Merge the mipmap level checking code that was separate cases for 1D,
2D, 3D and CUBE before.
 src/mesa/main/texobj.c |  183 ++++++++++++------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/main/texobj.c b/src/mesa/main/texobj.c
index 535ea74..c07e1ce 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/texobj.c
+++ b/src/mesa/main/texobj.c
@@ -531,179 +531,86 @@ _mesa_test_texobj_completeness( const struct gl_context 
-   /* extra checking for mipmaps */
+   /*
+    * Do mipmap consistency checking
+    */
    if (t->Sampler.MinFilter != GL_NEAREST && t->Sampler.MinFilter != 
        * Mipmapping: determine if we have a complete set of mipmaps
       GLint i;
-      GLint minLevel = baseLevel;
-      GLint maxLevel = t->_MaxLevel;
+      const GLint minLevel = baseLevel;
+      const GLint maxLevel = t->_MaxLevel;
+      GLuint width, height, depth, face, numFaces = 1;
       if (minLevel > maxLevel) {
          incomplete(t, "minLevel > maxLevel");
-      /* Test dimension-independent attributes */
-      for (i = minLevel; i <= maxLevel; i++) {
-         if (t->Image[0][i]) {
-            if (t->Image[0][i]->TexFormat != baseImage->TexFormat) {
-               incomplete(t, "Format[i] != Format[baseLevel]");
-               return;
-            }
-            if (t->Image[0][i]->Border != baseImage->Border) {
-               incomplete(t, "Border[i] != Border[baseLevel]");
-               return;
-            }
+      /* Get the base image's dimensions */
+      width = baseImage->Width2;
+      height = baseImage->Height2;
+      depth = baseImage->Depth2;
+      /* Note: this loop will be a no-op for RECT, BUFFER, EXTERNAL textures */
+      for (i = baseLevel + 1; i < maxLevels; i++) {
+         /* Compute the expected size of image at level[i] */
+         if (width > 1) {
+            width /= 2;
+         }
+         if (height > 1 && t->Target != GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY) {
+            height /= 2;
+         }
+         if (depth > 1 && t->Target != GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY) {
+            depth /= 2;
-      }
-      /* Test things which depend on number of texture image dimensions */
-      if ((t->Target == GL_TEXTURE_1D) ||
-          (t->Target == GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY_EXT)) {
-         /* Test 1-D mipmaps */
-         GLuint width = baseImage->Width2;
-         for (i = baseLevel + 1; i < maxLevels; i++) {
-            if (width > 1) {
-               width /= 2;
-            }
+         /* loop over cube faces (or single face otherwise) */
+         for (face = 0; face < numFaces; face++) {
             if (i >= minLevel && i <= maxLevel) {
-               const struct gl_texture_image *img = t->Image[0][i];
+               const struct gl_texture_image *img = t->Image[face][i];
                if (!img) {
-                  incomplete(t, "1D Image[%d] is missing", i);
+                  incomplete(t, "TexImage[%d] is missing", i);
-               if (img->Width2 != width ) {
-                  incomplete(t, "1D Image[%d] bad width %u", i, img->Width2);
+               if (img->TexFormat != baseImage->TexFormat) {
+                  incomplete(t, "Format[i] != Format[baseLevel]");
-            }
-            if (width == 1) {
-               return;  /* found smallest needed mipmap, all done! */
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      else if ((t->Target == GL_TEXTURE_2D) ||
-               (t->Target == GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_EXT)) {
-         /* Test 2-D mipmaps */
-         GLuint width = baseImage->Width2;
-         GLuint height = baseImage->Height2;
-         for (i = baseLevel + 1; i < maxLevels; i++) {
-            if (width > 1) {
-               width /= 2;
-            }
-            if (height > 1) {
-               height /= 2;
-            }
-            if (i >= minLevel && i <= maxLevel) {
-               const struct gl_texture_image *img = t->Image[0][i];
-               if (!img) {
-                  incomplete(t, "2D Image[%d of %d] is missing", i, maxLevel);
+               if (img->Border != baseImage->Border) {
+                  incomplete(t, "Border[i] != Border[baseLevel]");
                if (img->Width2 != width) {
-                  incomplete(t, "2D Image[%d] bad width %u", i, img->Width2);
+                  incomplete(t, "TexImage[%d] bad width %u", i, img->Width2);
                if (img->Height2 != height) {
