On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 3:15 PM Gert Wollny <gert.wol...@collabora.com> wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 06.11.2018, 11:14 -0500 schrieb Ilia Mirkin:
> > On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 10:27 AM Gert Wollny <gert.wol...@collabora.co
> > m> wrote:
> > I'm not as intimately familiar with GLES extensions / features, but
> > would EXT_sRGB be the extension that covers that support?
> The extension has the status "not complete" but after reading is it
> seems to describe what is needed from ARB_framebuffer_sRGB in GLES 3.0,
> so yes, I'll look into doing that, but given the "not complete" state
> I'm not sure whether it is worth the trouble to exposed it with GLES
> 2.0 or just use it as a vehicle to do the versioning for GLES 3.0
> right.


Definitely some precedent for having it...

> > Mesa does not presently implement this extension, but if it's the
> > right one, perhaps adding an implementation of that, and then doing
> > something like
> >
> > EXT_sRGB = is_format_supported(SRGB)
> > EXT_framebuffer_sRGB / ARB_framebuffer_sRGB / EXT_sRGB_write_control
> > =
> > is_format_supported(SRGB) &&
> > GLES3 = EXT_sRGB (& others, obviously)
> I have no strong opinion on this but my gut tells me to agree with
> Marek: a non-negative cap seems better the me for following the logic
> that "EXT_framebuffer_sRGB/.. = is_format_supported(sRGB) + something",
>  only the naming of that "something" should be somehow intuitive.

I have no strong opinion here. Go with Marek's -- most caps are,
indeed, positive. Make sure to update so that every driver sets this
to true, since that's the existing expectation.


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