From: Marek Olšák <>

 src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_blitter.c        | 93 +++++++++++++--------------
 src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_blitter.h        | 12 +++-
 src/gallium/drivers/r300/r300_context.h       |  2 +-
 src/gallium/drivers/r300/r300_render.c        | 14 ++--
 src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.c | 20 +++---
 src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.h |  2 +-
 6 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_blitter.c 
index 6b666b2..37a92d2 100644
--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_blitter.c
+++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_blitter.c
@@ -725,105 +725,96 @@ static void blitter_set_rectangle(struct 
blitter_context_priv *ctx,
    viewport.scale[0] = width / 2.0;
    viewport.scale[1] = height / 2.0;
    viewport.scale[2] = 0;
    viewport.translate[0] = width / 2.0 + x1;
    viewport.translate[1] = height / 2.0 + y1;
    viewport.translate[2] = depth;
    ctx->base.pipe->set_viewport_states(ctx->base.pipe, 0, 1, &viewport);
 static void blitter_set_clear_color(struct blitter_context_priv *ctx,
-                                    const union pipe_color_union *color)
+                                    const uint32_t color[4])
    int i;
    if (color) {
-      for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-         uint32_t *uiverts = (uint32_t *)ctx->vertices[i][1];
-         uiverts[0] = color->ui[0];
-         uiverts[1] = color->ui[1];
-         uiverts[2] = color->ui[2];
-         uiverts[3] = color->ui[3];
-      }
+      for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+         memcpy(&ctx->vertices[i][1][0], color, sizeof(uint32_t) * 4);
    } else {
-      for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-         ctx->vertices[i][1][0] = 0;
-         ctx->vertices[i][1][1] = 0;
-         ctx->vertices[i][1][2] = 0;
-         ctx->vertices[i][1][3] = 0;
-      }
+      for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+         memset(&ctx->vertices[i][1][0], 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * 4);
 static void get_texcoords(struct pipe_sampler_view *src,
                           unsigned src_width0, unsigned src_height0,
                           int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, bool uses_txf,
-                          float out[4])
+                          union blitter_attrib *out)
    unsigned level = src->u.tex.first_level;
    boolean normalized = !uses_txf &&
                         src->target != PIPE_TEXTURE_RECT &&
                         src->texture->nr_samples <= 1;
    if (normalized) {
-      out[0] = x1 / (float)u_minify(src_width0,  level);
-      out[1] = y1 / (float)u_minify(src_height0, level);
-      out[2] = x2 / (float)u_minify(src_width0,  level);
-      out[3] = y2 / (float)u_minify(src_height0, level);
+      out->texcoord.x1 = x1 / (float)u_minify(src_width0,  level);
+      out->texcoord.y1 = y1 / (float)u_minify(src_height0, level);
+      out->texcoord.x2 = x2 / (float)u_minify(src_width0,  level);
+      out->texcoord.y2 = y2 / (float)u_minify(src_height0, level);
    } else {
-      out[0] = (float) x1;
-      out[1] = (float) y1;
-      out[2] = (float) x2;
-      out[3] = (float) y2;
+      out->texcoord.x1 = x1;
+      out->texcoord.y1 = y1;
+      out->texcoord.x2 = x2;
+      out->texcoord.y2 = y2;
-static void set_texcoords_in_vertices(const float coord[4],
+static void set_texcoords_in_vertices(const union blitter_attrib *attrib,
                                       float *out, unsigned stride)
-   out[0] = coord[0]; /*t0.s*/
-   out[1] = coord[1]; /*t0.t*/
+   out[0] = attrib->texcoord.x1;
+   out[1] = attrib->texcoord.y1;
    out += stride;
-   out[0] = coord[2]; /*t1.s*/
-   out[1] = coord[1]; /*t1.t*/
+   out[0] = attrib->texcoord.x2;
+   out[1] = attrib->texcoord.y1;
    out += stride;
-   out[0] = coord[2]; /*t2.s*/
-   out[1] = coord[3]; /*t2.t*/
+   out[0] = attrib->texcoord.x2;
+   out[1] = attrib->texcoord.y2;
    out += stride;
-   out[0] = coord[0]; /*t3.s*/
-   out[1] = coord[3]; /*t3.t*/
+   out[0] = attrib->texcoord.x1;
+   out[1] = attrib->texcoord.y2;
 static void blitter_set_texcoords(struct blitter_context_priv *ctx,
