I have some comments below, some of them are a bit of work, some of them should be pretty easy.
Dylan Quoting Robert Bragg (2017-02-24 05:58:00) > --- /dev/null > +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_oa.py > @@ -0,0 +1,543 @@ > +#!/usr/bin/env python2 > +# > +# Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation > +# > +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a > +# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), > +# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation > +# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, > +# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the > +# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: > +# > +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next > +# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the > +# Software. > +# > +# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR > +# IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, > +# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL > +# THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER > +# LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING > +# FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER > DEALINGS > +# IN THE SOFTWARE. > + > +import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET use cElementTree, and please import as "et" instead of "ET", ET suggests to me as a pythonista that this is a class not a module. (I know ElementTree is capitalized, but that's a legacy thing, modern python style is modules are lower case with _, classes are CamelCase) > +import argparse > +import sys Also, please sort the imports > + > +def print_err(*args): > + sys.stderr.write(' '.join(map(str,args)) + '\n') unused function > + > +c_file = None > +_c_indent = 0 > + > +def c(*args): > + if c_file: > + code = ' '.join(map(str,args)) > + for line in code.splitlines(): > + text = ''.rjust(_c_indent) + line > + c_file.write(text.rstrip() + "\n") > + > +# indented, but no trailing newline... > +def c_line_start(code): > + if c_file: > + c_file.write(''.rjust(_c_indent) + code) > +def c_raw(code): > + if c_file: > + c_file.write(code) > + > +def c_indent(n): > + global _c_indent > + _c_indent = _c_indent + n > +def c_outdent(n): > + global _c_indent > + _c_indent = _c_indent - n > + > +header_file = None > +_h_indent = 0 > + > +def h(*args): > + if header_file: > + code = ' '.join(map(str,args)) > + for line in code.splitlines(): > + text = ''.rjust(_h_indent) + line > + header_file.write(text.rstrip() + "\n") > + > +def h_indent(n): > + global _c_indent > + _h_indent = _h_indent + n > +def h_outdent(n): > + global _c_indent > + _h_indent = _h_indent - n > + > + > +def emit_fadd(tmp_id, args): > + c("double tmp" + str(tmp_id) +" = " + args[1] + " + " + args[0] + ";") "double tmp {tmp_id} = {args[1]} + {ags[0]};".format(tmp_id=tmp_id, args=args) This avoids the need to explicitly convert to str, and is much more readable. I'd really recommend taking this approach for the rest of the file too, as it will make things much more readable. > + return tmp_id + 1 > + > +# Be careful to check for divide by zero... > +def emit_fdiv(tmp_id, args): > + c("double tmp" + str(tmp_id) +" = " + args[1] + ";") > + c("double tmp" + str(tmp_id + 1) +" = " + args[0] + ";") > + c("double tmp" + str(tmp_id + 2) +" = tmp" + str(tmp_id + 1) + " ? tmp" > + str(tmp_id) + " / tmp" + str(tmp_id + 1) + " : 0;") > + return tmp_id + 3 > + > +def emit_fmax(tmp_id, args): > + c("double tmp" + str(tmp_id) +" = " + args[1] + ";") > + c("double tmp" + str(tmp_id + 1) +" = " + args[0] + ";") > + c("double tmp" + str(tmp_id + 2) +" = MAX(tmp" + str(tmp_id) + ", tmp" + > str(tmp_id + 1) + ");") > + return tmp_id + 3 > + > +def emit_fmul(tmp_id, args): > + c("double tmp" + str(tmp_id) +" = " + args[1] + " * " + args[0] + ";") > + return tmp_id + 1 > + > +def emit_fsub(tmp_id, args): > + c("double