-----Original Message-----
From: mesa-dev [mailto:mesa-dev-boun...@lists.freedesktop.org] On Behalf Of 
Christian König
Sent: November-09-17 12:19 PM
To: Mark Thompson; mesa-dev@lists.freedesktop.org
Subject: Re: [Mesa-dev] [PATCH 10/18] radeon/vcn: add encode header 

Am 09.11.2017 um 17:57 schrieb Mark Thompson:
>> On 08/11/17 18:08, boyuan.zh...@amd.com wrote:
>>> From: Boyuan Zhang <boyuan.zh...@amd.com>
>>> Implement encoding of sps, pps, and silce headers using the newly 
>>> added h.264 header coding descriptors functions based on h.264 specs.
>>> Signed-off-by: Boyuan Zhang <boyuan.zh...@amd.com>
>>> ---
>>>   src/gallium/drivers/radeon/radeon_vcn_enc_1_2.c | 234 
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>   1 file changed, 234 insertions(+)
>> So, does this mean we could actually implement VAAPI encode properly with 
>> packed headers now rather than hard-coding all of this in the driver?

[Boyuan] Generally speaking, we are doing part of the slice header encoding 
work in driver side now. Previously for vce encode, all those works are done by 
firmware, and driver only provides required variables . Now for vcn encode, 
both driver and firmware do part of the work, and at the end firmware generate 
the entire slice header. For example, one of the questions you asked below that 
"who will set the value for slice_qp_delta?" It's actually that firmware will 
set the value, while driver side needs to instructs it. So in conclusion, we 
can't encode everything in driver side. All other questions/comments are 
answered below.

> At least that's the intention here.
> BTW: Boyuan we already have a bitstream write in picture_mpeg4.c in the VA 
> state tracker.
> Please unify all that stuff in a header in src/gallium/auxiliary/vl/.
> Regards,
> Christian.

[Boyuan] I see. I would like to create a separate patch and move those stuff 
after these bringup patches set, does it sound fine to you? 

>>> diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/radeon_vcn_enc_1_2.c 
>>> b/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/radeon_vcn_enc_1_2.c
>>> index 5170c67..c6dc420 100644
>>> --- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/radeon_vcn_enc_1_2.c
>>> +++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/radeon_vcn_enc_1_2.c
>>> @@ -362,6 +362,233 @@ static void radeon_enc_quality_params(struct 
>>> radeon_encoder *enc)
>>>     RADEON_ENC_END();
>>>   }
>>> +static void radeon_enc_nalu_sps(struct radeon_encoder *enc) {
>>> +   uint32_t *size_in_bytes = &enc->cs->current.buf[enc->cs->current.cdw++];
>>> +   radeon_enc_reset(enc);
>>> +   radeon_enc_set_emulation_prevention(enc, false);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x00000001, 32);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x67, 8);
>>> +   radeon_enc_byte_align(enc);
>>> +   radeon_enc_set_emulation_prevention(enc, true);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.profile_idc, 8);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x04, 8);
> >Please always set constraint_set1_flag when profile_idc is 66.  There are 
> >enough actually-constrained-baseline-but-not-marked-as-such streams in the 
> >world already to catch out decoders without full baseline support (that is, 
> >all of them).
> >Also, "constraint_set5_flag shall be equal to 0 when profile_idc is not 
> >equal to 77, 88, 100, or 118".

[Boyuan] Thanks for pointing out. I modified the value to be 0x44 in the new 
patch (set1=1, and set5=1) since we only support constrained baseline for now.

>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.level_idc, 8);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>>> +
>>> +   if(enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.profile_idc == 100 || 
>>> enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.profile_idc == 110 || 
>>> enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.profile_idc == 122 ||
>>> +                   enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.profile_idc == 244 || 
>>> enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.profile_idc == 44 || 
>>> enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.profile_idc == 83 ||
>>> +                   enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.profile_idc == 86 || 
>>> enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.profile_idc == 118 || 
>>> enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.profile_idc == 128 ||
>>> +                   enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.profile_idc == 138) {
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x1);
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 2);
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, enc->enc_pic.pic_order_cnt_type);
>>> +
>>> +   if (enc->enc_pic.pic_order_cnt_type == 0)
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 1);
>> POC type can be 1 as well, which has more associated syntax.

[Boyuan] For now, we only support 0 and 2. And the implicit "else" is for 
poc_type==2 case.

>>> +
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, (enc->base.max_references + 1));
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 
>>> enc->enc_pic.layer_ctrl.max_num_temporal_layers > 1 ? 0x1 : 0x0, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 
>>> (enc->enc_pic.session_init.aligned_picture_width / 16 - 1));
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 
>>> (enc->enc_pic.session_init.aligned_picture_height / 16 - 1));
>>> +   bool progressive_only = true;
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, progressive_only ? 0x1 : 0x0, 1);
>>> +
>>> +   if (!progressive_only)
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x1, 1);
>>> +
>>> +   if ((enc->enc_pic.crop_left != 0) || (enc->enc_pic.crop_right != 0) ||
>>> +                   (enc->enc_pic.crop_top != 0) || 
>>> (enc->enc_pic.crop_bottom != 0)) {
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x1, 1);
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, enc->enc_pic.crop_left);
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, enc->enc_pic.crop_right);
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, enc->enc_pic.crop_top);
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, enc->enc_pic.crop_bottom);
>>> +   } else
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x1, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>> Including the tick rate would be nice even if none of the other metadata is 
>> available; I think you do know it here.

