Anuj Phogat <> writes:
> OpenGL 4.0 spec, page 306 suggests an INVALID_OPERATION in glGetTexImage
> if :
>    "format is one of the integer formats in table 3.3 and the internal
>     format of the texture image is not integer, or format is not one of
>     the integer formats in table 3.3 and the internal format is integer."
> +   else if (_mesa_is_enum_format_integer(format) !=
> +            _mesa_is_format_integer(texImage->TexFormat)) {
> +      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "glGetTexImage(format 
> mismatch)");
> +      return GL_TRUE;
> +   }

I need some clarification of this patch for purposes of the stable

Without this error case present, how would a program with an incorrect
format behave?

If it would previously function, then I think this patch should be
skipped for the stable branch, (to avoid regressing such programs).

If it would previously fail in some way, (such as a crash), but will now
fail more cleanly with the error, then I can accept this patch for the
stable branch.


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