, AMD pierre.boudier 'at'
+    Copyright (c) 2008-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at
-    Shipping for GeForce 8 Series (November 2006) 
+    Approved by the ARB on July 11, 2008
-    Last Modified Date:         07/27/2010
-    NVIDIA Revision:            11
+    Last Modified Date:         October 18, 2012
+    Revision:                   7
-    334
+    ARB Extension #43
     OpenGL 2.0 is required.
     ARB_color_buffer_float is required.
     EXT_packed_depth_stencil is required.
-    EXT_framebuffer_object is required.
+    ARB_framebuffer_object is required.
     This extension modifies EXT_depth_bounds_test.
     This extension modifies NV_copy_depth_to_color.
-    This extension interacts with ARB_depth_buffer_float.
     This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.0 specification.
     This extension provides new texture internal formats whose depth
     components are stored as 32-bit floating-point values, rather than the
     normalized unsigned integers used in existing depth formats.
     Floating-point depth textures support all the functionality supported for
     fixed-point depth textures, including shadow mapping and rendering support
     via EXT_framebuffer_object.  Floating-point depth textures can store
     values outside the range [0,1].
-    By default, OpenGL entry points taking depth values implicitly clamp the
-    values to the range [0,1].  This extension provides new DepthClear,
-    DepthRange, and DepthBoundsEXT entry points that allow applications to
-    specify depth values that are not clamped.
     Additionally, this extension provides new packed depth/stencil pixel
     formats (see EXT_packed_depth_stencil) that have 64-bit pixels consisting
     of a 32-bit floating-point depth value, 8 bits of stencil, and 24 unused
     bites.  A packed depth/stencil texture internal format is also provided.
     This extension does not provide support for WGL or GLX pixel formats with
     floating-point depth buffers.  The existing (but not commonly used)
     WGL_EXT_depth_float extension could be used for this purpose.
 New Procedures and Functions
-    void DepthRangedNV(double n, double f);
-    void ClearDepthdNV(double d);
-    void DepthBoundsdNV(double zmin, double zmax);
+    None
 New Tokens
     Accepted by the <internalformat> parameter of TexImage1D, TexImage2D,
     TexImage3D, CopyTexImage1D, CopyTexImage2D, and RenderbufferStorageEXT,
     and returned in the <data> parameter of GetTexLevelParameter and
-        DEPTH_COMPONENT32F_NV                           0x8DAB
-        DEPTH32F_STENCIL8_NV                            0x8DAC
+        DEPTH_COMPONENT32F                              0x8CAC
+        DEPTH32F_STENCIL8                               0x8CAD
     Accepted by the <type> parameter of DrawPixels, ReadPixels, TexImage1D,
     TexImage2D, TexImage3D, TexSubImage1D, TexSubImage2D, TexSubImage3D, and
-        FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV_NV               0x8DAD
-    Accepted by the <pname> parameters of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
-    GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:
-        DEPTH_BUFFER_FLOAT_MODE_NV                      0x8DAF
+        FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV                  0x8DAD
 Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
     Modify Section 2.11.1 (Controling the Viewport), p. 41
     (modify second paragraph) The factor and offset applied to z_d 
     encoded by n and f are set using
         void DepthRange(clampd n, clampd f);
-        void DepthRangedNV(double n, double f);
     z_w is represented as either fixed-point or floating-point
     depending on whether the framebuffer's depth buffer uses
     fixed-point or floating-point representation.  If the depth buffer
     uses fixed-point representation, we assume that the representation
     used represents each value k/(2^m - 1), where k is in 
     {0,1,...,2^m-1}, as k (e.g. 1.0 is represented in binary as a 
     string of all ones).  The parameters n and f are clamped to [0, 1]
-    when using DepthRange, but not when using DepthRangedNV.  When n
-    and f are applied to z_d, they are clamped to the range appropriate
-    given the depth buffer's representation.
+    when using DepthRange.  When n  and f are applied to z_d, they are
+    clamped to the range appropriate given the depth buffer's representation.
 Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Rasterization)
     Modify Section 3.5.5 (Depth Offset), p. 112    
     (modify third paragraph) The minimum resolvable difference r is 
     an implementation dependent parameter that depends on the depth 
     buffer representation.  It is the smallest difference in window 
     coordinate z values that is guaranteed to remain distinct 
     throughout polygon rasterization and in the depth buffer.  All 
     pairs of fragments generated by the rasterization of two polygons 
     with otherwise identical vertices, but z_w values that differ by r,
     will have distinct depth values.
     For fixed-point depth buffer representations, r is constant
     throughout the range of the entire depth buffer.  For
     floating-point depth buffers, there is no single minimum resolvable
     difference.  In this case, the minimum resolvable difference for a 
     given polygon is dependent on the maximum exponent, e, in the range
     of z values spanned by the primitive.  If n is the number of bits 
     in the floating-point mantissa, the minimum resolvable difference, 
     r, for the given primitive is defined as
         r = 2^(e - n).                                       (3.11)
     (modify fourth paragraph) The offset value o for a polygon is
         o = m * factor + r * units.                          (3.12)
     m is computed as described above.  If the depth buffer uses a
     fixed-point representation, m is a function of depth values in the
     range [0, 1], and o is applied to depth values in the same range.
     (modify last paragraph) For fixed-point depth buffers, fragment 
     depth values are always limited to the range [0, 1], either by 
     clamping after offset addition is performed (preferred), or by 
     clamping the vertex values used in the rasterization of the 
-    polygons.  Fragment depth values are not clamped when the depth 
+    polygons.  Fragment depth values are clamped when the depth
     buffer uses a floating-point representation.
     Add a row to table 3.5, p. 128
     type Parameter                       GL Type    Special
-    ------------------------------------------------
+    ------------------------------       -------    -------
     ...                                  ...        ...    
-    FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV_NV    N/A        Yes
+    FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV       N/A        Yes
     ...                                  ...        ...
     Modify Section 3.6.4 (Rasterization of Pixel Rectangles), p. 128
     (modify second paragraph as updated by EXT_packed_depth_stencil)
     ... If the GL is in color index mode and <format> is not one of
     then the error INVALID_OPERATION occurs.  If <type> is BITMAP and
     <format> is not COLOR_INDEX or STENCIL_INDEX then the error
     INVALID_ENUM occurs.  If <format> is DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT and <type>
-    is not UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_EXT or FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV_NV,
+    is not UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_EXT or FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV,
     then the error INVALID_ENUM occurs.  Some additional constraints 
     on the combinations of <format> and <type> values that are accepted
     are discussed below.
     (modify fifth paragraph of "Unpacking," p 130. as updated by
     EXT_packed_depth_stencil) Calling DrawPixels with a <type> of
     UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2, ..., UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV, or 
     UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_EXT is a special case in which all the components 
     of each group are packed into a single unsigned byte, unsigned 
     short, or unsigned int, depending on the type.  If <type> is 
-    FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV_NV, the components of each group
+    FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV, the components of each group
     are two 32-bit words.  The first word contains the float component.
     The second word contains packed 24-bit and 8-bit components.
     Add two rows to table 3.8, p. 132
     type Parameter                       GL Type  Components  Pixel Formats
-    ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ------------------------------       -------  ----------  -------------
     ...                                  ...      ...         ...        
-    FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV_NV    N/A      2           DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT
+    FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV       N/A      2           DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT
     ...                                  ...      ...         ...
     Add a row to table 3.11, p. 134
        31 30 29 28 ... 4 3 2 1 0    31 30 29 ... 9 8 7 6 5 ... 2 1 0
       +-------------------------+  +--------------------------------+
       |    Float Component      |  | 2nd Component  | 1st Component | 
       +-------------------------+  +--------------------------------+
     (modify last paragraph of "Final Conversion," p. 136) For a depth 
     component, an element is processed according to the depth buffer's 
     representation.  For fixed-point depth buffers, the element is first
     clamped to [0, 1] and then converted to fixed-point as if it were a
     window z value (see section 2.11.1, Controling the Viewport).  
-    Clamping and conversion are not necessary when the depth buffer uses
-    a floating-point representation.
+    Conversion is not necessary when the depth buffer uses
+    a floating-point representation, but clamping is.