                                   struct pipe_sampler_view *src,
                                   unsigned src_width0, unsigned src_height0,
                                   float layer, unsigned sample,
                                   int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                                   bool uses_txf)
    unsigned i;
-   float coord[4];
+   union blitter_attrib coord;
    float face_coord[4][2];
    get_texcoords(src, src_width0, src_height0, x1, y1, x2, y2, uses_txf,
-                 coord);
+                 &coord);
    if (src->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE ||
        src->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE_ARRAY) {
-      set_texcoords_in_vertices(coord, &face_coord[0][0], 2);
+      set_texcoords_in_vertices(&coord, &face_coord[0][0], 2);
       util_map_texcoords2d_onto_cubemap((unsigned)layer % 6,
                                         /* pointer, stride in floats */
                                         &face_coord[0][0], 2,
                                         &ctx->vertices[0][1][0], 8,
    } else {
-      set_texcoords_in_vertices(coord, &ctx->vertices[0][1][0], 8);
+      set_texcoords_in_vertices(&coord, &ctx->vertices[0][1][0], 8);
    /* Set the layer. */
    switch (src->target) {
    case PIPE_TEXTURE_3D:
          float r = layer;
          if (!uses_txf)
             r /= u_minify(src->texture->depth0, src->u.tex.first_level);
@@ -1257,31 +1248,31 @@ static void blitter_draw(struct blitter_context_priv 
    pipe->set_vertex_buffers(pipe, ctx->base.vb_slot, 1, &vb);
    util_draw_arrays_instanced(pipe, PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4,
                               0, num_instances);
    pipe_resource_reference(&vb.buffer.resource, NULL);
 void util_blitter_draw_rectangle(struct blitter_context *blitter,
                                  int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float depth,
                                  enum blitter_attrib_type type,
-                                 const union pipe_color_union *attrib)
+                                 const union blitter_attrib *attrib)
    struct blitter_context_priv *ctx = (struct blitter_context_priv*)blitter;
    switch (type) {
-         blitter_set_clear_color(ctx, attrib);
+         blitter_set_clear_color(ctx, (uint32_t*)attrib->color);
-         set_texcoords_in_vertices(attrib->f, &ctx->vertices[0][1][0], 8);
+         set_texcoords_in_vertices(attrib, &ctx->vertices[0][1][0], 8);
    blitter_draw(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, depth, 1);
 static void *get_clear_blend_state(struct blitter_context_priv *ctx,
                                    unsigned clear_buffers)
@@ -1370,27 +1361,30 @@ static void util_blitter_clear_custom(struct 
blitter_context *blitter,
                                    custom_blend, custom_dsa);
    sr.ref_value[0] = stencil & 0xff;
    pipe->set_stencil_ref(pipe, &sr);
    pipe->bind_vertex_elements_state(pipe, ctx->velem_state);
    if (num_layers > 1 && ctx->has_layered) {
       blitter_set_common_draw_rect_state(ctx, FALSE, TRUE);
-      blitter_set_clear_color(ctx, color);
+      blitter_set_clear_color(ctx, color->ui);
       blitter_draw(ctx, 0, 0, width, height, depth, num_layers);
    else {
+      union blitter_attrib attrib;
+      memcpy(attrib.color, color->ui, sizeof(color->ui));
       blitter_set_common_draw_rect_state(ctx, FALSE, FALSE);
       blitter->draw_rectangle(blitter, 0, 0, width, height, (float) depth,
-                              UTIL_BLITTER_ATTRIB_COLOR, color);
+                              UTIL_BLITTER_ATTRIB_COLOR, &attrib);
 void util_blitter_clear(struct blitter_context *blitter,
                         unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned num_layers,
@@ -1606,29 +1600,25 @@ static void do_blits(struct blitter_context_priv *ctx,
    fb_state.width = dst->width;
    fb_state.height = dst->height;
    fb_state.nr_cbufs = is_zsbuf ? 0 : 1;
    if ((src_target == PIPE_TEXTURE_1D ||
         src_target == PIPE_TEXTURE_2D ||
         src_target == PIPE_TEXTURE_RECT) &&
        src_samples <= 1) {
       /* Draw the quad with the draw_rectangle callback. */
-      /* Set texture coordinates. - use a pipe color union
-       * for interface purposes.