tmp" + str(tmp_id) +" = " + args[1] + " - " + args[0] + ";") > + return tmp_id + 1 > + > +def emit_read(tmp_id, args): > + type = args[1].lower() > + c("uint64_t tmp" + str(tmp_id) + " = accumulator[query->" + type + > "_offset + " + args[0] + "];") > + return tmp_id + 1 > + > +def emit_uadd(tmp_id, args): > + c("uint64_t tmp" + str(tmp_id) +" = " + args[1] + " + " + args[0] + ";") > + return tmp_id + 1 > + > +# Be careful to check for divide by zero... > +def emit_udiv(tmp_id, args): > + c("uint64_t tmp" + str(tmp_id) +" = " + args[1] + ";") > + c("uint64_t tmp" + str(tmp_id + 1) +" = " + args[0] + ";") > + c("uint64_t tmp" + str(tmp_id + 2) +" = tmp" + str(tmp_id + 1) + " ? > tmp" + str(tmp_id) + " / tmp" + str(tmp_id + 1) + " : 0;") > + return tmp_id + 3 > + > +def emit_umul(tmp_id, args): > + c("uint64_t tmp" + str(tmp_id) +" = " + args[1] + " * " + args[0] + ";") > + return tmp_id + 1 > + > +def emit_usub(tmp_id, args): > + c("uint64_t tmp" + str(tmp_id) +" = " + args[1] + " - " + args[0] + ";") > + return tmp_id + 1 > + > +def emit_umin(tmp_id, args): > + c("uint64_t tmp" + str(tmp_id) +" = MIN(" + args[1] + ", " + args[0] + > ");") > + return tmp_id + 1 > + > +ops = {} > +# (n operands, emitter) > +ops["FADD"] = (2, emit_fadd) > +ops["FDIV"] = (2, emit_fdiv) > +ops["FMAX"] = (2, emit_fmax) > +ops["FMUL"] = (2, emit_fmul) > +ops["FSUB"] = (2, emit_fsub) > +ops["READ"] = (2, emit_read) > +ops["UADD"] = (2, emit_uadd) > +ops["UDIV"] = (2, emit_udiv) > +ops["UMUL"] = (2, emit_umul) > +ops["USUB"] = (2, emit_usub) > +ops["UMIN"] = (2, emit_umin) > + > +def brkt(subexp): > + if " " in subexp: > + return "(" + subexp + ")" > + else: > + return subexp > + > +def splice_bitwise_and(args): > + return brkt(args[1]) + " & " + brkt(args[0]) > + > +def splice_logical_and(args): > + return brkt(args[1]) + " && " + brkt(args[0]) > + > +def splice_ult(args): > + return brkt(args[1]) + " < " + brkt(args[0]) > + > +def splice_ugte(args): > + return brkt(args[1]) + " >= " + brkt(args[0]) > + > +exp_ops = {} > +# (n operands, splicer) > +exp_ops["AND"] = (2, splice_bitwise_and) > +exp_ops["UGTE"] = (2, splice_ugte) > +exp_ops["ULT"] = (2, splice_ult) > +exp_ops["&&"] = (2, splice_logical_and) > + > + > +hw_vars = {} > +hw_vars["$EuCoresTotalCount"] = "brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eus" > +hw_vars["$EuSlicesTotalCount"] = "brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eu_slices" > +hw_vars["$EuSubslicesTotalCount"] = "brw->perfquery.sys_vars.n_eu_sub_slices" > +hw_vars["$EuThreadsCount"] = "brw->perfquery.sys_vars.eu_threads_count" > +hw_vars["$SliceMask"] = "brw->perfquery.sys_vars.slice_mask" > +hw_vars["$SubsliceMask"] = "brw->perfquery.sys_vars.subslice_mask" > +hw_vars["$GpuTimestampFrequency"] = > "brw->perfquery.sys_vars.timestamp_frequency" > +hw_vars["$GpuMinFrequency"] = "brw->perfquery.sys_vars.gt_min_freq" > +hw_vars["$GpuMaxFrequency"] = "brw->perfquery.sys_vars.gt_max_freq" > + > +counter_vars = {} > + > +def output_rpn_equation_code(set, counter, equation, counter_vars): > + c("/* RPN equation: " + equation + " */") > + tokens = equation.split() > + stack = [] > + tmp_id = 0 > + tmp = None > + > + for token in tokens: > + stack.append(token) > + while stack and stack[-1] in ops: > + op = stack.pop() > + argc, callback = ops[op] > + args = [] > + for i in range(0, argc): Use xrange instead of range > + operand = stack.pop() > + if operand[0] == "$": > + if operand in hw_vars: > + operand = hw_vars[operand] > + elif operand in counter_vars: > + reference = counter_vars[operand] > + operand = read_funcs[operand[1:]] + "(brw, query, > accumulator)" > + else: > + raise Exception("Failed to resolve variable " + > operand + " in equation " + equation + " for " + set.get('name') + " :: " + > counter.get('name')); > + args.append(operand) > + > + tmp_id = callback(tmp_id, args) > + > + tmp = "tmp" + str(tmp_id - 1) > + stack.append(tmp) > + > + if len(stack) != 1: > + raise Exception("Spurious empty rpn code for " + set.get('name') + " > :: " + > + counter.get('name') + ".