     Modify Section 3.8.1 (Texture Image Specification), p. 150
     (modify the second paragraph, p. 151, as modified by 
     ARB_color_buffer_float) The selected groups are processed exactly 
     as for DrawPixels, stopping just before final conversion.  Each R,
     G, B, A, or depth value so generated is clamped based on the 
-    component type in the <internalFormat>.  Fixed-point components 
-    are clamped to [0, 1].  Floating-point components are clamped to 
-    the limits of the range representable by their format.  32-bit 
-    floating-point components are in the standard IEEE float format.  
+    component type in the <internalFormat>.  Fixed-point and Floating-point
+    components are clamped to [0, 1].
+    32-bit floating-point components are in the standard IEEE float format.
     16-bit floating-point components have 1 sign bit, 5 exponent bits,
     and 10 mantissa bits.  Stencil index values are masked by 2^n-1 
     where n is the number of stencil bits in the internal format 
     resolution (see below).  If the base internal format is 
     DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT and <format> is not DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT, then the
     values of the stencil index texture components are undefined.
     Add two rows to table 3.16, p. 154
     Sized                   Base               R    G    B    A    L    I    D    S
     Internal Format         InternalFormat    bits bits bits bits bits bits bits bits
-    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ------------------      ----------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
     ...                     ...               ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...
-    DEPTH_COMPONENT32F_NV   DEPTH_COMPONENT                                 f32
-    DEPTH32F_STENCIL8_NV    DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT                               f32  8
+    DEPTH_COMPONENT32F      DEPTH_COMPONENT                                 f32
+    DEPTH32F_STENCIL8       DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT                               f32  8
     ...                     ...               ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...
     Modify Section 3.8.14 (Texture Comparison Modes), p. 185
     (modify second paragraph of "Depth Texture Comparison Mode," p.
-    188) Let D_t be the depth texture value, and R be the interpolated 
-    texture coordinate.  If the texture's internal format indicates a 
-    fixed-point depth texture, then D_t and R are clamped to [0, 1], 
-    otherwise no clamping is performed.  The effective texture value 
-    L_t, I_t, or A_t is computed as follows:    
+    188)
+    Let D_t be the depth texture value, and R be the interpolated
+    texture coordinate. If the texture's internal format indicates a
+    fixed-point depth texture, then D_t and R are clamped to [0, 1];
+    otherwise no clamping is performed. The effective texture value L_t,
+    I_t, or A_t is computed as follows:
     Modify Section 3.11.2 (Shader Execution), p. 194
     (modify first paragraph of "Shader Outputs," p, 196, as modified by
     ARB_color_buffer_float) The OpenGL Shading Language specification 
     describes the values that may be output by a fragment shader.  
     These are gl_FragColor, gl_FragData[n], and gl_FragDepth.  If 
     fragment clamping is enabled, the final fragment color values or 
     the final fragment data values written by a fragment shader are 
     clamped to the range [0, 1] and then may be converted to 
     fixed-point as described in section 2.14.9.  If fragment clamping
     is disabled, the final fragment color values or the final fragment
     data values are not modified.  For fixed-point depth buffers the 
     final fragment depth written by a fragment shader is first clamped
     to [0, 1] and then converted to fixed-point as if it were a window
-    z value (see section 2.11.1).  Clamping and conversion are not 
-    applied for floating-point depth buffers.  Note that the depth
-    range computation is not applied here.
+    z value (see section 2.11.1).  Conversion is not applied for floating-point
+    depth buffers.  Note that the depth range computation is not applied here.
 Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Per-Fragment
 Operations and the Frame Buffer)
     (modify third paragraph in the introduction, p. 198, as modified by
     ARB_color_buffer_float) Color buffers consist of either unsigned 
     integer color indices, R, G, B and optionally A unsigned integer 
     values, or R, G, B, and optionally A floating-point values.  Depth
     buffers consist of either unsigned integer values of the format 
     described in section 2.11.1, or floating-point values.  The number
     of bitplanes...    
     Modify Section 4.2.3 (Clearing the Buffers), p. 215
     (modify fourth paragraph)
     The functions
         void ClearDepth(clampd d);
-        void ClearDepthdNV(double d);
     are used to set the depth value used when clearing the depth buffer.
