On 07/03/17 22:39, Francisco Jerez wrote:
> Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez <sigles...@igalia.com> writes:
>> On 04/03/17 01:44, Francisco Jerez wrote:
>>> Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez <sigles...@igalia.com> writes:
>>>> From: Matt Turner <matts...@gmail.com>
>>>> In commit c35fa7a, we changed the "width" of DF source registers to 2,
>>>> which is conceptually fine. Unfortunately a VertStride of 2 is not
>>>> allowed by align16 instructions on IVB/BYT, and the regular VertStride
>>>> of 4 works fine in any case.
>>>> See 
>>>> generated_tests/spec/arb_gpu_shader_fp64/execution/built-in-functions/vs-round-double.shader_test
>>>> for example:
>>>> cmp.ge.f0(8)    g18<1>DF        g1<0>.xyxyDF    -g8<2>DF        { align16 
>>>> 1Q };
>>>>         ERROR: In Align16 mode, only VertStride of 0 or 4 is allowed
>>>> cmp.ge.f0(8)    g19<1>DF        g1<0>.xyxyDF    -g9<2>DF        { align16 
>>>> 2N };
>>>>         ERROR: In Align16 mode, only VertStride of 0 or 4 is allowed
>>>> v2:
>>>> - Add spec quote (Curro).
>>>> - Change the condition to only BRW_VERTICAL_STRIDE_2 (Curro)
>>>> Reviewed-by: Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez <sigles...@igalia.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_eu_emit.c | 44 
>>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
>>>>  1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_eu_emit.c 
>>>> b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_eu_emit.c
>>>> index 03aaa760163..d221405db4d 100644
>>>> --- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_eu_emit.c
>>>> +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_eu_emit.c
>>>> @@ -512,13 +512,25 @@ brw_set_src0(struct brw_codegen *p, brw_inst *inst, 
>>>> struct brw_reg reg)
>>>>           brw_inst_set_src0_da16_swiz_w(devinfo, inst,
>>>>              BRW_GET_SWZ(reg.swizzle, BRW_CHANNEL_W));
>>>> -   /* This is an oddity of the fact we're using the same
>>>> -    * descriptions for registers in align_16 as align_1:
>>>> -    */
>>>> -   if (reg.vstride == BRW_VERTICAL_STRIDE_8)
>>>> +         if (reg.vstride == BRW_VERTICAL_STRIDE_8) {
>>>> +            /* This is an oddity of the fact we're using the same
>>>> +             * descriptions for registers in align_16 as align_1:
>>>> +             */
>>>> +            brw_inst_set_src0_vstride(devinfo, inst, 
>>>> +         } else if (devinfo->gen == 7 && !devinfo->is_haswell &&
>>>> +                    reg.type == BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_DF &&
>>>> +                    reg.vstride == BRW_VERTICAL_STRIDE_2) {
>>>> +            /* From HSW PRM:
>>> This workaround is IVB-specific so the HSW PRM quotation doesn't seem
>>> particularly relevant.  With that fixed here and below patch is:
>> The problem is that this quote is not present in IVB PRM, hence the
>> sentence: "Presumably the DevSNB behavior applies to IVB as well."
> In that case wouldn't it make sense to quote the SNB docs which are the
> ones you claim have any relevance for IVB?

Right. Fixed locally.


>> Looks like it is yet another omission in the PRMs. Adding Matt on Cc
>> just in case he wants to add something.
>>> Reviewed-by: Francisco Jerez <curroje...@riseup.net>
>> Thanks!
>> Sam
>>>> +             *
>>>> +             * "For Align16 access mode, only encodings of 0000, 0010
>>>> +             *  and 0011 are allowed. Other codes are reserved."
>>>> +             *
>>>> +             * Presumably the DevSNB behavior applies to IVB as well.
>>>> +             */
>>>>              brw_inst_set_src0_vstride(devinfo, inst, 
>>>> -   else
>>>> +         } else {
>>>>              brw_inst_set_src0_vstride(devinfo, inst, reg.vstride);
>>>> +         }
>>>>        }
>>>>     }
>>>>  }
>>>> @@ -594,13 +606,25 @@ brw_set_src1(struct brw_codegen *p, brw_inst *inst, 
>>>> struct brw_reg reg)
>>>>           brw_inst_set_src1_da16_swiz_w(devinfo, inst,
>>>>              BRW_GET_SWZ(reg.swizzle, BRW_CHANNEL_W));
>>>> -   /* This is an oddity of the fact we're using the same
>>>> -    * descriptions for registers in align_16 as align_1:
>>>> -    */
>>>> -   if (reg.vstride == BRW_VERTICAL_STRIDE_8)
>>>> +         if (reg.vstride == BRW_VERTICAL_STRIDE_8) {
>>>> +            /* This is an oddity of the fact we're using the same
>>>> +             * descriptions for registers in align_16 as align_1:
>>>> +             */
>>>> +            brw_inst_set_src1_vstride(devinfo, inst, 
>>>> +         } else if (devinfo->gen == 7 && !devinfo->is_haswell &&
>>>> +                    reg.type == BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_DF &&
>>>> +                    reg.vstride == BRW_VERTICAL_STRIDE_2) {
>>>> +            /* From HSW PRM:
>>>> +             *
>>>> +             * "For Align16 access mode, only encodings of 0000, 0010
>>>> +             *  and 0011 are allowed. Other codes are reserved."
>>>> +             *
>>>> +             * Presumably the DevSNB behavior applies to IVB as well.
>>>> +             */
>>>>              brw_inst_set_src1_vstride(devinfo, inst, 
>>>> -   else
>>>> +         } else {
>>>>              brw_inst_set_src1_vstride(devinfo, inst, reg.vstride);
>>>> +         }
>>>>        }
>>>>     }
>>>>  }
>>>> -- 
>>>> 2.11.0
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