Broadwell doesn't support half precisions data formats on render
target writes (RTW) messages. So the solution to write 16-bit outputs
is to use the conversion from 32-bit to 16-bit when writing 32-bit
values on a 16-bit format surface using formats like R16_FLOAT.

Half-precision outputs are converted from HF->F, W->D and UW->UD. This
requires to know the GLSL base type used in NIR to define the shader
output. We store the 16-bit register types at nir_setup_outputs.

This conversion will be used on all 16-bit types on BDW and in the
case of Cherryview that doesn't have UINT16 type support for RTW
with half precision data formats.

It is important to note that in these cases the payload has 32-bit
format, different to the one used when the half precision data format
will be enabled on SKL and Cherryview with the following patches.

v2: By default 16-bit sources should be packed (Jason Ekstrand)
    Remove not necessary alignment operation for 16-bit to
    32-bit conversion (Chema Casanova)

Signed-off-by: Jose Maria Casanova Crespo <>
Signed-off-by: Eduardo Lima <>
 src/intel/compiler/brw_fs_nir.cpp | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs_nir.cpp 
index 66299860c9..fb138de76a 100644
--- a/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs_nir.cpp
+++ b/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs_nir.cpp
@@ -50,9 +50,28 @@ fs_visitor::emit_nir_code()
-   if (stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL || stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)
+   if (stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL)
+   if (stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {
+      /*
+       * The following code uses the outputs map to save the variable's
+       * original output type, so later we can retrieve it and retype
+       * the output accordingly while emitting the FS 16-bit outputs.
+       */
+      nir_foreach_variable(var, &nir->outputs) {
+         const enum glsl_base_type base_type =
+            glsl_get_base_type(var->type->without_array());
+         if (glsl_base_type_is_16bit(base_type)) {
+            outputs[var->data.driver_location] =
+               retype(outputs[var->data.driver_location],
+                      brw_type_for_base_type(var->type));
+         }
+      }
+      return;
+   }
    unsigned vec4s[VARYING_SLOT_TESS_MAX] = { 0, };
    /* Calculate the size of output registers in a separate pass, before
@@ -3310,14 +3329,35 @@ fs_visitor::nir_emit_fs_intrinsic(const fs_builder &bld,
    case nir_intrinsic_store_output: {
-      const fs_reg src = get_nir_src(instr->src[0]);
+      fs_reg src = get_nir_src(instr->src[0]);
+      bool is_16bit = (instr->src[0].is_ssa ?
+         instr->src[0].ssa->bit_size : instr->src[0].reg.reg->bit_size) == 16;
       const nir_const_value *const_offset = 
       assert(const_offset && "Indirect output stores not allowed");
       const unsigned location = nir_intrinsic_base(instr) +
          SET_FIELD(const_offset->u32[0], BRW_NIR_FRAG_OUTPUT_LOCATION);
-      const fs_reg new_dest = retype(alloc_frag_output(this, location),
-                                     src.type);
+      if (is_16bit) {
+         /* The outputs[location] should already have the original output type
+          * stored from nir_setup_outputs.
+          */
+         src = retype(src, outputs[location].type);
+      }
+      fs_reg new_dest = retype(alloc_frag_output(this, location),
+                               src.type);
+      /* This is a workaround to support 16-bits outputs on HW that doesn't
+       * support half-precision render-target-write (RTW) messages. In these
+       * cases, we construct a 32-bit payload with the result of the
+       * conversion of the output values from 16-bit to 32-bit. Later on, a
+       * render target with a 16-bit surface format will force the correct
+       * conversion of the 32-bit output values to 16-bit.
+       */
+      if (is_16bit) {
+         new_dest.type = brw_reg_type_from_bit_size(32, src.type);
+      }
       for (unsigned j = 0; j < instr->num_components; j++)
          bld.MOV(offset(new_dest, bld, nir_intrinsic_component(instr) + j),
                  offset(src, bld, j));

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