Signed-off-by: Lionel Landwerlin <>
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_performance_query.c | 49 ++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_performance_query.c 
index 81389dbd3e3..d1e84506123 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_performance_query.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_performance_query.c
@@ -1826,26 +1826,25 @@ init_oa_sys_vars(struct brw_context *brw, const char 
    brw->perfquery.sys_vars.gt_min_freq = min_freq_mhz * 1000000;
    brw->perfquery.sys_vars.gt_max_freq = max_freq_mhz * 1000000;
    brw->perfquery.sys_vars.timestamp_frequency = devinfo->timestamp_frequency;
+   brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eu_slices = devinfo->num_slices;
+   /* Assuming uniform distribution of subslices per slices. */
+   brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eu_sub_slices = devinfo->num_subslices[0];
    if (devinfo->is_haswell) {
+      brw->perfquery.sys_vars.slice_mask = 0;
+      brw->perfquery.sys_vars.subslice_mask = 0;
+      for (int s = 0; s < devinfo->num_slices; s++)
+         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.slice_mask |= 1U << s;
+      for (int ss = 0; ss < devinfo->num_subslices[0]; ss++)
+         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.subslice_mask |= 1U << ss;
       if (devinfo->gt == 1) {
          brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eus = 10;
-         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eu_slices = 1;
-         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eu_sub_slices = 1;
-         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.slice_mask = 0x1;
-         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.subslice_mask = 0x1;
       } else if (devinfo->gt == 2) {
          brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eus = 20;
-         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eu_slices = 1;
-         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eu_sub_slices = 2;
-         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.slice_mask = 0x1;
-         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.subslice_mask = 0x3;
       } else if (devinfo->gt == 3) {
          brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eus = 40;
-         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eu_slices = 2;
-         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eu_sub_slices = 2;
-         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.slice_mask = 0x3;
-         brw->perfquery.sys_vars.subslice_mask = 0xf;
       } else
          unreachable("not reached");
    } else {
@@ -1855,29 +1854,15 @@ init_oa_sys_vars(struct brw_context *brw, const char 
       int n_eus = 0;
       int slice_mask = 0;
       int ss_mask = 0;
-      int s_max = devinfo->num_slices; /* maximum number of slices */
-      int ss_max = 0; /* maximum number of subslices per slice */
+      /* maximum number of slices */
+      int s_max = devinfo->num_slices;
+      /* maximum number of subslices per slice (assuming uniform subslices per
+       * slices)
+       */
+      int ss_max = devinfo->num_subslices[0];
       uint64_t subslice_mask = 0;
       int s;
-      if (devinfo->gen == 8) {
-         if (devinfo->gt == 1) {
-            ss_max = 2;
-         } else {
-            ss_max = 3;
-         }
-      } else if (devinfo->gen == 9) {
-         /* XXX: beware that the kernel (as of writing) actually works as if
-          * ss_max == 4 since the HW register that reports the global subslice
-          * mask has 4 bits while in practice the limit is 3. It's also
-          * important that we initialize $SubsliceMask with 3 bits per slice
-          * since that's what the counter availability expressions in XML
-          * expect.
-          */
-         ss_max = 3;
-      } else
-         return false;
       gp.param = I915_PARAM_EU_TOTAL;
       gp.value = &n_eus;
       ret = drmIoctl(screen->fd, DRM_IOCTL_I915_GETPARAM, &gp);

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