This is available through a "Show URB" button on the 3DPRIMITIVE

Signed-off-by: Lionel Landwerlin <>
 src/intel/tools/aubinator_viewer.cpp   | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++
 src/intel/tools/aubinator_viewer_urb.h | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 171 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/intel/tools/aubinator_viewer_urb.h

diff --git a/src/intel/tools/aubinator_viewer.cpp 
index f306f99bca5..5f2d50f6e46 100644
--- a/src/intel/tools/aubinator_viewer.cpp
+++ b/src/intel/tools/aubinator_viewer.cpp
@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ update_mem_for_exec(struct aub_mem *mem, struct aub_file 
*file, int exec_idx)
 #include "imgui_impl_opengl3.h"
 #include "aubinator_viewer.h"
+#include "aubinator_viewer_urb.h"
 #include "imgui_memory_editor.h"
 struct window {
@@ -267,6 +268,15 @@ struct shader_window {
    size_t shader_size;
+struct urb_window {
+   struct window base;
+   uint32_t end_urb_offset;
+   struct aub_decode_urb_stage_state urb_stages[AUB_DECODE_N_STAGE];
+   AubinatorViewerUrb urb_view;
 struct batch_window {
    struct window base;
@@ -389,6 +399,61 @@ new_shader_window(struct aub_mem *mem, uint64_t address, 
const char *desc)
    return window;
+/* URB windows */
+static void
+display_urb_window(struct window *win)
+   struct urb_window *window = (struct urb_window *) win;
+   static const char *stages[] = {
+      [AUB_DECODE_STAGE_VS] = "VS",
+      [AUB_DECODE_STAGE_HS] = "HS",
+      [AUB_DECODE_STAGE_DS] = "DS",
+      [AUB_DECODE_STAGE_GS] = "GS",
+      [AUB_DECODE_STAGE_PS] = "PS",
+      [AUB_DECODE_STAGE_CS] = "CS",
+   };
+   ImGui::Text("URB allocation:");
+   window->urb_view.DrawAllocation("##urb",
+                                   ARRAY_SIZE(window->urb_stages),
+                                   window->end_urb_offset,
+                                   stages,
+                                   &window->urb_stages[0]);
+static void
+destroy_urb_window(struct window *win)
+   struct urb_window *window = (struct urb_window *) win;
+   free(window);
+static struct urb_window *
+new_urb_window(struct aub_viewer_decode_ctx *decode_ctx, uint64_t address)
+   struct urb_window *window = xtzalloc(*window);
+   snprintf(window->, sizeof(window->,
+            "URB view (0x%lx)##%p", address, window);
+   list_inithead(&window->base.parent_link);
+   window->base.position = ImVec2(-1, -1);
+   window->base.size = ImVec2(700, 300);
+   window->base.opened = true;
+   window->base.display = display_urb_window;
+   window->base.destroy = destroy_urb_window;
+   window->end_urb_offset = decode_ctx->end_urb_offset;
+   memcpy(window->urb_stages, decode_ctx->urb_stages, 
+   window->urb_view = AubinatorViewerUrb();
+   list_addtail(&window->, &;
+   return window;
 /* Memory editor windows */
 static uint8_t
@@ -581,6 +646,15 @@ batch_display_shader(void *user_data, const char 
*shader_desc, uint64_t address)
    list_add(&shader_window->base.parent_link, &window->base.children_windows);
+static void
+batch_display_urb(void *user_data, const struct aub_decode_urb_stage_state 
+   struct batch_window *window = (struct batch_window *) user_data;
+   struct urb_window *urb_window = new_urb_window(&window->decode_ctx, 0);
+   list_add(&urb_window->base.parent_link, &window->base.children_windows);
 static void
 batch_edit_address(void *user_data, uint64_t address, uint32_t len)
@@ -740,6 +814,7 @@ new_batch_window(int exec_idx)
    window->decode_ctx.display_shader = batch_display_shader;
+   window->decode_ctx.display_urb = batch_display_urb;
    window->decode_ctx.edit_address = batch_edit_address;
    update_batch_window(window, false, exec_idx);
