Well, the branch was said to work with EG. For HD4000, probably further
work is needed.

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Andy Furniss <andy...@ukfsn.org> wrote:

> Stefan Seifert wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Amazing work! I see some 50 % speed ups in FlightGear and even more. While
>> normally 3D clouds tear performance down to an unflyable stutter, with
>> your
>> branch I can fly in densly clouded conditions at usable framerates. I can
>> now
>> turn all shaders to maximum and enjoy the view. This makes a huge
>> difference.
>> Unfortunately there's a downside as well:
> Testing with rv790 with drm-fixes kernel not much works -
> etqw runs but in a level 50% of screen is junk.
> nexuiz menus total junk, didn't test further.
> xonotic menus OK but gpu lock on starting timedemo.
> vdpau mpeg2 decode - renders 90% junk.
> heaven 3.0 (on a different pure 64 bit setup) gpu lock.
> Unrelated question wtr heaven 3.0 - does it work properly anyway?
> For me running 64bit on rv790 with vanilla mesa with or without llvm I
> have to set shaders to medium, on high it works but I get no
> lighting/effects. There are also a couple of scenes that render as flared
> out black and white.
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