[Boyuan] We haven't implement it for now. We will discuss about it. Thanks!

>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x1, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x1, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>> Note that level limits imply the default value (2) of 
>> max_bytes_per_pic_denom.

[Boyuan] According to the spec “If max_bytes_per_pic_denom is equal to 0, no 
limits are indicated.”. We are trying not to set limit for now.

>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 16);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 16);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, (enc->base.max_references + 1));
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x1, 1);
>> Maybe separate the rbsp_trailing_bits to make it clearer?

[Boyuan] Totally agree. Fixed in the new patch.

>>> +   radeon_enc_byte_align(enc);
>>> +   radeon_enc_flush_headers(enc);
>>> +   *size_in_bytes = (enc->bits_output + 7) / 8;
>>> +   RADEON_ENC_END();
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void radeon_enc_nalu_pps(struct radeon_encoder *enc) {
>>> +   uint32_t *size_in_bytes = &enc->cs->current.buf[enc->cs->current.cdw++];
>>> +   radeon_enc_reset(enc);
>>> +   radeon_enc_set_emulation_prevention(enc, false);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x00000001, 32);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x68, 8);
>>> +   radeon_enc_byte_align(enc);
>>> +   radeon_enc_set_emulation_prevention(enc, true);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, (enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.cabac_enable ? 
>>> 0x1 : 0x0), 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 2);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_se(enc, 0x0);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_se(enc, 0x0);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_se(enc, 0x0);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x1, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>> No 8x8 transform?

[Boyuan] No, our hardware doesn’t support 8x8 transform.

>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x1, 1);
>>> +   radeon_enc_byte_align(enc);
>>> +   radeon_enc_flush_headers(enc);
>>> +   *size_in_bytes = (enc->bits_output + 7) / 8;
>>> +   RADEON_ENC_END();
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void radeon_enc_slice_header(struct radeon_encoder *enc) {
>>> +   uint32_t 
>>> {0};
>>> +   unsigned int inst_index = 0;
>>> +   unsigned int bit_index = 0;
>>> +   unsigned int bits_copied = 0;
>>> +   radeon_enc_reset(enc);
>>> +   radeon_enc_set_emulation_prevention(enc, false);
>>> +
>>> +   if (enc->enc_pic.is_idr)
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x65, 8);
>>> +   else if (enc->enc_pic.not_referenced)
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x01, 8);
>>> +   else
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x41, 8);
>>> +
>>> +   radeon_enc_flush_headers(enc);
>>> +   bit_index ++;
>>> +   instruction[inst_index] = RENCODE_HEADER_INSTRUCTION_COPY;
>>> +   num_bits[inst_index] = enc->bits_output - bits_copied;
>>> +   bits_copied = enc->bits_output;
>>> +   inst_index++;
>>> +
>>> +   instruction[inst_index] = RENCODE_H264_HEADER_INSTRUCTION_FIRST_MB;
>>> +   inst_index++;
>> Who fills first_mb_in_slice?  Is this dynamic because there might be 
>> multiple slices with boundaries unknown at this point?

[Boyuan] Firmware does the job.

>>> +
>>> +   switch(enc->enc_pic.picture_type) {
>>> +           case PIPE_H264_ENC_PICTURE_TYPE_I:
>>> +           case PIPE_H264_ENC_PICTURE_TYPE_IDR:
>>> +                   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x08, 7);
>>> +                   break;
>>> +           case PIPE_H264_ENC_PICTURE_TYPE_P:
>>> +           case PIPE_H264_ENC_PICTURE_TYPE_SKIP:
>>> +                   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x06, 5);
>>> +                   break;
>>> +           case PIPE_H264_ENC_PICTURE_TYPE_B:
>>> +                   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x07, 5);
>>> +                   break;
>>> +           default:
>>> +                   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x08, 7);
>>> +   }
>> Can you explain what this is doing?  It's slice_type, which is normally 
>> unsigned exp-golomb, in some strange form?

[Boyuan] The code takes the “short-cut” by directly coding the pre-calculated 
ue results of the slice_type constant values.

>>> +
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, enc->enc_pic.frame_num % 32, 5);
>> If the user had log2_max_frame_num_minus4 == 0 then the truncation doesn't 
>> work.  Might be better to use the user value of log2_max_frame_num_minus4 in 
>> the SPS?

[Boyuan] Right, we hardcoded log2_max_frame_num_minus4 = 1 for now in both sps 
and slice header, we plan to change it in the future.