diff --git a/src/intel/tools/aubinator_viewer_urb.h 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6857bc20a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/intel/tools/aubinator_viewer_urb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#include "aubinator_viewer.h"
+#include "imgui.h"
+struct AubinatorViewerUrb {
+   float RowHeight;
+   AubinatorViewerUrb() {
+      RowHeight = 10.0f;
+   }
+   bool _Hovered(const ImVec2& mouse, bool window_hovered,
+                 const ImVec2& tl, const ImVec2& br) {
+      return window_hovered &&
+         tl.x <= mouse.x && tl.y <= mouse.y &&
+         br.x > mouse.x && br.y > mouse.y;
+   }
+   void DrawAllocation(const char *label,
+                       int n_stages,
+                       int end_urb_offset,
+                       const char *stage_names[],
+                       const struct aub_decode_urb_stage_state *stages) {
+      const ImVec2 label_size = ImGui::CalcTextSize("VS entry:  ", NULL, true);
+      ImVec2 graph_size(ImGui::CalcItemWidth(), 2 * n_stages * label_size.y);
+      ImGui::BeginChild(label, ImVec2(0, graph_size.y), false);
+      ImDrawList* draw_list = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
+      const float row_height = MAX2(RowHeight, label_size.y);
+      const float width = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvailWidth() - label_size.x;
+      const float alloc_delta = width / end_urb_offset;
+      const ImVec2 window_pos = ImGui::GetWindowPos();
+      const ImVec2 mouse_pos = ImGui::GetMousePos();
+      const bool window_hovered = ImGui::IsWindowHovered();
+      int const_idx = 0;
+      for (int s = 0; s < n_stages; s++) {
+         const float x = window_pos.x + label_size.x;
+         const float y = window_pos.y + s * row_height;
+         ImVec2 alloc_pos(window_pos.x, y);
+         ImVec2 alloc_tl(x + stages[s].start * alloc_delta, y);
+         ImVec2 alloc_br(x + (stages[s].start +
+                              stages[s].n_entries * stages[s].size) * 
+                         y + row_height);
+         ImVec2 const_tl(x + const_idx * alloc_delta, y);
+         ImVec2 const_br(x + (const_idx + stages[s].const_rd_length) * 
+                         y + row_height);
+         char label[40];
+         snprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%s: ", stage_names[s]);
+         draw_list->AddText(alloc_pos, ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Text), 
+         float r, g, b;
+         bool hovered;
+         /* URB allocation */
+         hovered = _Hovered(mouse_pos, window_hovered, alloc_tl, alloc_br);
+         ImGui::ColorConvertHSVtoRGB((2 * s) * 1.0f / (2 * n_stages),
+                                     1.0f, hovered ? 1.0f : 0.8f,
+                                     r, g, b);
+         draw_list->AddRectFilled(alloc_tl, alloc_br, ImColor(r, g, b));
+         if (hovered) {
+            ImGui::SetTooltip("%s: start=%u end=%u",
+                              stage_names[s],
+                              stages[s].start,
+                              stages[s].n_entries * stages[s].size);
+         }
+         /* Constant URB input */
+         hovered = _Hovered(mouse_pos, window_hovered, const_tl, const_br);
+         ImGui::ColorConvertHSVtoRGB((2 * s + 1) * 1.0f / (2 * n_stages),
+                                     1.0f, hovered ? 1.0f : 0.8f,
+                                     r, g, b);
+         draw_list->AddRectFilled(const_tl, const_br, ImColor(r, g, b));
+         if (hovered) {
+            ImGui::SetTooltip("%s constant: start=%u end=%u",
+                              stage_names[s],
+                              stages[s].rd_offset,
+                              stages[s].rd_offset + stages[s].rd_length);
+         }
+         const_idx += stages[s].const_rd_length;
+      }
+      ImGui::EndChild();
+   }

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