 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp.c | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_clear.c | 56 ---------------------------------
 2 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp.c 
index 0d1ccd3..1e4c0de 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp.c
@@ -1030,6 +1030,49 @@ intel_hiz_exec(struct brw_context *brw, struct 
intel_mipmap_tree *mt,
    DBG("%s %s to mt %p level %d layers %d-%d\n",
        __func__, opname, mt, level, start_layer, start_layer + num_layers - 1);
+   if (op == BLORP_HIZ_OP_DEPTH_CLEAR) {
+      if (brw->gen == 6) {
+         /* From the Sandy Bridge PRM, volume 2 part 1, page 313:
+          *
+          *   "If other rendering operations have preceded this clear, a
+          *   PIPE_CONTROL with write cache flush enabled and Z-inhibit
+          *   disabled must be issued before the rectangle primitive used for
+          *   the depth buffer clear operation.
+          */
+          brw_emit_pipe_control_flush(brw,
+                                      PIPE_CONTROL_RENDER_TARGET_FLUSH |
+                                      PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH |
+                                      PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL);
+      } else if (brw->gen >= 7) {
+         /*
+          * From the Ivybridge PRM, volume 2, "Depth Buffer Clear":
+          *
+          *   If other rendering operations have preceded this clear, a
+          *   PIPE_CONTROL with depth cache flush enabled, Depth Stall bit
+          *   enabled must be issued before the rectangle primitive used for
+          *   the depth buffer clear operation.
+          *
+          * Same applies for Gen8 and Gen9.
+          *
+          * In addition, from the Ivybridge PRM, volume 2,
+          * PIPE_CONTROL, Depth Cache Flush Enable:
+          *
+          *   This bit must not be set when Depth Stall Enable bit is set in
+          *   this packet.
+          *
+          * This is confirmed to hold for real, HSW gets immediate gpu hangs.
+          *
+          * Therefore issue two pipe control flushes, one for cache flush and
+          * another for depth stall.
+          */
+          brw_emit_pipe_control_flush(brw,
+                                      PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH |
+                                      PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL);
+          brw_emit_pipe_control_flush(brw, PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_STALL);
+      }
+   }
    if (brw->gen >= 8) {
       for (unsigned a = 0; a < num_layers; a++)
          gen8_hiz_exec(brw, mt, level, start_layer + a, op);
@@ -1037,4 +1080,19 @@ intel_hiz_exec(struct brw_context *brw, struct 
intel_mipmap_tree *mt,
       for (unsigned a = 0; a < num_layers; a++)
          gen6_blorp_hiz_exec(brw, mt, level, start_layer + a, op);
+   if (brw->gen == 6 && op == BLORP_HIZ_OP_DEPTH_CLEAR) {
+      /* From the Sandy Bridge PRM, volume 2 part 1, page 314:
+       *
+       *     "DevSNB, DevSNB-B{W/A}]: Depth buffer clear pass must be followed
+       *      by a PIPE_CONTROL command with DEPTH_STALL bit set and Then
+       *      followed by Depth FLUSH'
+      */
+      brw_emit_pipe_control_flush(brw,
+                                  PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_STALL);
+      brw_emit_pipe_control_flush(brw,
+                                  PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH |
+                                  PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL);
+   }
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_clear.c 
index f42ea38..ad0d977 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_clear.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_clear.c
@@ -166,47 +166,6 @@ brw_fast_clear_depth(struct gl_context *ctx)
       mt->fast_clear_color.f32[0] = ctx->Depth.Clear;
-   if (brw->gen == 6) {
-      /* From the Sandy Bridge PRM, volume 2 part 1, page 313:
-       *
-       *   "If other rendering operations have preceded this clear, a
-       *    PIPE_CONTROL with write cache flush enabled and Z-inhibit disabled
-       *    must be issued before the rectangle primitive used for the depth
-       *    buffer clear operation.
-       */
-       brw_emit_pipe_control_flush(brw,
-                                   PIPE_CONTROL_RENDER_TARGET_FLUSH |
-                                   PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH |
-                                   PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL);
-   } else if (brw->gen >= 7) {
-      /*
-       * From the Ivybridge PRM, volume 2, "Depth Buffer Clear":
-       *
-       *   If other rendering operations have preceded this clear, a
-       *   PIPE_CONTROL with depth cache flush enabled, Depth Stall bit
-       *   enabled must be issued before the rectangle primitive used for the
-       *   depth buffer clear operation.
-       *
-       * Same applies for Gen8 and Gen9.
-       *
-       * In addition, from the Ivybridge PRM, volume 2, PIPE_CONTROL,
-       * Depth Cache Flush Enable:
-       *
-       *   This bit must not be set when Depth Stall Enable bit is set in
-       *   this packet.
-       *
-       * This is confirmed to hold for real, HSW gets immediate gpu hangs.
-       *
-       * Therefore issue two pipe control flushes, one for cache flush and
-       * another for depth stall.
-       */
-       brw_emit_pipe_control_flush(brw,
-                                   PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH |
-                                   PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL);
-       brw_emit_pipe_control_flush(brw, PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_STALL);
-   }
    if (fb->MaxNumLayers > 0) {
       intel_hiz_exec(brw, mt, depth_irb->mt_level,
                      depth_irb->mt_layer, depth_irb->layer_count,
@@ -216,21 +175,6 @@ brw_fast_clear_depth(struct gl_context *ctx)
-   if (brw->gen == 6) {
-      /* From the Sandy Bridge PRM, volume 2 part 1, page 314:
-       *
-       *     "DevSNB, DevSNB-B{W/A}]: Depth buffer clear pass must be followed
-       *      by a PIPE_CONTROL command with DEPTH_STALL bit set and Then
-       *      followed by Depth FLUSH'
-      */
-      brw_emit_pipe_control_flush(brw,
-                                  PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_STALL);
-      brw_emit_pipe_control_flush(brw,
-                                  PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH |
-                                  PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL);
-   }
    /* Now, the HiZ buffer contains data that needs to be resolved to the depth
     * buffer.

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