\nThis is probably due to some > unhandled RPN function, in the equation \"" + > + equation + "\"") > + > + value = stack.pop() > + > + if value in hw_vars: > + value = hw_vars[value]; > + > + c("\nreturn " + value + ";") > + > +def splice_rpn_expression(set, counter, expression): > + tokens = expression.split() > + stack = [] > + > + for token in tokens: > + stack.append(token) > + while stack and stack[-1] in exp_ops: > + op = stack.pop() > + argc, callback = exp_ops[op] > + args = [] > + for i in range(0, argc): > + operand = stack.pop() > + if operand[0] == "$": > + if operand in hw_vars: > + operand = hw_vars[operand] > + else: > + raise Exception("Failed to resolve variable " + > operand + " in expression " + expression + " for " + set.get('name') + " :: " > + counter.get('name')); > + args.append(operand) > + > + subexp = callback(args) > + > + stack.append(subexp) > + > + if len(stack) != 1: > + raise Exception("Spurious empty rpn expression for " + > set.get('name') + " :: " + > + counter.get('name') + ".\nThis is probably due to some > unhandled RPN operation, in the expression \"" + > + expression + "\"") > + > + return stack.pop() You probably don't want to use stack.pop(), it's going to mutate the list before returning, if you just return stack[-1] you avoid the list mutation > + > +def output_counter_read(set, counter, counter_vars): > + c("\n") > + c("/* " + set.get('name') + " :: " + counter.get('name') + " */") > + ret_type = counter.get('data_type') > + if ret_type == "uint64": > + ret_type = "uint64_t" > + > + c("static " + ret_type) > + read_sym = set.get('chipset').lower() + "__" + > set.get('underscore_name') + "__" + counter.get('underscore_name') + "__read" > + c(read_sym + "(struct brw_context *brw,\n") > + c_indent(len(read_sym) + 1) > + c("const struct brw_perf_query_info *query,\n") > + c("uint64_t *accumulator)\n") > + c_outdent(len(read_sym) + 1) > + > + c("{") > + c_indent(3) > + > + output_rpn_equation_code(set, counter, counter.get('equation'), > counter_vars) > + > + c_outdent(3) > + c("}") > + > + return read_sym > + > +def output_counter_max(set, counter, counter_vars): > + max_eq = counter.get('max_equation') > + > + if not max_eq: > + return "0; /* undefined */" > + > + try: > + val = float(max_eq) > + return max_eq + ";" > + except: Be explicit about what exception you expect please, I assume you're looking for ValueError > + pass > + > + # We can only report constant maximum values via INTEL_performance_query > + for token in max_eq.split(): > + if token[0] == '$' and token not in hw_vars: > + return "0; /* unsupported (varies over time) */" > + > + c("\n") > + c("/* " + set.get('name') + " :: " + counter.get('name') + " */") > + ret_type = counter.get('data_type') > + if ret_type == "uint64": > + ret_type = "uint64_t" > + > + c("static " + ret_type) > + max_sym = set.get('chipset').lower() + "__" + set.get('underscore_name') > + "__" + counter.get('underscore_name') + "__max" > + c(max_sym + "(struct brw_context *brw)\n") > + > + c("{") > + c_indent(3) > + > + output_rpn_equation_code(set, counter, max_eq, counter_vars) > + > + c_outdent(3) > + c("}") > + > + return max_sym + "(brw);" > + > +c_type_sizes = { "uint32_t": 4, "uint64_t": 8, "float": 4, "double": 8, > "bool": 4 } > +def sizeof(c_type): > + return c_type_sizes[c_type] > + > +def pot_align(base, pot_alignment): > + return (base + pot_alignment - 1) & ~(pot_alignment - 1); > + > +semantic_type_map = { > + "duration": "raw", > + "ratio": "event" > + } > + > +def output_counter_report(set, counter, current_offset): > + data_type = counter.get('data_type') > + data_type_uc = data_type.upper() > + c_type = data_type > + > + if "uint" in c_type: > + c_type = c_type + "_t" > + > + semantic_type = counter.get('semantic_type') > + if semantic_type in semantic_type_map: > + semantic_type = semantic_type_map[semantic_type] > + > + semantic_type_uc = semantic_type.upper() > + > + c("\n") > + > + availability = counter.get('availability') > + if availability: > + expression = splice_rpn_expression(set, counter, availability) > + lines = expression.split(' && ') > + n_lines = len(lines) > + if n_lines == 1: > + c("if (" + lines[0] + ") {") > + else: > + c("if (" + lines[0] + " &&") > + c_indent(4) > + for i in range(1, (n_lines - 1)): > + c(lines[i] + " &&") > + c(lines[(n_lines - 1)] + ") {") > + c_outdent(4) > + c_indent(3) > + > + c("counter = &query->counters[query->n_counters++];\n") > + c("counter->oa_counter_read_" + data_type + " = " + > read_funcs[counter.get('symbol_name')] + ";\n") > + c("counter->name = \"" + counter.get('name') + "\";\n") > + c("counter->desc = \"" + counter.get('description') + "\";\n") > + c("counter->type = GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_" + semantic_type_uc + > "_INTEL;\n") > + c("counter->data_type = GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_" + data_type_uc + > "_INTEL;\n") > + c("counter->raw_max = " + max_values[counter.get('symbol_name')] + "\n") > + > + current_offset = pot_align(current_offset, sizeof(c_type)) > + c("counter->offset = " + str(current_offset) + ";\n") > + c("counter->size = sizeof(" + c_type + ");\n") > + > + if availability: > + c_outdent(3); > + c("}") > + > + return current_offset + sizeof(c_type) > + wrap this up in a main() function, and add this to the bottom of the file: if __name__ == '__main__': main() this allows the module to be imported without executing the code below, which is extremely helpful for debugging, and is just good practice. > +parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() > +parser.add_argument("xml", help="XML description of metrics") > +parser.add_argument("--header", help="Header file to write") > +parser.add_argument("--code", help="C file to write") > +parser.add_argument("--chipset", help="Chipset to generate code for") > + > +args = parser.parse_args() > + > +chipset = args.chipset.lower() argparse will do this for you, add this to the chipset line: type=lambda c: c.lower() > + > +if args.header: > + header_file = open(args.header, 'w') > + > +if args.code: > + c_file = open(args.code, 'w') If you wrap this up in main() you have two choices, use the global keyword for header_file and c_file or re-architect to not have these as globals. Since the second sounds pretty onerous feel free to just use global. > + > +tree = ET.parse(args.xml) > + > + > +copyright = """/* Autogenerated file, DO NOT EDIT manually! copyright = """\ /* Autogenerated file, DO NOT EDIT manually! generated by: {} > + * > + * Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation > + * > + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a > + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), > + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation > + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, > + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the > + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: > + * > + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next > + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the > + * Software. > + * > + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR > + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, > + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL > + * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER > + * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING > + * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER > + * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. > + */ > + > +""" """.format(os.path.basename(__file__)) Which, with the above change, whill put