We were doing it in the caller in the renderbuffer code, but it was
missed in the separate stencil creation for textures.  Apparently our
testing was using renderbuffers or pre-aligned sizes.
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_fbo.c         |   44 +----------------------
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_mipmap_tree.c |   31 +++++++++++------
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_mipmap_tree.h |    2 -
 3 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_fbo.c 
index 1980355..ebd218f 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_fbo.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_fbo.c
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ intel_alloc_renderbuffer_storage(struct gl_context * ctx, 
struct gl_renderbuffer
    struct intel_context *intel = intel_context(ctx);
    struct intel_renderbuffer *irb = intel_renderbuffer(rb);
-   int cpp, tiling;
+   int cpp;
    ASSERT(rb->Name != 0);
@@ -226,7 +226,6 @@ intel_alloc_renderbuffer_storage(struct gl_context * ctx, 
struct gl_renderbuffer
    rb->Height = height;
    rb->_BaseFormat = _mesa_base_fbo_format(ctx, internalFormat);
    rb->DataType = intel_mesa_format_to_rb_datatype(rb->Format);
-   cpp = _mesa_get_format_bytes(rb->Format);
@@ -236,45 +235,7 @@ intel_alloc_renderbuffer_storage(struct gl_context * ctx, 
struct gl_renderbuffer
        _mesa_get_format_name(rb->Format), width, height);
-   tiling = I915_TILING_NONE;
-   if (intel->use_texture_tiling) {
-      GLenum base_format = _mesa_get_format_base_format(rb->Format);
-      if (intel->gen >= 4 && (base_format == GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT ||
-                             base_format == GL_STENCIL_INDEX ||
-                             base_format == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL))
-        tiling = I915_TILING_Y;
-      else
-        tiling = I915_TILING_X;
-   }
-   if (irb->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8) {
-      /*
-       * The stencil buffer is W tiled. However, we request from the kernel a
-       * non-tiled buffer because the GTT is incapable of W fencing.
-       *
-       * The stencil buffer has quirky pitch requirements.  From Vol 2a,
-       * 3DSTATE_STENCIL_BUFFER, field "Surface Pitch":
-       *    The pitch must be set to 2x the value computed based on width, as
-       *    the stencil buffer is stored with two rows interleaved.
-       * To accomplish this, we resort to the nasty hack of doubling the drm
-       * region's cpp and halving its height.
-       *
-       * If we neglect to double the pitch, then render corruption occurs.
-       */
-      irb->mt = intel_miptree_create_for_renderbuffer(
-                 intel,
-                 rb->Format,
-                 I915_TILING_NONE,
-                 cpp * 2,
-                 ALIGN(width, 64),
-                 ALIGN((height + 1) / 2, 64));
-      if (!irb->mt)
-        return false;
-   } else if (irb->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24
-             && intel->has_separate_stencil) {
+   if (irb->Base.Format == MESA_FORMAT_S8_Z24 && intel->has_separate_stencil) {
       bool ok = true;
       struct gl_renderbuffer *depth_rb;
       struct gl_renderbuffer *stencil_rb;
@@ -315,7 +276,6 @@ intel_alloc_renderbuffer_storage(struct gl_context * ctx, 
struct gl_renderbuffer
    } else {
       irb->mt = intel_miptree_create_for_renderbuffer(intel, rb->Format,
-                                                      tiling, cpp,
                                                       width, height);
       if (!irb->mt)
         return false;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_mipmap_tree.c 
index 160e5cc..989038e 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_mipmap_tree.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_mipmap_tree.c
@@ -162,12 +162,28 @@ intel_miptree_create(struct intel_context *intel,
          (base_format == GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT ||
           base_format == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT))
         tiling = I915_TILING_Y;
-      else if (format == MESA_FORMAT_S8)
-        tiling = I915_TILING_NONE;
       else if (width0 >= 64)
         tiling = I915_TILING_X;
+   if (format == MESA_FORMAT_S8) {
+      /* The stencil buffer is W tiled. However, we request from the kernel a
+       * non-tiled buffer because the GTT is incapable of W fencing.
+       *
+       * The stencil buffer has quirky pitch requirements.  From Vol 2a,
+       * 3DSTATE_STENCIL_BUFFER, field "Surface Pitch":
+       *    The pitch must be set to 2x the value computed based on width, as
+       *    the stencil buffer is stored with two rows interleaved.
+       * To accomplish this, we resort to the nasty hack of doubling the drm
+       * region's cpp and halving its height.
+       *
+       * If we neglect to double the pitch, then render corruption occurs.
+       */
+      tiling = I915_TILING_NONE;
+      width0 = ALIGN(width0, 64);
+      height0 = ALIGN((height0 + 1) / 2, 64);
+   }
    mt = intel_miptree_create_internal(intel, target, format,
                                      first_level, last_level, width0,
                                      height0, depth0);
@@ -217,21 +233,14 @@ intel_miptree_create_for_region(struct intel_context 
 struct intel_mipmap_tree*
 intel_miptree_create_for_renderbuffer(struct intel_context *intel,
                                       gl_format format,
-                                      uint32_t tiling,
-                                      uint32_t cpp,
                                       uint32_t width,
                                       uint32_t height)
-   struct intel_region *region;
    struct intel_mipmap_tree *mt;
-   region = intel_region_alloc(intel->intelScreen,
-                               tiling, cpp, width, height, true);
-   if (!region)
-      return NULL;
+   mt = intel_miptree_create(intel, GL_TEXTURE_2D, format, 0, 0,
+                            width, height, 1, true);
-   mt = intel_miptree_create_for_region(intel, GL_TEXTURE_2D, format, region);
-   intel_region_release(&region);
    return mt;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_mipmap_tree.h 
index 24c00ac..c24fa8e 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_mipmap_tree.h
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_mipmap_tree.h
@@ -246,8 +246,6 @@ intel_miptree_create_for_region(struct intel_context *intel,
 struct intel_mipmap_tree*
 intel_miptree_create_for_renderbuffer(struct intel_context *intel,
                                       gl_format format,
-                                      uint32_t tiling,
-                                      uint32_t cpp,
                                       uint32_t width,
                                       uint32_t height);

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