-       * XXX pipe_color_union is a wrong name since we use that to set
-       * texture coordinates too.
-       */
-      union pipe_color_union coord;
+      /* Set texture coordinates. */
+      union blitter_attrib coord;
       get_texcoords(src, src_width0, src_height0, srcbox->x, srcbox->y,
                     srcbox->x+srcbox->width, srcbox->y+srcbox->height,
-                    uses_txf, coord.f);
+                    uses_txf, &coord);
       /* Set framebuffer state. */
       if (is_zsbuf) {
          fb_state.zsbuf = dst;
       } else {
          fb_state.cbufs[0] = dst;
       pipe->set_framebuffer_state(pipe, &fb_state);
       /* Draw. */
@@ -2088,27 +2078,30 @@ void util_blitter_clear_render_target(struct 
blitter_context *blitter,
    fb_state.height = dstsurf->height;
    fb_state.nr_cbufs = 1;
    fb_state.cbufs[0] = dstsurf;
    fb_state.zsbuf = 0;
    pipe->set_framebuffer_state(pipe, &fb_state);
    pipe->set_sample_mask(pipe, ~0);
    num_layers = dstsurf->u.tex.last_layer - dstsurf->u.tex.first_layer + 1;
    if (num_layers > 1 && ctx->has_layered) {
       blitter_set_common_draw_rect_state(ctx, FALSE, TRUE);
-      blitter_set_clear_color(ctx, color);
+      blitter_set_clear_color(ctx, color->ui);
       blitter_draw(ctx, dstx, dsty, dstx+width, dsty+height, 0, num_layers);
    else {
+      union blitter_attrib attrib;
+      memcpy(attrib.color, color->ui, sizeof(color->ui));
       blitter_set_common_draw_rect_state(ctx, FALSE, FALSE);
       blitter->draw_rectangle(blitter, dstx, dsty, dstx+width, dsty+height, 0,
-                              UTIL_BLITTER_ATTRIB_COLOR, color);
+                              UTIL_BLITTER_ATTRIB_COLOR, &attrib);
 /* Clear a region of a depth stencil surface. */
diff --git a/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_blitter.h 
index 34f181b..07429f6 100644
--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_blitter.h
+++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_blitter.h
@@ -37,20 +37,28 @@ extern "C" {
 struct pipe_context;
 enum blitter_attrib_type {
+union blitter_attrib {
+   float color[4];
+   struct {
+      float x1, y1, x2, y2;
+   } texcoord;
 struct blitter_context
     * Draw a rectangle.
     * \param x1      An X coordinate of the top-left corner.
     * \param y1      A Y coordinate of the top-left corner.
     * \param x2      An X coordinate of the bottom-right corner.
     * \param y2      A Y coordinate of the bottom-right corner.
     * \param depth   A depth which the rectangle is rendered at.
@@ -68,21 +76,21 @@ struct blitter_context
     * \param attrib See type.
     * \note A driver may optionally override this callback to implement
     *       a specialized hardware path for drawing a rectangle, e.g. using
     *       a rectangular point sprite.
    void (*draw_rectangle)(struct blitter_context *blitter,
                           int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                           float depth,
                           enum blitter_attrib_type type,
-                          const union pipe_color_union *color);
+                          const union blitter_attrib *attrib);
    /* Whether the blitter is running. */
    boolean running;
    /* Private members, really. */
    struct pipe_context *pipe; /**< pipe context */
    void *saved_blend_state;   /**< blend state */
    void *saved_dsa_state;     /**< depth stencil alpha state */
    void *saved_velem_state;   /**< vertex elements state */
@@ -141,21 +149,21 @@ struct pipe_context *util_blitter_get_pipe(struct 
blitter_context *blitter)
  * Override PIPE_CAP_TEXTURE_MULTISAMPLE as reported by the driver.
