Brian, Did you get a chance to look at my other patch as well:
([PATCH 2/2] _mesa_meta_GenerateMipmap: Generate
 separate shaders for glsl 120 / 130) ?
Any more thoughts on including the code for 3D textures and
integer-textures ? I posted my views on this in an earlier
e-mail. I'll be happy to make any suggested changes in my

On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Anuj Phogat <> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 7:58 AM, Brian Paul <> wrote:
>> On 09/04/2012 08:42 PM, Anuj Phogat wrote:
>>> glsl path of _mesa_meta_GenerateMipmap() function would require different 
>>> fragment
>>> shaders depending on the texture target. This patch adds the code to 
>>> generate
>>> appropriate fragment shader programs at run time.
>>> Fixes
>>> NOTE: This is a candidate for stable branches.
>>> Signed-off-by: Anuj Phogat<>
>>> ---
>>>   src/mesa/drivers/common/meta.c |  100 
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
>>>   1 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/common/meta.c b/src/mesa/drivers/common/meta.c
>>> index 36672a7..7d701f4 100644
>>> --- a/src/mesa/drivers/common/meta.c
>>> +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/common/meta.c
>>> @@ -286,6 +286,15 @@ struct gen_mipmap_state
>>>      GLuint IntegerShaderProg;
>>>   };
>>> +/**
>>> + * State for GLSL texture sampler which is used to generate fragment
>>> + * shader in _mesa_meta_generate_mipmap().
>>> + */
>>> +struct glsl_sampler {
>>> +   const char *type;
>>> +   const char *func;
>>> +   const char *texcoords;
>>> +};
>>>   /**
>>>    * State for texture decompression
>>> @@ -2974,7 +2983,7 @@ setup_texture_coords(GLenum faceTarget,
>>>   static void
>>>   setup_ff_generate_mipmap(struct gl_context *ctx,
>>> -                           struct gen_mipmap_state *mipmap)
>>> +                         struct gen_mipmap_state *mipmap)
>>>   {
>>>      struct vertex {
>>>         GLfloat x, y, tex[3];
>>> @@ -3004,12 +3013,53 @@ setup_ff_generate_mipmap(struct gl_context *ctx,
>>>   static void
>>> +setup_texture_sampler(GLenum target, struct glsl_sampler *sampler)
>>> +{
>>> +   switch(target) {
>>> +   case GL_TEXTURE_1D:
>>> +      sampler->type = "sampler1D";
>>> +      sampler->func = "texture1D";
>>> +      sampler->texcoords = "texCoords.x";
>>> +      break;
>>> +   case GL_TEXTURE_2D:
>>> +      sampler->type = "sampler2D";
>>> +      sampler->func = "texture2D";
>>> +      sampler->texcoords = "texCoords.xy";
>>> +      break;
>>> +   case GL_TEXTURE_3D:
>>> +      sampler->type = "sampler3D";
>>> +      sampler->func = "texture3D";
>>> +      sampler->texcoords = "texCoords";
>>> +      break;
>>> +   case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP:
>>> +      sampler->type = "samplerCube";
>>> +      sampler->func = "textureCube";
>>> +      sampler->texcoords = "texCoords";
>>> +      break;
>>> +   case GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY:
>>> +      sampler->type = "sampler1DARRAY";
>>> +      sampler->texcoords = "texCoords.xy";
>>> +      break;
>>> +   case GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY:
>>> +      sampler->type = "sampler2DARRAY";
>>> +      sampler->texcoords = "texCoords";
>>> +      break;
>> Don't you need to set sampler->func for the ARARY cases?
> Yes. I have added the support for array textures in my 2nd patch.
> Refer to: [PATCH 2/2] _mesa_meta_GenerateMipmap: Generate separate
> shaders for glsl 120 / 130
>> Also note that we don't support mipmap generation for 3D textures yet (it's 
>> a sw fallback) and I don't recall ever testing 1D/2D ARRAY mipmap generation.
> 1D/2D array textures are allowed in glGenerateMipmap(). I'll find some
> time to add a piglit test case to verify their support.
> It might be useful to keep the code for 3D textures, in case we want
> to support them.
