On Wed, 16 Jul 2014, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:

> Absolutely. Could the upstream Mesa developers maybe apply the patch
> as well?

They are not taking us for real, see #728053 for their feedback…

> We're putting lots of efforts into the m68k port and we have many
> users who love running Debian on retro m68k hardware and emulators
> and we even got some official funding through Debian to buy hardware.
> Even Greg Kroah-Hartman says he appreciates the port when I asked
> him about on LinuxTag, it helps spotting regressions :).

Not just that – I’ve seen people run MiNT on Atari with actual
ATI Radeon cards (not yet supported on Linux due to missing
kernel-side PCI bus glue, but probably not much work), and
it’s not a stretch to believe Nięvida could be next.

Sometimes they [people] care too much: pretty printers [and syntax highligh-
ting, d.A.] mechanically produce pretty output that accentuates irrelevant
detail in the program, which is as sensible as putting all the prepositions
in English text in bold font.   -- Rob Pike in "Notes on Programming in C"
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