 void util_blitter_set_texture_multisample(struct blitter_context *blitter,
                                           boolean supported);
 /* The default function to draw a rectangle. This can only be used
  * inside of the draw_rectangle callback if the driver overrides it. */
 void util_blitter_draw_rectangle(struct blitter_context *blitter,
                                  int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float depth,
                                  enum blitter_attrib_type type,
-                                 const union pipe_color_union *attrib);
+                                 const union blitter_attrib *attrib);
  * These states must be saved before any of the following functions are called:
  * - vertex buffers
  * - vertex elements
  * - vertex shader
  * - geometry shader (if supported)
  * - stream output targets (if supported)
  * - rasterizer state
diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/r300/r300_context.h 
index ce1fab4..a99d50f 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/r300/r300_context.h
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/r300/r300_context.h
@@ -739,21 +739,21 @@ void r300_translate_index_buffer(struct r300_context 
 /* r300_render_stencilref.c */
 void r300_plug_in_stencil_ref_fallback(struct r300_context *r300);
 /* r300_render.c */
 void r500_emit_index_bias(struct r300_context *r300, int index_bias);
 void r300_blitter_draw_rectangle(struct blitter_context *blitter,
                                  int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                                  float depth,
                                  enum blitter_attrib_type type,
-                                 const union pipe_color_union *attrib);
+                                 const union blitter_attrib *attrib);
 /* r300_state.c */
 enum r300_fb_state_change {
     R300_CHANGED_FB_STATE = 0,
 void r300_mark_fb_state_dirty(struct r300_context *r300,
diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/r300/r300_render.c 
index 8eca143..e1fabe4 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/r300/r300_render.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/r300/r300_render.c
@@ -1109,31 +1109,31 @@ struct draw_stage* r300_draw_stage(struct r300_context* 
 /* This functions is used to draw a rectangle for the blitter module.
  * If we rendered a quad, the pixels on the main diagonal
  * would be computed and stored twice, which makes the clear/copy codepaths
  * somewhat inefficient. Instead we use a rectangular point sprite. */
 void r300_blitter_draw_rectangle(struct blitter_context *blitter,
                                  int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                                  float depth,
                                  enum blitter_attrib_type type,
-                                 const union pipe_color_union *attrib)
+                                 const union blitter_attrib *attrib)
     struct r300_context *r300 = r300_context(util_blitter_get_pipe(blitter));
     unsigned last_sprite_coord_enable = r300->sprite_coord_enable;
     unsigned width = x2 - x1;
     unsigned height = y2 - y1;
     unsigned vertex_size =
             type == UTIL_BLITTER_ATTRIB_COLOR || !r300->draw ? 8 : 4;
     unsigned dwords = 13 + vertex_size +
                       (type == UTIL_BLITTER_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD ? 7 : 0);
-    static const union pipe_color_union zeros;
+    static const union blitter_attrib zeros;
     /* XXX workaround for a lockup in MSAA resolve on SWTCL chipsets, this
      * function most probably doesn't handle type=NONE correctly */
     if (!r300->screen->caps.has_tcl && type == UTIL_BLITTER_ATTRIB_NONE) {
         util_blitter_draw_rectangle(blitter, x1, y1, x2, y2, depth, type, 
     if (r300->skip_rendering)
@@ -1154,24 +1154,24 @@ void r300_blitter_draw_rectangle(struct blitter_context 
     /* Set up GA. */
     OUT_CS_REG(R300_GA_POINT_SIZE, (height * 6) | ((width * 6) << 16));
         /* Set up the GA to generate texcoords. */
                    (R300_GB_TEX_STR << R300_GB_TEX0_SOURCE_SHIFT));
         OUT_CS_REG_SEQ(R300_GA_POINT_S0, 4);
-        OUT_CS_32F(attrib->f[0]);
-        OUT_CS_32F(attrib->f[3]);
-        OUT_CS_32F(attrib->f[2]);
-        OUT_CS_32F(attrib->f[1]);
+        OUT_CS_32F(attrib->texcoord.x1);
+        OUT_CS_32F(attrib->texcoord.y2);
+        OUT_CS_32F(attrib->texcoord.x2);
+        OUT_CS_32F(attrib->texcoord.y1);
     /* Set up VAP controls. */
     OUT_CS_REG(R300_VAP_VTX_SIZE, vertex_size);
@@ -1181,21 +1181,21 @@ void r300_blitter_draw_rectangle(struct blitter_context 
     OUT_CS_32F(x1 + width * 0.5f);
     OUT_CS_32F(y1 + height * 0.5f);
     if (vertex_size == 8) {
         if (!attrib)
             attrib = &zeros;
-        OUT_CS_TABLE(attrib->f, 4);
+        OUT_CS_TABLE(attrib->color, 4);
     /* Restore the state. */
     r300_mark_atom_dirty(r300, &r300->rs_state);
     r300_mark_atom_dirty(r300, &r300->viewport_state);
     r300->sprite_coord_enable = last_sprite_coord_enable;
diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.c 
index 847527a..9619031 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.c
@@ -200,21 +200,21 @@ void r600_gfx_wait_fence(struct r600_common_context *ctx,
        radeon_emit(cs, va);
        radeon_emit(cs, va >> 32);
        radeon_emit(cs, ref); /* reference value */
        radeon_emit(cs, mask); /* mask */
        radeon_emit(cs, 4); /* poll interval */
 void r600_draw_rectangle(struct blitter_context *blitter,
                         int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float depth,
                         enum blitter_attrib_type type,
-                        const union pipe_color_union *attrib)
+                        const union blitter_attrib *attrib)
        struct r600_common_context *rctx =
                (struct r600_common_context*)util_blitter_get_pipe(blitter);
        struct pipe_viewport_state viewport;
        struct pipe_resource *buf = NULL;
        unsigned offset = 0;
        float *vb;
        /* Some operations (like color resolve on r6xx) don't work
         * with the conventional primitive types.