     ClearDepth takes a floating-point value that is clamped to the range
-    [0, 1].  ClearDepthdNV takes a floating-point value that is not
-    clamped.  When clearing a fixed-point depth buffer, the depth clear
+    [0, 1].  When clearing a fixed-point depth buffer, the depth clear
     value is clamped to the range [0, 1], and converted to fixed-point
     according to the rules for a window z value given in section 2.11.1.
-    No clamping or conversion are applied when clearing a floating-point
+    No conversion are applied when clearing a floating-point
     depth buffer.
     Modify Section 4.3.1 (Writing to the Stencil Buffer), p. 218
     (modify paragraph added by EXT_packed_depth_stencil, p. 219)
     If the <format> is DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT, then values are taken from
     both the depth buffer and the stencil buffer.  If there is no depth
     buffer or if there is no stencil buffer, then the error
     INVALID_OPERATION occurs.  If the <type> parameter is not
-    UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_EXT, or FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV_NV then the
-    error INVALID_ENUM occurs.
+    UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_EXT, or FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV then
+    the error INVALID_ENUM occurs.
     Modify Section 4.3.2 (Reading Pixels), p. 219
     (modify "Conversion of Depth values," p. 222, as modified by 
     EXT_packed_depth_stencil) This step only applies if <format> is
     DEPTH_COMPONENT or  DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT and the depth buffer uses a
     fixed-point representation.  An element taken from the depth buffer
     is taken to be a fixed-point value in [0, 1] with m bits, where
     m is the number of bits in the depth buffer (see section 2.11.1).
     No conversion is necessary if <format> is DEPTH_COMPONENT or 
     DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT and the depth buffer uses a floating-point 
     Add a row to table 4.6, p. 223
       type Parameter                      Index Mask
-      ----------------------------------------------
+      ------------------------------      ----------
       ...                                 ...      
-      FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV_NV   2^8-1
+      FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV      2^8-1
     Add a row to table 4.7, p. 224
     type Parameter                       GL Type  Component Conversion
-    ------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ...                                   ...      ...
-    FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV_NV     float    c = f (depth only)
+    ------------------------------       -------  --------------------
+    ...                                  ...      ...
+    FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV       float    c = f (depth only)
 Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Special Functions)
 Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (State and
 State Requests)
     Modify DEPTH_RANGE entry in table 6.9 (Transformation State) p. 270
     Get Value   Type Get Command Value Description            Sec.   Attribute
     ----------- ---- ----------- ----- ---------------------- ------ ---------
     DEPTH_RANGE 2xR  GetFloatv   0,1   Depth range near & far 2.11.1 viewport
     Modify DEPTH_BOUNDS_EXT entry in table 6.19 (Pixel Operation) p. 280
     Get Value        Type Get Command Value Description              Sec   Attribute
     --------------------- ----------- ----- ------------------------ ----- ------------
     DEPTH_BOUNDS_EXT 2xR  GetFloatv   0,1   Depth bounds zmin & zmax 4.1.X depth-buffer
     Modify DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE entry in table 6.21 (Framebuffer Control) p. 280
     Get Value         Type Get Command Value Description              Sec   Attribute
     ----------------- ---- ----------- ----  ------------------------ ----- ------------
     DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE  R   GetFloatv    1    Depth buffer clear value 4.2.3 depth-buffer
-    Add DEPTH_BUFFER_FLOAT_MODE entry to table 6.32 (Implementation Dependent Values) p. 293
-                                             Init
-    Get Value               Type Get Command Value Description                 Sec  Attribute
-    ----------------------- ---- ----------- ----  --------------------------- ---- ------------
-    DEPTH_BUFFER_FLOAT_MODE B    GetBooleanv  -    True if depth buffer uses a  4     -
-                                                   floating-point represnetation
 Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Invariance)
 Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
 GLX Protocol
-    The following rendering commands are sent to the server as part of
-    glXRender requests:
-    DepthRangedNV
-        2      20              rendering command length
-        2      4283            rendering command opcode
-        8      FLOAT64         n
-        8      FLOAT64         f
-    ClearDepthdNV
-        2      12              rendering command length
-        2      4284            rendering command opcode
-        8      FLOAT64         d
-    DepthBoundsdNV
-        2      20              rendering command length
-        2      4285            rendering command opcode
-        8      FLOAT64         zmin
-        8      FLOAT64         zmax
+    None.
