On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Andrew Guertin <li...@dolphinling.net> wrote:
> On 02/08/2014 02:41 AM, Matt Turner wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Andrew Guertin <li...@dolphinling.net>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I updated mesa and started getting some bad behavior in League of Legends
>>> (played through wine). After starting a game, upon hovering any of the
>>> skill
>>> buttons, instead of an info tooltip appearing, the whole screen is
>>> covered
>>> in grey. Some other problems are visible too, like the options menu
>>> missing
>>> most of its text.
>>> I bisected down to
>>> 4bd6e0d7c69b304be88996a6c2b96ce7d996e627 is the first bad commit
>>> commit 4bd6e0d7c69b304be88996a6c2b96ce7d996e627
>>> Author: Matt Turner <matts...@gmail.com>
>>> Date:   Sat Dec 21 11:28:05 2013 -0800
>>>      glsl: Vectorize multiple scalar assignments
>>>      Reduces vertex shader instruction counts in DOTA2 by 6.42%, L4D2 by
>>>      4.61%, and CS:GO by 5.71%.
>>>      total instructions in shared programs: 1500153 -> 1498191 (-0.13%)
>>>      instructions in affected programs:     59919 -> 57957 (-3.27%)
>>>      Reviewed-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.roman...@intel.com>
>>> System info:
>>> CPU: i7-3770
>>> GPU: HD 4000
>>> Kernel: 3.12
>>> I am not subscribed to this mailing list, so please keep me cc'd.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --Andrew
>> Presumably you have the following commits on top of that, and none of
>> them affect it?
>> 8e2b8bd0
>> 37f1903e
>> 60654421
> Yes, I was up to date with master when I first noticed this, probably
> 882e98e5, so all of those were included.
>> Could you send me (privately) or file a bug report with the output of
>> the game running with MESA_GLSL=dump ?
> I've just spent about an hour trying to do this and failing. I get none of
> the output when running League of Legends. I get output when running
> glxgears, and when running FurMark through wine, but none with LoL. I also
> tried MESA_GLSL=log, which again worked with FurMark but had no result with
> LoL.
> --Andrew

Okay. Maybe you can capture an apitrace that shows the problem? I'd be
able to extract the shaders from it.

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