On 04/19/2014 10:23 AM, Chad Versace wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 05:30:02PM -0700, Ian Romanick wrote:
>> On 04/18/2014 05:07 PM, Jamey Sharp wrote:
>>> On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 4:49 PM, Ian Romanick <i...@freedesktop.org> wrote:
>>>> On 04/18/2014 03:37 PM, Sarah Sharp wrote:
>> If you use the unchecked
>>> variant of the request, then the error is placed in the event queue;
>>> if you're using Xlib, then by default it will be abort()ing your
>>> client as soon as it pulls the error out of the event queue.
>> Unless the client has an error handler, right?
> Even if the client does have an event handler, I don't believe it should
> receive error events from Mesa's EGL internals. If the error originates
> in EGL, then EGL should swallow it and bubble the error up as a standard
> EGL error.
> If glXCupcake() places an X error into Xlib's event queue, no
> application should be surprised. GLX is an Xlib API, afterall. But, if
> eglCupcake() places an error into Xlib's event queue, that just feels
> wrong.
> I'm in favor of s/_unchecked//g as Jamey suggests.

For EGL, I agree.  As you point out, GLX is supposed to deliver its
errors the way that nobody wants to receive them. :(
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