Hi Brian,
            thanks for your reply.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 9:33 PM, Brian Paul <bri...@vmware.com> wrote:
> I took at look at eglCreateContext().  It's basically:
> EGLContext
> eglCreateContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLContext share_list,
>                  const EGLint *attrib_list)
> {
>    _EGLContext *share = _eglLookupContext(share_list, disp);
>    ...
>    if (!share && share_list != EGL_NO_CONTEXT)
>    ...
> }
> If the error is coming from there, it means that the share_list context
> you're passing in isn't recognized by EGL as a valid context.

I did have a look at the source but couldn't understand really why

_EGLContext *share = _eglLookupContext(share_list, disp);

returns a NULL value for share. Had a look a bit more deeper and I saw
that the display values for both the contexts were different. I then
modified my code then not to open a new display for the new context
instead share the display with the older one and then everything
worked like a charm.

Thanks for your help. First step is usually the hardest step, so thank
for pointing in the right direction.

Another thing that I wanted to check was that I have ported some of
the performance demos from mesa demos to use EGL and GLES2.0. If it is
useful in general to community then how can I get the sources reviewed
and commit to mesa demos repository?

Thanks for your help,
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