On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Thomas Helland
<thomashellan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Where I do see an impact though is recompiling after changes.
> Less object-files needs to be recompiled, so it's often a lot faster.
> I don't have any specific numbers here though.

Oh, that's a good point that I hadn't considered. Thanks!

> I see that I've managed to get a "From: ...." line in my mails,
> and sender is not showing up correctly in the mailing-list.
> Anyone git-savvy who've had similar problems?
> If not I'll delve into the dark caves of man-pages and read up.

I think you need to set your username and email in ~/.gitconfig. Mine
looks like:

     email = matts...@gmail.com
     name = Matt Turner

There's a git config tool to handle this, but I never remember the
syntax, so I just edit the file.
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