Brian Paul schrieb am 24.03.2014 15:45:
> On 03/22/2014 01:53 PM, Kai Wasserbäch wrote:
>> Dear Mesa devs,
>> I'm not sure whether this is a bug in Mesa, LLVM or in eglibc. The crash 
>> happens
>> in _int_malloc, but since that is certainly one of the more often used
>> functions, I'm not yet convinced, the fault lies indeed with eglibc.
>> Therefore I'm attaching the full backtrace of the crash in
>> spec/glsl-1.50/execution/geometry/max-input-components (it takes a very long
>> time until the crash actually happens, Piglit recorded an execution time of
>> 1538.0506579875946) and hope you can point me to the right bug tracker.
>> I'm unable to tell, whether this is a regression or not, since today was the
>> first time I was able to run a full Piglit quick test, without crashing my X 
>> on
>> this machine with the radeonsi.
>> My graphics stack is:
>> GPU: "PITCAIRN" (ChipID = 0x6819)
>> Linux: 3.13.6
>> libdrm: 2.4.52-1
>> LLVM: SVN:trunk/r204517
>> libclc: Git:master/1e278a7b04
>> Mesa: Git:master/4c79f088c0
>> GLAMOR: Git:master/a4fbc7732a (Standalone)
>> DDX: Git:master/ea6d0affe5
>> X: 1.15.0-2
>> Let me know if you need further information.
> While it would take even longer, running with valgrind might help to isolate 
> the
> location of a memory error.

Ok, I'll do that over the weekend, since I haven't been able to get the output
within five hours yesterday in the evening. If there is a particular set of
options I should pass to valgrind, please let me know.



Kai Wasserbäch (Kai Wasserbaech)


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