On 26 June 2017 at 17:14, Rowley, Timothy O <timothy.o.row...@intel.com> wrote:
> On Jun 26, 2017, at 7:57 AM, Emil Velikov <emil.l.veli...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> +.INTERMEDIATE: backend.intermediate
>> I have limited experience with .INTERMEDIATE and it didn't seem to
>> bring single/incremental build times improvements.
>> Have you seen any on your end? If not I'll just drop it.
> I’m not really familiar with .INTERMEDIATE myself; found it when googling
> around looking for a way to specify a code generator rule that produced
> multiple files.  If there’s a better/cleaner way of doing this I’d like to
> hear about it.
AFAICT one can omit the line all together. I doubt it will hurt
anything so don't bother removing it, just yet.

>> Hardcoding file names in generator scripts tends to be a bad idea. One
>> example is the extra code needed to generate the cmake bits :-)
>> One could prune that, but it's not a priority AFAICT.
> I would like to be able to wildcard on the generated name, but it seems that
> automake wants to have a static list of filenames at invocation.  Our cmake
> approach internally generates a cmake fragment that is included by the
> parent cmake, which is a little confusing but adds flexibility.
Automake can use wildcards and template/suffix rules. Although we try
to omit the former.

Can you share the flexibility points - I can only think of drawbacks.

I'm assuming your flow is as follows:
 A Ok, let's build the project
 B First go into go and execute a 'random file with magic arguments'
 C Now you can build via cmake

Doing any of the following and you're in a world of hurt:
 - Forget to do B - enjoy the strange error messages that you'll get ;-)
 - Do B, even when the file or any of it's dependencies have not changed.
Your cmake files (and hence whole build) will be rebuild unnecessarily.

I think you/the team might have experienced some of those :-P
Either way, I'll stop now since it's getting a tad much.

P.S. Can we bribe you back to use plain text emails - I had to redo
the email formatting :-\
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