@@ -251,31 +251,31 @@ void r600_draw_rectangle(struct blitter_context *blitter,
        vb[10] = 0;
        vb[11] = 1;
        vb[16] = 1;
        vb[17] = -1;
        vb[18] = 0;
        vb[19] = 1;
        switch (type) {
-               memcpy(vb+4, attrib->f, sizeof(float)*4);
-               memcpy(vb+12, attrib->f, sizeof(float)*4);
-               memcpy(vb+20, attrib->f, sizeof(float)*4);
+               memcpy(vb+4, attrib->color, sizeof(float)*4);
+               memcpy(vb+12, attrib->color, sizeof(float)*4);
+               memcpy(vb+20, attrib->color, sizeof(float)*4);
-               vb[4] = attrib->f[0]; /* x1 */
-               vb[5] = attrib->f[1]; /* y1 */
-               vb[12] = attrib->f[0]; /* x1 */
-               vb[13] = attrib->f[3]; /* y2 */
-               vb[20] = attrib->f[2]; /* x2 */
-               vb[21] = attrib->f[1]; /* y1 */
+               vb[4] = attrib->texcoord.x1;
+               vb[5] = attrib->texcoord.y1;
+               vb[12] = attrib->texcoord.x1;
+               vb[13] = attrib->texcoord.y2;
+               vb[20] = attrib->texcoord.x2;
+               vb[21] = attrib->texcoord.y1;
        default:; /* Nothing to do. */
        /* draw */
        util_draw_vertex_buffer(&rctx->b, NULL, buf, blitter->vb_slot, offset,
                                R600_PRIM_RECTANGLE_LIST, 3, 2);
        pipe_resource_reference(&buf, NULL);
diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.h 
index c7e4c8a..d9cd659 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.h
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.h
@@ -748,21 +748,21 @@ void r600_gfx_write_event_eop(struct r600_common_context 
                              unsigned event, unsigned event_flags,
                              unsigned data_sel,
                              struct r600_resource *buf, uint64_t va,
                              uint32_t new_fence, unsigned query_type);
 unsigned r600_gfx_write_fence_dwords(struct r600_common_screen *screen);
 void r600_gfx_wait_fence(struct r600_common_context *ctx,
                         uint64_t va, uint32_t ref, uint32_t mask);
 void r600_draw_rectangle(struct blitter_context *blitter,
                         int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float depth,
                         enum blitter_attrib_type type,
-                        const union pipe_color_union *attrib);
+                        const union blitter_attrib *attrib);
 bool r600_common_screen_init(struct r600_common_screen *rscreen,
                             struct radeon_winsys *ws);
 void r600_destroy_common_screen(struct r600_common_screen *rscreen);
 void r600_preflush_suspend_features(struct r600_common_context *ctx);
 void r600_postflush_resume_features(struct r600_common_context *ctx);
 bool r600_common_context_init(struct r600_common_context *rctx,
                              struct r600_common_screen *rscreen,
                              unsigned context_flags);
 void r600_common_context_cleanup(struct r600_common_context *rctx);
 bool r600_can_dump_shader(struct r600_common_screen *rscreen,

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