Am Donnerstag, den 24.01.2019, 22:25 -0800 schrieb Stéphane Marchesin:
> Yes, it's for running virgl on top of GLES. To emulate fp64 in GL on
> the guest side, we need fp64 on the host...

BTW: we could also get it emulated from the guest side. When Elie (in
CC)  initially proposed the fp64 emulation series it was for r600 and
TGSI was emitted. The created shaders are horribly long and it is
certainly not performant, but if it's just for getting OpenGL 4.0
exposed it should be good enough.

I'm not sure though how much work it would be to add this to the soft
fp64 as it has now landed for NIR, though. 


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