-                  incomplete(t, "2D Image[i] bad height %u", i, img->Height2);
-                  return;
-               }
-               if (width==1 && height==1) {
-                  return;  /* found smallest needed mipmap, all done! */
-               }
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      else if (t->Target == GL_TEXTURE_3D) {
-         /* Test 3-D mipmaps */
-         GLuint width = baseImage->Width2;
-         GLuint height = baseImage->Height2;
-         GLuint depth = baseImage->Depth2;
-         for (i = baseLevel + 1; i < maxLevels; i++) {
-            if (width > 1) {
-               width /= 2;
-            }
-            if (height > 1) {
-               height /= 2;
-            }
-            if (depth > 1) {
-               depth /= 2;
-            }
-            if (i >= minLevel && i <= maxLevel) {
-               const struct gl_texture_image *img = t->Image[0][i];
-               if (!img) {
-                  incomplete(t, "3D Image[%d] is missing", i);
-                  return;
-               }
-               if (img->_BaseFormat == GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT) {
-                  incomplete(t, "GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT only works with 1/2D tex");
-                  return;
-               }
-               if (img->Width2 != width) {
-                  incomplete(t, "3D Image[%d] bad width %u", i, img->Width2);
-                  return;
-               }
-               if (img->Height2 != height) {
-                  incomplete(t, "3D Image[%d] bad height %u", i, img->Height2);
+                  incomplete(t, "TexImage[%d] bad height %u", i, img->Height2);
                if (img->Depth2 != depth) {
-                  incomplete(t, "3D Image[%d] bad depth %u", i, img->Depth2);
+                  incomplete(t, "TexImage[%d] bad depth %u", i, img->Depth2);
-            }
-            if (width == 1 && height == 1 && depth == 1) {
-               return;  /* found smallest needed mipmap, all done! */
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      else if (t->Target == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB) {
-         /* make sure 6 cube faces are consistant */
-         GLuint width = baseImage->Width2;
-         GLuint height = baseImage->Height2;
-         for (i = baseLevel + 1; i < maxLevels; i++) {
-            if (width > 1) {
-               width /= 2;
-            }
-            if (height > 1) {
-               height /= 2;
-            }
-            if (i >= minLevel && i <= maxLevel) {
-              GLuint face;
-              for (face = 0; face < 6; face++) {
-                 /* check that we have images defined */
-                 if (!t->Image[face][i]) {
-                    incomplete(t, "CubeMap Image[n][i] == NULL");
-                    return;
-                 }
-                 /* Don't support GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT for cube maps */
-                  if (ctx->VersionMajor < 3 && 
!ctx->Extensions.EXT_gpu_shader4) {
-                     if (t->Image[face][i]->_BaseFormat == GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT) 
-                        incomplete(t, "GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT only works with 1/2D 
-                        return;
-                     }
-                 }
-                 /* check that all six images have same size */
-                  if (t->Image[face][i]->Width2 != width || 
-                      t->Image[face][i]->Height2 != height) {
+               /* Extra checks for cube textures */
+               if (face > 0) {
+                  /* check that cube faces are the same size */
+                  if (img->Width2 != t->Image[0][i]->Width2 || 
+                      img->Height2 != t->Image[0][i]->Height2) {
                     incomplete(t, "CubeMap Image[n][i] bad size");
-              }
-           }
-           if (width == 1 && height == 1) {
-              return;  /* found smallest needed mipmap, all done! */
+               }
-      }
-      else if (t->Target == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV) {
-         /* XXX special checking? */
-      }
-      else {
-         /* Target = ??? */
-         _mesa_problem(ctx, "Bug in gl_test_texture_object_completeness\n");
+         if (width == 1 && height == 1 && depth == 1) {
+            return;  /* found smallest needed mipmap, all done! */
+         }

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