I decided to test all graphics cards I own, and I have come up with this set of 
fixes (except the first patch, which is a new feature). Most importantly, DOTA 
2 finally works without glitches on R600 and R700.

Some of the fixes are untested, because I don't have the GPUs (RV770, RV740).

Marek Olšák (13):
      radeonsi: implement GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev
      r300g: fix runtime warning after winsys cleanup
      r300g: don't crash when getting NULL colorbuffers
      st/mesa: remove trailing NULL colorbuffers
      r600g: fix edge flags and layered rendering on R600-R700
      r600g: disable async DMA on R700
      r600g: fix MSAA resolve on R6xx when the destination is 1D-tiled
      r600g: fix flushing on RV670, RS780, RS880 again
      r600g: fix buffer copying on R600-R700
      r600g: fix for HTILE on R6xx
      r600g: fix for broken CULL_FRONT behavior on R6xx
      r600g: fix for an MSAA hang on RV770
      r600g: fix hang on RV740 by using DX_RASTERIZATION_KILL instead of SX_MISC

Known serious bugs the series doesn't fix:
- Geometry shaders immediately hang on RV670. There is a documented workaround 
in the open docs.
- Geometry shaders are unstable on RV730 (probably other R700 GPUs too), e.g. 
see the failing texelFetch gs tests.
- The SB (shader backend) crashes with a few piglit tests on Cayman, in 
particular: spec/glsl-1.50/execution/geometry/primitive-id-restart *.

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