On 05.02.2014 18:08, Jose Fonseca wrote:
I honestly hope that GL_AMD_pinned_memory doesn't become popular. It would have 
been alright if it wasn't for this bit in 
http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/AMD/pinned_memory.txt which says:

     2) Can the application still use the buffer using the CPU address?

         RESOLVED: YES. However, this access would be completely
         non synchronized to the OpenGL pipeline, unless explicit
         synchronization is being used (for example, through glFinish or by 
         sync objects).

And I'm imagining apps which are streaming vertex data doing precisely just 

I don't understand your concern, this is exactly the same behavior GL_MAP_UNSYCHRONIZED_BIT has, and apps are supposedly using that properly. How does apitrace handle it?

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