On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 03:47:31PM -0800, Jason Ekstrand wrote:
> This pass performs an "ambiguate" operation on a CCS-compressed surface
> by manually writing zeros into the CCS.  On gen8+, ISL gives us a fairly
> detailed notion of how the CCS is laid out so this is fairly simple to
> do.  On gen7, the CCS tiling is quite crazy but that isn't an issue
> because we can only do CCS on single-slice images so we can just blast
> over the entire CCS buffer if we want to.
> ---
>  src/intel/blorp/blorp.h       |   5 ++
>  src/intel/blorp/blorp_clear.c | 149 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 154 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/src/intel/blorp/blorp.h b/src/intel/blorp/blorp.h
> index a1dd571..478a9af 100644
> --- a/src/intel/blorp/blorp.h
> +++ b/src/intel/blorp/blorp.h
> @@ -204,6 +204,11 @@ blorp_ccs_resolve(struct blorp_batch *batch,
>                    enum blorp_fast_clear_op resolve_op);
>  void
> +blorp_ccs_ambiguate(struct blorp_batch *batch,
> +                    struct blorp_surf *surf,
> +                    uint32_t level, uint32_t layer);
> +
> +void
>  blorp_mcs_partial_resolve(struct blorp_batch *batch,
>                            struct blorp_surf *surf,
>                            enum isl_format format,
> diff --git a/src/intel/blorp/blorp_clear.c b/src/intel/blorp/blorp_clear.c
> index 8e7bc9f..fa2abd9 100644
> --- a/src/intel/blorp/blorp_clear.c
> +++ b/src/intel/blorp/blorp_clear.c
> @@ -881,3 +881,152 @@ blorp_mcs_partial_resolve(struct blorp_batch *batch,
>     batch->blorp->exec(batch, &params);
>  }
> +
> +/** Clear a CCS to the "uncompressed" state
> + *
> + * This pass is the CCS equivalent of a "HiZ resolve".  It sets the CCS 
> values
> + * for a given layer/level of a surface to 0x0 which is the "uncompressed"
> + * state which tells the sampler to go look at the main surface.
> + */
> +void
> +blorp_ccs_ambiguate(struct blorp_batch *batch,
> +                    struct blorp_surf *surf,
> +                    uint32_t level, uint32_t layer)
> +{
> +   struct blorp_params params;
> +   blorp_params_init(&params);
> +
> +   assert(ISL_DEV_GEN(batch->blorp->isl_dev) >= 7);
> +
> +   const struct isl_format_layout *aux_fmtl =
> +      isl_format_get_layout(surf->aux_surf->format);
> +   assert(aux_fmtl->txc == ISL_TXC_CCS);
> +
> +   params.dst = (struct brw_blorp_surface_info) {
> +      .enabled = true,
> +      .addr = surf->aux_addr,
> +      .view = {
> +         .usage = ISL_SURF_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_BIT,
> +         .format = ISL_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT,
> +         .base_level = 0,
> +         .base_array_layer = 0,
> +         .levels = 1,
> +         .array_len = 1,
> +         .swizzle = ISL_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY,
> +      },
> +   };
> +
> +   uint32_t z = 0;
> +   if (surf->surf->dim == ISL_SURF_DIM_3D) {
> +      z = layer;
> +      layer = 0;
> +   }
> +
> +   uint32_t offset_B, x_offset_el, y_offset_el;
> +   isl_surf_get_image_offset_el(surf->aux_surf, level, layer, z,
> +                                &x_offset_el, &y_offset_el);
> +   isl_tiling_get_intratile_offset_el(surf->aux_surf->tiling, aux_fmtl->bpb,
> +                                      surf->aux_surf->row_pitch,
> +                                      x_offset_el, y_offset_el,
> +                                      &offset_B, &x_offset_el, &y_offset_el);
> +   params.dst.addr.offset += offset_B;
> +
> +   const uint32_t width_px = minify(surf->surf->logical_level0_px.width, 
> level);
> +   const uint32_t height_px = minify(surf->surf->logical_level0_px.height, 
> level);
> +   const uint32_t width_el = DIV_ROUND_UP(width_px, aux_fmtl->bw);
> +   const uint32_t height_el = DIV_ROUND_UP(height_px, aux_fmtl->bh);
> +
> +   struct isl_tile_info ccs_tile_info;
> +   isl_surf_get_tile_info(surf->aux_surf, &ccs_tile_info);
> +
> +   /* We're going to map it as a regular RGBA32_UINT surface.  We need to
> +    * downscale a good deal.  We start by computing the area on the CCS to
> +    * clear in units of Y-tiled cache lines.
> +    */
> +   uint32_t x_offset_y_cl, y_offset_y_cl, width_y_cl, height_y_cl;
> +   if (ISL_DEV_GEN(batch->blorp->isl_dev) >= 8) {
> +      /* From the Sky Lake PRM Vol. 12 in the section on planes:
> +       *
> +       *    "The Color Control Surface (CCS) contains the compression status
> +       *    of the cache-line pairs. The compression state of the cache-line
> +       *    pair is specified by 2 bits in the CCS.  Each CCS cache-line
> +       *    represents an area on the main surface of 16x16 sets of 128 byte
> +       *    Y-tiled cache-line-pairs. CCS is always Y tiled."
> +       *
> +       * Each 2-bit surface element in the CCS corresponds to a single
> +       * cache-line pair in the main surface.  This means that 16x16 el block
> +       * in the CCS maps to a Y-tiled cache line.  Fortunately, CCS layouts
> +       * are calculated with a very large alignment so we can round up to a
> +       * whole cache line without worrying about overdraw.
> +       */
> +
> +      /* On Broadwell and above, a CCS tile is the same as a Y tile when
> +       * viewed at the cache-line granularity.  Fortunately, the horizontal
> +       * and vertical alignment requirements of the CCS are such that we can
> +       * align to an entire cache line without worrying about crossing over
> +       * from one LOD to another.
> +       */
> +      const uint32_t scale_x = ccs_tile_info.logical_extent_el.w / 8;
> +      const uint32_t scale_y = ccs_tile_info.logical_extent_el.h / 8;

