When the GS is not in use, the entire URB space is available for the
VS.  When the GS is in use, we split the URB space 50/50.

The 50/50 split is probably not optimal--we'll probably want tune this
for performance in a future patch.  For example, in most situations,
it's probably worth allocating more than 50% of the space to the VS,
since VS space is used for vertex caching.  But for now this is good

Based on previous work by: Kenneth Graunke <kenn...@whitecape.org>
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.c |    1 +
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.h |    5 ++
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/gen6_urb.c    |   69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 3 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.c 
index a9b935e..0e0ea16 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.c
@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ brwCreateContext(int api,
         brw->urb.max_vs_entries = 128; /* volume 2a (see 3DSTATE_URB) */
         brw->urb.max_gs_entries = 128;
+      brw->urb.gen6_gs_previously_active = false;
    } else if (intel->gen == 5) {
       brw->urb.size = 1024;
       brw->max_vs_threads = 72;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.h 
index 171f3ef..70a45c7 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.h
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.h
@@ -708,6 +708,11 @@ struct brw_context
       GLuint sf_start;
       GLuint cs_start;
       GLuint size; /* Hardware URB size, in KB. */
+      /* gen6: True if the most recently sent _3DSTATE_URB message allocated
+       * URB space for the GS.
+       */
+      bool gen6_gs_previously_active;
    } urb;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/gen6_urb.c 
index d045bf2..2d69cbe 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/gen6_urb.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/gen6_urb.c
@@ -31,35 +31,64 @@
 #include "brw_state.h"
 #include "brw_defines.h"
+ * When the GS is not in use, we assign the entire URB space to the VS.  When
+ * the GS is in use, we split the URB space evenly between the VS and the GS.
+ * This is not ideal, but it's simple.
+ *
+ *           URB size / 2                   URB size / 2
+ *   _____________-______________   _____________-______________
+ *  /                            \ /                            \
+ * +-------------------------------------------------------------+
+ * | Vertex Shader Entries        | Geometry Shader Entries      |
+ * +-------------------------------------------------------------+
+ *
+ * Sandybridge GT1 has 32kB of URB space, while GT2 has 64kB.
+ * (See the Sandybridge PRM, Volume 2, Part 1, Section 1.4.7: 3DSTATE_URB.)
+ */
 static void
 gen6_upload_urb( struct brw_context *brw )
    struct intel_context *intel = &brw->intel;
-   int nr_vs_entries;
+   int nr_vs_entries, nr_gs_entries;
+   int total_urb_size = brw->urb.size * 1024; /* in bytes */
    brw->urb.vs_size = MAX2(brw->vs.prog_data->urb_entry_size, 1);
-   /* Calculate how many VS URB entries fit in the total URB size */
-   nr_vs_entries = (brw->urb.size * 1024) / (brw->urb.vs_size * 128);
+   /* We use the same VUE layout for VS outputs and GS outputs (as it's what
+    * the SF and Clipper expect), so we can simply make the GS URB entry size
+    * the same as for the VS.  This may technically be too large in cases
+    * where we have few vertex attributes and a lot of varyings, since the VS
+    * size is determined by the larger of the two.  For now, it's safe.
+    */
+   brw->urb.gs_size = brw->urb.vs_size;
+   /* Calculate how many entries fit in each stage's section of the URB */
+   if (brw->gs.prog_active) {
+      nr_vs_entries = (total_urb_size/2) / (brw->urb.vs_size * 128);
+      nr_gs_entries = (total_urb_size/2) / (brw->urb.gs_size * 128);
+   } else {
+      nr_vs_entries = total_urb_size / (brw->urb.vs_size * 128);
+      nr_gs_entries = 0;
+   }
+   /* Then clamp to the maximum allowed by the hardware */
    if (nr_vs_entries > brw->urb.max_vs_entries)
       nr_vs_entries = brw->urb.max_vs_entries;
-   /* According to volume 2a, nr_vs_entries must be a multiple of 4. */
-   brw->urb.nr_vs_entries = ROUND_DOWN_TO(nr_vs_entries, 4);
+   if (nr_gs_entries > brw->urb.max_gs_entries)
+      nr_gs_entries = brw->urb.max_gs_entries;
-   /* Since we currently don't support Geometry Shaders, we always put the
-    * GS unit in passthrough mode and don't allocate it any URB space.
-    */
-   brw->urb.nr_gs_entries = 0;
-   brw->urb.gs_size = 1; /* Incorrect, but with 0 GS entries it doesn't 
matter. */
+   /* Finally, both must be a multiple of 4 (see 3DSTATE_URB in the PRM). */
+   brw->urb.nr_vs_entries = ROUND_DOWN_TO(nr_vs_entries, 4);
+   brw->urb.nr_gs_entries = ROUND_DOWN_TO(nr_gs_entries, 4);
    assert(brw->urb.nr_vs_entries >= 24);
    assert(brw->urb.nr_vs_entries % 4 == 0);
    assert(brw->urb.nr_gs_entries % 4 == 0);
-   /* GS requirement */
-   assert(!brw->gs.prog_active || brw->urb.vs_size < 5);
+   assert(brw->urb.vs_size < 5);
+   assert(brw->urb.gs_size < 5);
    OUT_BATCH(_3DSTATE_URB << 16 | (3 - 2));
@@ -68,6 +97,22 @@ gen6_upload_urb( struct brw_context *brw )
    OUT_BATCH(((brw->urb.gs_size - 1) << GEN6_URB_GS_SIZE_SHIFT) |
             ((brw->urb.nr_gs_entries) << GEN6_URB_GS_ENTRIES_SHIFT));
+   /* From the PRM Volume 2 part 1, section 1.4.7:
+    *
+    *   Because of a urb corruption caused by allocating a previous gsunit’s
+    *   urb entry to vsunit software is required to send a "GS NULL
+    *   Fence"(Send URB fence with VS URB size == 1 and GS URB size == 0) plus
+    *   a dummy DRAW call before any case where VS will be taking over GS URB
+    *   space.
+    *
+    * It is not clear exactly what this means ("URB fence" is a command that
+    * doesn't exist on Gen6).  So for now we just do a full pipeline flush as
+    * a workaround.
+    */
+   if (brw->urb.gen6_gs_previously_active && !brw->gs.prog_active)
+      intel_batchbuffer_emit_mi_flush(intel);
+   brw->urb.gen6_gs_previously_active = brw->gs.prog_active;
 const struct brw_tracked_state gen6_urb = {

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