>>> +   default:
>>> +      /* unexpected texture target */
>>> +      return;
>>> +   }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +static void
>>>   setup_glsl_generate_mipmap(struct gl_context *ctx,
>>> -                           struct gen_mipmap_state *mipmap)
>>> +                           struct gen_mipmap_state *mipmap,
>>> +                           GLenum target)
>>>   {
>>>      struct vertex {
>>>         GLfloat x, y, tex[3];
>>>      };
>>> +   struct glsl_sampler sampler;
>>>      static const char *vs_source =
>>>         "attribute vec2 position;\n"
>>> @@ -3020,14 +3070,17 @@ setup_glsl_generate_mipmap(struct gl_context *ctx,
>>>         "   texCoords = textureCoords;\n"
>>>         "   gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
>>>         "}\n";
>>> -   static const char *fs_source =
>>> -      "uniform sampler2D tex2d;\n"
>>> +   static const char *fs_template =
>>> +      "#define SAMPLER_TYPE %s\n"
>>> +      "#define SAMPLER_FUNCTION %s\n"
>>> +      "#define TEX_COORDS %s\n"
>>> +      "uniform SAMPLER_TYPE texSampler;\n"
>>>         "varying vec3 texCoords;\n"
>>>         "void main()\n"
>>>         "{\n"
>>> -      "   gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex2d, texCoords.xy);\n"
>>> +      "   gl_FragColor = SAMPLER_FUNCTION(texSampler, TEX_COORDS);\n"
>>>         "}\n";
>>> -
>>> +
>>>      static const char *vs_int_source =
>>>         "#version 130\n"
>>>         "in vec2 position;\n"
>>> @@ -3036,18 +3089,22 @@ setup_glsl_generate_mipmap(struct gl_context *ctx,
>>>         "void main()\n"
>>>         "{\n"
>>>         "   texCoords = textureCoords;\n"
>>> -      "   gl_Position = gl_Vertex;\n"
>>> +      "   gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
>>>         "}\n";
>>> -   static const char *fs_int_source =
>>> +   static const char *fs_int_template =
>>>         "#version 130\n"
>>> -      "uniform isampler2D tex2d;\n"
>>> +      "#define SAMPLER_TYPE i%s\n"
>>> +      "#define TEX_COORDS %s\n"
>>> +      "uniform SAMPLER_TYPE texSampler;\n"
>>>         "in vec3 texCoords;\n"
>>>         "out ivec4 out_color;\n"
>>>         "\n"
>>>         "void main()\n"
>>>         "{\n"
>>> -      "   out_color = texture(tex2d, texCoords.xy);\n"
>>> +      "   out_color = texture(texSampler, TEX_COORDS);\n"
>>>         "}\n";
>>> +   char *fs_source, *fs_int_source;
>>> +   unsigned fs_alloc_len;
>>>      GLuint vs, fs;
>>>      /* Check if already initialized */
>>> @@ -3067,6 +3124,15 @@ setup_glsl_generate_mipmap(struct gl_context *ctx,
>>>      _mesa_VertexAttribPointerARB(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
>>>                                   sizeof(struct vertex), OFFSET(tex));
>>> +   /* Generate a fragment shader program appropriate for the texture 
>>> target */
>>> +   setup_texture_sampler(target,&sampler);
>>> +   fs_alloc_len = strlen(fs_template) + strlen(sampler.type) +
>>> +                  strlen(sampler.func) + strlen(sampler.texcoords) + 1;
>>> +   fs_source = (char *) malloc(fs_alloc_len);
>>> +
>>> +   sprintf(fs_source, fs_template,
>>> +           sampler.type, sampler.func, sampler.texcoords);
>>> +
>>>      vs = compile_shader_with_debug(ctx, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vs_source);
>>>      fs = compile_shader_with_debug(ctx, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fs_source);
>>> @@ -3080,9 +3146,20 @@ setup_glsl_generate_mipmap(struct gl_context *ctx,
>>>      _mesa_EnableVertexAttribArrayARB(0);
>>>      _mesa_EnableVertexAttribArrayARB(1);
>>>      link_program_with_debug(ctx, mipmap->ShaderProg);
>>> +   free(fs_source);
>>>      if ((_mesa_is_desktop_gl(ctx)&&  ctx->Const.GLSLVersion>= 130) ||
>>>          _mesa_is_gles3(ctx)){
>>> +      /* Generate a fragment shader program appropriate for the texture
>>> +       * target
>>> +       */
>>> +      fs_alloc_len = strlen(fs_int_template) + strlen(sampler.type) +
>>> +                     strlen(sampler.texcoords) + 1;
>>> +      fs_int_source = (char *) malloc(fs_alloc_len);
>>> +
>>> +      sprintf(fs_int_source, fs_int_template,
>>> +              sampler.type, sampler.texcoords);
>>> +
>> I think the ARB is leaning toward disallowing automatic mipmap generation 
>> for integer-valued textures.  So you might put that part on hold.
> Code for the integer textures already exists in
> _mesa_meta_GenerateMipmap() but it doesn't support all texture targets
> at the moment. We might push this code to complete the missing
> support, in case ARB hasn't yet reached any conclusion on integer
> textures. All the code for integer textures in
> _mesa_meta_GenerateMipmap()  can be later removed if ARB decides to
> disallow them.
>>>         vs = compile_shader_with_debug(ctx, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, 
>>> vs_int_source);
>>>         fs = compile_shader_with_debug(ctx, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, 
>>> fs_int_source);
>>> @@ -3099,6 +3176,7 @@ setup_glsl_generate_mipmap(struct gl_context *ctx,
>>>          * BindFragDataLocation to 0.
>>>          */
>>>         link_program_with_debug(ctx, mipmap->IntegerShaderProg);
>>> +      free(fs_int_source);
>>>      }
>>>   }
>>> @@ -3172,7 +3250,7 @@ _mesa_meta_GenerateMipmap(struct gl_context *ctx, 
>>> GLenum target,
>>>       * GenerateMipmap function.
>>>       */
>>>      if (use_glsl_version) {
>>> -      setup_glsl_generate_mipmap(ctx, mipmap);
>>> +      setup_glsl_generate_mipmap(ctx, mipmap, target);
>>>         if (texObj->_IsIntegerFormat)
>>>            _mesa_UseProgramObjectARB(mipmap->IntegerShaderProg);
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