 Dependencies on EXT_depth_bounds_test:
     Modify the definition of DepthBoundsEXT in section 4.1.x Depth
     Bounds Test.
     Modify section 4.1.x (Depth Bounds Test)
     (modify first paragraph) ...These values are set with
         void DepthBoundsEXT(clampd zmin, clampd zmax);
-        void DepthBoundsdNV(double zmin, double zmax);
     The paramerters to DepthBoundsEXT are clamped to the range [0, 1].
-    No clamping is applied to the parameters of DepthBoundsdNV.  Each
-    of zmin and zmax are subject to clamping to the range of the depth 
+    Each of zmin and zmax are subject to clamping to the range of the depth
     buffer at the time the depth bounds test is applied.  For 
     fixed-point depth buffers, the applied zmin and zmax are clamped to
     [0, 1].  For floating-point depth buffers, the applied zmin and 
-    zmax are unmodified.  If zmin <= Zpixel <= zmax, then the depth 
+    zmax are clamped to [0, 1]. If zmin <= Zpixel <= zmax, then the depth
     bounds test passes.  Otherwise, the test fails and the fragment is
     discarded.  The test is enabled or disabled using Enable or Disable 
     using the constant DEPTH_BOUNDS_TEST_EXT.  When disabled, it is as 
     if the depth bounds test always passes.  If zmin is greater than 
     zmax, then the error INVALID_VALUE is generated.  The state 
     required consists of two floating-point values and a bit indicating
     whether the test is enabled or disabled.  In the initial state, 
     zmin and zmax are set to 0.0 and 1.0 respectively; and the depth 
     bounds test is disabled.
-Interactions with ARB_depth_buffer_float
-    The ARB and NV internal formats for floating-point depth buffers
-    behave identically.  This extension optionally relaxes the clamping
-    behavior of ARB_depth_buffer_float when using the NV entry points.
-    If an ARB internal format is used to define a depth buffer, the
-    values passed to DepthRangedNV, ClearDepthdNV, and DepthBoundsdNV
-    are not clamped to [0,1].
-    Additionally, querying DEPTH_BUFFER_FLOAT_MODE_NV is allowed on a
-    floating-point depth buffer created with an ARB internal format.
     Modify the following error in the EXT_packed_depth_stencil
     specification by adding mention of 
     The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if DrawPixels or ReadPixels is
     called where format is DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT and type is not
     Modify the following error in the EXT_packed_depth_stencil
     specification by adding mention of 
     The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if DrawPixels or 
     ReadPixels is called where type is UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_EXT, 
-    or FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV_NV and format is not 
+    or FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV and format is not
     Add the following error to the NV_copy_depth_to_color
     The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if CopyPixels is called
     and the depth buffer uses a floating point representation.
 New State
     1.  Should this extension expose floating-point depth buffers through
         WGL/GLX "pixel formats?"
         RESOLVED:  No.  The WGL_EXT_depth_float extension already provides a
         mechanism for requesting a floating-point depth buffer.
     2.  How does an application access the full range of a floating-point
         depth buffer?
-        RESOLVED:  New functions have been introduced that set existing GL
-        state without clamping to the range [0, 1].  These functions are
-        DepthRangedNV, ClearDepthdNV, and DepthBoundsdNV.
+        RESOLVED:  This will be a different extension
     3.  Should we add a new state query to determine if the depth buffer is
         using a floating-point representation?
-        RESOLVED: Yes.  An application can query DEPTH_FLOAT_MODE_NV to see
-        if the depth buffer is using a floating-point representation.
+        RESOLVED: No. The old EXT version of this extension had
+        DEPTH_BUFFER_FLOAT_MODE_EXT boolean state to see if the depth
+        buffer is using a floating-point representation, but in this ARB
+        extension we rely on the GetFramebufferAttachmentiv query
+        FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COMPONENT_TYPE query introduced with
+        ARB_framebuffer_object and OpenGL 3.0.
     4.  How does polygon offset work with floating-point depth buffers?
         RESOLVED:  The third paragraph of section 3.5.5 (Depth Offset)
         describes the minimum resolvable difference r as "the smallest
         difference in window coordinate z values that is guaranteed to remain
         distinct throughout polygon rasterization and in the depth buffer."