the name of your file in the autogeneration line, which is rather handy for figuring out which generator to edit :) > + > +h(copyright) > +h("""#pragma once > + > +struct brw_context; > + > +""") > + > +c(copyright) > +c( > +""" > +#include <stdint.h> > +#include <stdbool.h> > + > +#include "util/hash_table.h" > + > +""") > + > +c("#include \"brw_oa_" + chipset + ".h\"") > + > +c( > +""" > +#include "brw_context.h" > +#include "brw_performance_query.h" > + > + > +#define MIN(a, b) ((a < b) ? (a) : (b)) > +#define MAX(a, b) ((a > b) ? (a) : (b)) > + > +""") > + > +for set in tree.findall(".//set"): > + max_values = {} > + read_funcs = {} > + counter_vars = {} > + counters = set.findall("counter") > + > + assert set.get('chipset').lower() == chipset > + > + for counter in counters: > + empty_vars = {} > + read_funcs[counter.get('symbol_name')] = output_counter_read(set, > counter, counter_vars) > + max_values[counter.get('symbol_name')] = output_counter_max(set, > counter, empty_vars) > + counter_vars["$" + counter.get('symbol_name')] = counter > + > + > + c("\nstatic struct brw_perf_query_counter " + chipset + "_" + > set.get('underscore_name') + "_query_counters[" + str(len(counters)) + "];\n") > + c("static struct brw_perf_query_info " + chipset + "_" + > set.get('underscore_name') + "_query = {\n") > + c_indent(3) > + > + c(".kind = OA_COUNTERS,\n") > + c(".name = \"" + set.get('name') + "\",\n") > + c(".guid = \"" + set.get('hw_config_guid') + "\",\n") > + > + c(".counters = " + chipset + "_" + set.get('underscore_name') + > "_query_counters,") > + c(".n_counters = 0,") > + c(".oa_metrics_set_id = 0, /* determined at runtime, via sysfs */") > + > + if chipset == "hsw": > + c(""".oa_format = I915_OA_FORMAT_A45_B8_C8, > + > +/* Accumulation buffer offsets... */ > +.gpu_time_offset = 0, > +.a_offset = 1, > +.b_offset = 46, > +.c_offset = 54, > +""") textwrap.dedent is your friend for readability here. > + else: > + c(""".oa_format = I915_OA_FORMAT_A32u40_A4u32_B8_C8, > + > +/* Accumulation buffer offsets... */ > +.gpu_time_offset = 0, > +.gpu_clock_offset = 1, > +.a_offset = 2, > +.b_offset = 38, > +.c_offset = 46, > +""") > + > + c_outdent(3) > + c("};\n") > + > + c("\nstatic void\n") > + c("register_" + set.get('underscore_name') + "_counter_query(struct > brw_context *brw)\n") > + c("{\n") > + c_indent(3) > + > + c("static struct brw_perf_query_info *query = &" + chipset + "_" + > set.get('underscore_name') + "_query;\n") > + c("struct brw_perf_query_counter *counter;\n") > + > + c("\n") > + c("/* Note: we're assuming there can't be any variation in the > definition ") > + c(" * of a query between contexts so it's ok to describe a query within > a ") > + c(" * global variable which only needs to be initialized once... */") > + c("\nif (!query->data_size) {") > + c_indent(3) > + > + offset = 0 > + for counter in counters: > + offset = output_counter_report(set, counter, offset) > + > + > + c("\nquery->data_size = counter->offset + counter->size;\n") > + > + c_outdent(3) > + c("}"); > + > + c("\n_mesa_hash_table_insert(brw->perfquery.oa_metrics_table, > query->guid, query);") > + > + c_outdent(3) > + c("}\n") > + > +h("void brw_oa_register_queries_" + chipset + "(struct brw_context *brw);\n") > + > +c("\nvoid") > +c("brw_oa_register_queries_" + chipset + "(struct brw_context *brw)") > +c("{") > +c_indent(3) > + > +for set in tree.findall(".//set"): > + c("register_" + set.get('underscore_name') + "_counter_query(brw);") > + > +c_outdent(3) > +c("}") > + > -- > 2.11.1 > > _______________________________________________ > mesa-dev mailing list > mesa-dev@lists.freedesktop.org > https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/mesa-dev
Description: signature
_______________________________________________ mesa-dev mailing list mesa-dev@lists.freedesktop.org https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/mesa-dev