These are now CCS tile dimensions in number of bytes, right?

> +      assert(surf->aux_surf->image_alignment_el.w % scale_x == 0);
> +      assert(surf->aux_surf->image_alignment_el.h % scale_y == 0);
> +
> +      assert(x_offset_el % scale_x == 0 && y_offset_el % scale_y == 0);
> +      x_offset_y_cl = x_offset_el / scale_x;
> +      y_offset_y_cl = y_offset_el / scale_y;
> +      width_y_cl = DIV_ROUND_UP(width_el, scale_x);
> +      height_y_cl = DIV_ROUND_UP(height_el, scale_y);

This talks about cache lines but I'm reading that these *_cl are actually
numbers in CCS tiles. What am I missing/misunderstanding?

> +   } else {
> +      /* On gen7, the CCS tiling is not so nice.  However, there we are
> +       * guaranteed that we only have a single level and slice so we don't
> +       * have to worry about it and can just align to a whole tile.
> +       */
> +      assert(x_offset_el == 0 && y_offset_el == 0);
> +      const uint32_t width_tl =
> +         DIV_ROUND_UP(width_el, ccs_tile_info.logical_extent_el.w);
> +      const uint32_t height_tl =
> +         DIV_ROUND_UP(height_el, ccs_tile_info.logical_extent_el.h);
> +      x_offset_y_cl = 0;
> +      y_offset_y_cl = 0;
> +      width_y_cl = width_tl * 8;
> +      height_y_cl = height_tl * 8;

I am probably badly off in the weeds, and just need to ask. Here I'm thinking
that width_tl, for example, is something in number of bits and width_tl
becomes width in CCS tiles.

> +   }
> +
> +   /* We're going to use a RGBA32 format so as to write data as quickly as
> +    * possible.  A y-tiled cache line will then be 1x4 px.
> +    */
> +   const uint32_t x_offset_rgba_px = x_offset_y_cl;
> +   const uint32_t y_offset_rgba_px = y_offset_y_cl * 4;
> +   const uint32_t width_rgba_px = width_y_cl;
> +   const uint32_t height_rgba_px = height_y_cl * 4;

And my confusion continues here. Numbers denoted as *_cl represent something
four times as small as pixels. I'd thought one would need to divide the number
instead of multiplying it. One is about to represent the same amount with
larger units (pixels).

> +
> +   MAYBE_UNUSED bool ok =
> +      isl_surf_init(batch->blorp->isl_dev, &params.dst.surf,
> +                    .dim = ISL_SURF_DIM_2D,
> +                    .format = ISL_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT,
> +                    .width = width_rgba_px + x_offset_rgba_px,
> +                    .height = height_rgba_px + y_offset_rgba_px,
> +                    .depth = 1,
> +                    .levels = 1,
> +                    .array_len = 1,
> +                    .samples = 1,
> +                    .row_pitch = surf->aux_surf->row_pitch,
> +                    .usage = ISL_SURF_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_BIT,
> +                    .tiling_flags = ISL_TILING_Y0_BIT);
> +   assert(ok);
> +   assert(offset_B + params.dst.surf.size <= surf->aux_surf->size);
> +
> +   params.x0 = x_offset_rgba_px;
> +   params.y0 = y_offset_rgba_px;
> +   params.x1 = x_offset_rgba_px + width_rgba_px;
> +   params.y1 = y_offset_rgba_px + height_rgba_px;
> +
> +   /* A CCS value of 0 means "uncompressed." */
> +   memset(&params.wm_inputs.clear_color, 0,
> +          sizeof(params.wm_inputs.clear_color));
> +
> +   if (!blorp_params_get_clear_kernel(batch->blorp, &params, true))
> +      return;
> +
> +   batch->blorp->exec(batch, &params);
> +}
> -- 
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