On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Neil Roberts <n...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
> Here is a v2 of the BPTC texture compression series. The main
> difference is that instead of going via DXT3 for the UNORM formats it
> now always uses the custom naïve compressor for all formats. This
> doesn't give very good-looking results but it is fast and doesn't add
> any dependencies. There was some discussion about alternative
> approaches on the list here:
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-dev/2014-July/064436.html
> I didn't manage to get any consensus on whether this approach is the
> right thing to do so I thought I would just post the patches and see
> what happens.

I think you've done due diligence in checking out possible
compressors. None of them are ideal for our uses, and we only have
some hand-wavy ideas (transcoding ETC2 and the like to BPTC) about why
a good online compressor would be useful. We can of course always
revisit that if we find something useful.
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