On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 10:00 PM, Thomas Helland
<thomashellan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Would this be a win for a game limited by the winsys/buffer handling?
> I played some Hitman the other day, and noticed my gpu-utilization
> was hovering at about 80%. Some profiling later and I concluded
> that one thread was pegged at 100% doing buffer handling work.
> amdgpu_cs_add_buffer, amdgpu_lookup_buffer, the cso_hash,
> and a couple other functions related to the winsys where the hottest.
> Should I expect that to be mitigated by your threaded_gallium work,
> or by this patch series? If so, I will not delve into that much further =)

amdgpu_cs_add_buffer and amdgpu_lookup_buffer overhead will definitely
be hidden by threaded gallium. cso_hash will not.

I don't think what you're seeing is related, but I'd be interested in
a screenshot of sysprof showing what you described.

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