>>> +
>>> +   if (enc->enc_pic.h264_enc_params.input_picture_structure != 
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x1, 1);
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 
>>> enc->enc_pic.h264_enc_params.input_picture_structure == 
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   if (enc->enc_pic.is_idr)
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>> Please make idr_pic_id change between successive IDR pictures.  This is 
>> required if they are adjacent, and is generally a good idea even if they 
>> aren't.

[Boyuan] Thanks for catching this! I fixed it in the new patch.

>> (Or, better yet, use the value from the user.)
>>> +
>>> +   if (enc->enc_pic.pic_order_cnt_type == 0)
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, enc->enc_pic.pic_order_cnt % 
>>> 32, 
>>> +5);
>> Same problem as frame_num with log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4.

[Boyuan] Again, we hardcoded log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 = 1 for now and 
plan to change it in the future.

>>> +
>> B-frames aren't actually supported yet, right?

[Boyuan] No B-frame support yet.

>> (direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag is missing here.)
>>> +   if (enc->enc_pic.picture_type != PIPE_H264_ENC_PICTURE_TYPE_IDR) {
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +
>>> +           if (enc->enc_pic.frame_num - enc->enc_pic.ref_idx_l0 > 1) {
>>> +                   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x1, 1);
>>> +                   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x0);
>>> +                   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, (enc->enc_pic.frame_num - 
>>> +enc->enc_pic.ref_idx_l0 - 1));
>> Does the rest of the code support using this to pick an earlier reference 
>> frame?

[Boyuan] We plan to work on LTR later.

>>> +                   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 0x3);
>>> +           } else
>>> +                   radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   if (enc->enc_pic.is_idr) {
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +   } else
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_fixed_bits(enc, 0x0, 1);
>>> +
>>> +   if ((enc->enc_pic.picture_type != PIPE_H264_ENC_PICTURE_TYPE_IDR) && 
>>> (enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.cabac_enable))
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, enc->enc_pic.spec_misc.cabac_init_idc);
>>> +
>>> +   radeon_enc_flush_headers(enc);
>>> +   bit_index ++;
>>> +   instruction[inst_index] = RENCODE_HEADER_INSTRUCTION_COPY;
>>> +   num_bits[inst_index] = enc->bits_output - bits_copied;
>>> +   bits_copied = enc->bits_output;
>>> +   inst_index++;
>>> +
>>> +   instruction[inst_index] = 
>>> +   inst_index++;
>> Who is going to decide the slice_qp_delta value to go here?

[Boyuan] As explained above, Firmware will.

>>> +
>>> +   radeon_enc_code_ue(enc, 
>>> +enc->enc_pic.h264_deblock.disable_deblocking_filter_idc ? 1: 0);
>> Can also be 2.

[Boyuan] VCN support disabling deblocking filter across slice boundary. 
However, currently our driver doesn’t support it.

Thanks for all the comments, please review the modified the patch for the fixes 
mentioned above.


>>> +
>>> +   if (!enc->enc_pic.h264_deblock.disable_deblocking_filter_idc) {
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_se(enc, 
>>> enc->enc_pic.h264_deblock.alpha_c0_offset_div2);
>>> +           radeon_enc_code_se(enc, 
>>> enc->enc_pic.h264_deblock.beta_offset_div2);
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   radeon_enc_flush_headers(enc);
>>> +   bit_index ++;
>>> +   instruction[inst_index] = RENCODE_HEADER_INSTRUCTION_COPY;
>>> +   num_bits[inst_index] = enc->bits_output - bits_copied;
>>> +   bits_copied = enc->bits_output;
>>> +   inst_index++;
>>> +
>>> +   instruction[inst_index] = RENCODE_HEADER_INSTRUCTION_END;
>>> +
>>> +   for (int i = bit_index; i < 
>>> +           RADEON_ENC_CS(0x00000000);
>>> +
>>> j++) {
>>> +           RADEON_ENC_CS(instruction[j]);
>>> +           RADEON_ENC_CS(num_bits[j]);
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   RADEON_ENC_END();
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>   static void radeon_enc_ctx(struct radeon_encoder *enc)
>>>   {
>>>     enc->enc_pic.ctx_buf.swizzle_mode = 0; @@ -574,6 +801,13 @@ static 
>>> void encode(struct radeon_encoder *enc)
>>>     radeon_enc_session_info(enc);
>>>     enc->total_task_size = 0;
>>>     radeon_enc_task_info(enc, enc->need_feedback);
>>> +
>>> +   if (enc->enc_pic.is_idr) {
>>> +           radeon_enc_nalu_sps(enc);
>>> +           radeon_enc_nalu_pps(enc);
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   radeon_enc_slice_header(enc);
>>>     radeon_enc_ctx(enc);
>>>     radeon_enc_bitstream(enc);
>>>     radeon_enc_feedback(enc);
> Thanks,
> - Mark
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