         The polygon offset value o is computed as a function of r.  The
         minimum resolvable difference r makes sense for fixed-point depth
         values, and even floating-point depth values in the range [-1, 1].
         For unclamped floating-point depth values, there is no constant
         minimum resolvable difference -- the minimum difference necessary to
         change the mantissa of a floating-point value by one bit depends on
         the exponent of the value being offset.  To remedy this problem, the
         minimum resolvable difference is defined to be relative to the range
         of depth values for the given primitive when the depth buffer is
     5. How does NV_copy_depth_to_color work with floating-point depth values?
         RESOLVED:  It isn't clear that there is any usefulness to copying the
         data for 32-bit floating-point depth values to a fixed-point color
         buffer.  It is even less clear how copying packed data from a
-        FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_24_8_REV_NV depth/stencil buffer to a fixed-point color
+        FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_24_8_REV depth/stencil buffer to a fixed-point color
         buffer would be useful or even how it should be implemented.  An error
         should be generated if CopyPixels is called where <type> is
-        DEPTH_STENCIL_TO_RGBA_NV or DEPTH_STENCIL_TO_BGRA and the depth buffer
+        DEPTH_STENCIL_TO_RGBA_EXT or DEPTH_STENCIL_TO_BGRA and the depth buffer
         uses a floating-point representation.
     6. Other OpenGL hardware implementations may be capable of supporting
        floating-point depth buffers.  Why is this an NV extension?
         RESOLVED:  When rendering to floating-point depth buffers, we expect
         that other implementations may only be capable of supporting Z values
         in the range [0,1].  For such implementations, floating-point Z
         buffers do not improve the range of Z values supported, but do offer
         increased precision than conventional 24-bit fixed-point Z buffers,
         particularly around zero.
         This extension was initially proposed as an EXT, but we have changed
         it to an NV extension in the expectation that an EXT may be offered at
         some point in the not-too-distant future.  We expect that the EXT
         could be supported by a larger range of vendors.  NVIDIA would
         continue to support both extensions, where the NV extension could be
         thought of as taking the capability of the EXT version and extending
         it to support Z values outside the range [0,1].
-Revision History
-    Rev.    Date    Author       Changes
-    ----  --------  --------     -----------------------------------------
-    11    07/27/10  srahman      GLX protocol added. 
+    7. Why don't the new tokens and entry points in this extension have
+       "ARB" suffixes like other ARB extensions?
-    10    01/30/09  rsrinivasiah Define interaction with ARB_depth_buffer_float
+        RESOLVED: Unlike most ARB extensions, this is a strict subset of
+        functionality already approved in OpenGL 3.0. This extension
+        exists only to support that functionality on older hardware that
+        cannot implement a full OpenGL 3.0 driver. Since there are no
+        possible behavior changes between the ARB extension and core
+        features, source code compatibility is improved by not using
+        suffixes on the extension.
-     9    08/06/08  jleech       Fix missing _REV in some token names.
-     8    02/09/07  pbrown       Updated status section (now released).
-     7    10/11/06  pbrown       Rename the extension from EXT to NV.
+Revision History
-     6                           Internal spec revisions.
+    Rev.    Date    Author    Changes
+    ----  --------  --------  -----------------------------------------
+     7    10/18/12  Jon Leech Restrict [0,1] clamp of D_t and R to
+                              only occur for fixed-point depth textures,
+                              matching actual driver behavior and the
+                              original intent of NV_depth_buffer_float
+                              (Bug 7975).
+     6    08/08/08  Jon Leech Remove DEPTH_BUFFER_FLOAT_MODE query,
+                              update issue 3 accordingly, and
+                              change dependency from EXT to
+                              ARB_framebuffer_object / GL 3.0.
+     5    08/07/08  Jon Leech Remove ARB suffixes.
+     4    08/06/08  Jon Leech Fix missing _REV in some token names.
+     3    07/11/08  Jon Leech Change NV enum values due to incompatible
+                              clamping behavior.
+     2    06/30/08  jsandmel  Trivial conversion to ARB_depth_buffer_float
+     1    06/05/08  pboudier  Forked from NV_depth_buffer_float. Restore
+                              clamping to [0,1] and remove 'd' entry
+                              points. Change suffix from NV to EXT.
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