Hello Tom,
Tom Stellard schrieb am 19.04.2014 06:37:
> On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 06:59:37PM +0200, Kai Wasserbäch wrote:
>> Tom Stellard schrieb am 16.04.2014 17:07:
>>> Here is the branch: 
>>> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~tstellar/llvm/log/?h=si-spill-fixes

I noticed, that the patches add a SI_SPILL_V96 instruction and while all others
are added to getNumSubRegsForSpillOp() as well as
SIInstrInfo::expandPostRAPseudo(), both in lib/Target/R600/SIInstrInfo.cpp, I
don't see the V96 case covered. Is this an oversight or am I missing something
(entirely possible, since my LLVM knowledge is very limited)? I just thought I
bring it up, in case that's something you'd like to fix before pushing it out.

> Thanks for tracking this down.  I've been trying to find a good test
> case for register spilling and this looks like it might be it.  Most of
> the register spilling bugs come from proprietary games that I don't have
> access to.  I will try to look at this on Monday.

I'm glad I could help. If you know of a specific game, maybe ping me privately
and if I have it, I'm willing to test those as well.

>> P.S.: Any idea, when the si-spill-fixes branch is going to land upstream?
> As soon as I can verify that it is working.

Ok, fair enough. ;-) (Just wanted to know how long I've to keep building LLVM
myself :-p)



Kai Wasserbäch (Kai Wasserbaech)

E-Mail: k...@dev.carbon-project.org

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